We are finally allowed to show our faces at my hospital, as of noon 4/13. What has changed? Our accrediting agency, DNV (don't get me started) decided to change the rules. Hospitals under their thumbs are now allowed to make their own rules regarding masks. And why did that happen? Because Biden signed the law declaring the emergency over. Two weeks ago our infection control department presented to the C suite an argument to end masking (as many large health systems in Missouri already were). Our area has had "low" community rates for months. However, transmission levels were considered "high" by CDC standards. Infection control was shot down, for our safety. I don't know how they get their transmission numbers or how an area can have cases measuring .00036 of the population yet still have "high" transmission rates. I never could find CDC's formula. Well, guess which number hospitals must go by. Yup, transmission rates. So even if there are only 10 patients with covid in the whole hospital and not one in an ICU, it's masks for all (even the 2 year olds). But now that our sugar daddies that are holding the purse strings say it's ok, I guess it's ok. Guess what? Transmission levels are still considered high/substantial in our county. Numbers haven't changed, just the threat of getting dinged by big daddy government. It's never been about safety, ever. Some of my colleagues were like, "Amy, we thought you'd be so happy!" Sorry, I'm not going to act giddy with gratefulness because I can walk around with my face showing now. It's about 2 years too late.
I can't stand that they do this to both patients and employees. Again, it's so clear that it has NOTHING to do with anyone's health - which I always assumed was the whole purpose of hospitals and the medical profession as a whole! That's the disturbing part.
14,000 LIKES for you, love your comment!!!! I totally agree with you. Any honest virologist (I"m married to one with 55 yrs research under his belt), will tell you vast majority of viruses, and perhaps all of them, are too small to be stopped by the holes in the mask. It's like putting up chicken wire to keep fleas out of your yard. Not only that, but many people have done oxygen tests on these masks and found that within one minute of putting a mask on, your oxygen is lowered by about 95%. Some people have been wearing them all day at work, which I find horrifying. Your brain needs oxygen to stay healthy. I'm an old person and I wonder what these masks do to old people's brains with alot less oxygen? We're already prone to things like dementia, Alzheimer's, etc. I'm glad the mask agendas are ending - for now anyway, but I'm with you, Amy, why the heck were they mandated to begin with? They do nothing to keep you healthy and in fact, do quite a bit to make you unhealthy.
It’s exactly one year since the Federal Transportation Mask Mandate was struck down. I cannot believe many of my friends in the medical field are just now beginning to be able to breathe freely. It goes to show once the government is allowed to do something, good luck taking it away from them.
I read that last night when I received my ACP Annals of Internal Medicine update - I'm a subscriber. And that "for now" stood out.
How can all of the medical science before and again now that authorities have stopped pushing them change so quickly?
Natural, medical science doesn't change like that. Laws of nature are immutable. But...social, behavioral science changes. At the whim of political authorities. To control a population's behavior. Masks are, always have been, and always will be behavioral science-based, applied psychology to provoke a change in perspectives that fosters a change in behavior. Let's just call Behavioral Science "BS."
Authorities diagnosed the public suffered from "optimism bias." So they had to treat our ailment, Rx prescripition: Fear.
Masks prescribled to amplify fear of an invisible threat, scare us apart. Amplify Fear = Terrorize. BS. Mind f-ck. Remember who wore masks pre-2020: Bank robbers, muggers and airplane hijackers. Fear.
It's why BS-based NPI like lockdowns, contact tracing, masks, etc were ignored for BLM protests and rallies. The symbolism of racial grievances were temporarily deemed more important than the symbolism of fear amplification for an invisible disease threat. Symbolism vs symbolism, took them awhile to figure out how to deal with that conundrum, just spew more BS.
Masks were, are and always will be social-behavioral, political science devices. The "for now" is an acknowledgement that politics can and will change and they'll be back when, not if, it does. Unless we refuse to obey. Do not comply. Ever again.
It also lowers our oxygen intake (especially dangerous/harmful to little children whose brains are still developing) and cancer-causing agents have been found in these masks.
During the Spanish Flu epidemic, IIRC, they actually conducted tests, in hospitals, where sick patients forcibly breathed on each other, in an attempt to spread the contagion. Most of the time, nothing happened. (These tests were typically conducted, again IIRC, using prisoners.) So then, shielding the face has been known to be ineffective for decades, at least.
I don’t believe for a second this wasn’t known. It didn’t take a rocket scientist nor a credentialed academic to point this out, it just required censorship to be stopped.
It's getting to be more and more difficult for me to read articles about masking--pros and cons--unless a reference to the Cochrane Library review by Jefferson and Heneghan is included. Is my confirmation bias just getting in my way or are my standards elevated by the quality of the study that has been ignored too often? The latter seems more likely.
I'm so pig SICK of it! I had to visit a loved one in the hospital. I was already stressed and then remembered, oh, no. They will force me to wear it. I somehow managed to get upstairs without one but when I got to desk to sign in, they started. I (politely) started saying I don't wear masks and they cut me off and started being SO nasty to me. I could not leave my father alone. I had to see him. I put it on. Woman was STILL crabbing at me, "Is this visit going to happen or is it not?". I said, "I have it on." Nasty woman. Then I got to the room and pulled it down. I was avoiding eye contact, but they had to have seen me. A nurse even came by to take his vitals. No one said anything. I was trying to speak with a nice attitude. I was polite. The last thing I needed was a fight - and from people who, some of them weren't wearing one or had their noses out. It was so clear that this was a power trip, nothing to do with health. Thank GOD they didn't force him to wear one all day, every day. (Except in the ER. I was horrified when I saw a photo, as another family member went with him.)
Why do people work in hospitals and treat people so rudely? I thought of making a complaint (about this and several other issues) but realized if I do, it will have to be after he's out, so they don't retaliate. The fact that I have to even think that way makes me sick.
Does anyone else have experience visiting people in hospitals? What's the masking situation? I am in Chicago. I don't know how things are in other places. I don't even know if it's still a "law" here to wear them in hospitals. It's so hard when a loved one in there. You don't want to risk being thrown out / not allowed back. Or retaliation. I just don't know what to do.
My experience in Michigan for over a year has been that if you comply just enough to get past the bouncer at the door, then no one cares after that. A couple weeks ago I went to get labs drawn over the lunch hour, to find the lab techs sitting around at the check in desk, masks off, eating Cheetos. It appears that since Monday, masks are now option except in the most high risk places like transplant wards and such. I’ll find out on Wednesday for sure.
Interesting, thank you. I was going to search around online to see the official word but... honestly, it will just stress me out more. If I don't know for sure, I can keep trying to resist as much as I can.
Almost 3 yrs ago husband and I lived in Calif and he had to go to hospital for 10 days. He almost died and it was a miracle he survived OK. I couldn't tell you about the mask situation at his hospital, because I wasn't allowed to go visit him or see him in any way. For 10 days, after he almost died. When he came back to me, his brain had somehow changed and that's when he started losing his memory, which has steadily decreased since then. I don't know what they did to him other than stick one of those PCR sticks up his nose to his brain. He was a virologist for 55 yrs, knew full well about the c 19 scam and had an iq in 160's. I will probably never know what was done to him in hospital.
Almost 30 yrs ago I bought a huge globe on a stand at a garage sale for $80. I had it for years. Somehow, I spilled some green candle wax on it which I never could get off. It was a beautiful globe and quite expensive but I got it at a real bargain. Inside was a bar, perfect for serving the very best scotch or some such. I moved at one point and didn't have room for it so sold it to an antiques dealer in the late 90's for $80. About 8 yrs later I got together with my now husband and moved into his house with him. One day while he was at work, I was cleaning house and took a closer look at something he had which looked familiar. It was a huge globe that was a bar. When I looked closer, I saw it had green candle wax right in the exact spot MY candle wax had been on my globe! It was the same globe and he had bought it at a thrift store for...$80! He bought it in a town about 2 hrs from where I lived. I knew then we were meant to be together. I have other stories similar to that but that's my favorite one.
They went along with it because it was popular, not because it was effective. That's been their whole mindset throughout the pandemic on almost every major intervention. Now that the tide has turned, they're willing to speak out against it.
The entire field of infectious virology based diseases is based on fraud, supported by the global monetary-military-medical industrial administrative state. It must be exposed and destroyed. Full Stop!
Over Here, it looks like it's an invisible amnesty. When malefactors like Fauci and Walensky are arraigned, the lesser orders will be able to point the finger, and exclaim, "But they told us to wear the masks! We did as we were told!"
And those same malefactors won't be able to contradict a word...Lies and falsehoods cut both ways...
The past week or so I've had to deal with hospital/clinic as well as a rideshare company. I live in Covid Cult Central Chicago. The stress I felt over wondering if they'd force me to wear a muzzle was making me physically ill. Doubly so, because it involved my elderly father. I'm sorry, but I couldn't risk not being allowed to see him / not get him to his appointment. I don't drive so we are dependent on rideshares.
Hospital - Got up to reception, nothing was said about mask. I was happily surprised. However, when I had to go through a different entrance and had to be taken up to the room, I was politely asked. She has assumed I'd grabbed one from the lobby. When she saw I didn't, she said, "I'll get you one." I was still trying to say as little as possible and not make eye contact with anyone to avoid conflict. I got to desk, they started their crap. (Even though at least one person that I remember there didn't have one on, and others had theirs with the nose hanging out. So stupid. "Are we going to have this visit or aren't we?" the woman nastily told me. I'd already put it on and told her, "I have it on." I got in the room and pulled it down. No one said anything. Thank God my poor father was not forced to wear one. It made an already stressful time even more so.
Rideshare - Thankfully neither driver, going or returning, had one!
Clinic - Offered one at the desk. Grabbed it, but did not put it on. I kept my eyes closed as much as I could during the waiting time. Thankfully, they didn't say anything... until they came to take us back to the room. Guy asked me to put it on. I started to ask, "For what purpose?" but again, with my elderly father there, I didn't want to stress him out. I pulled it down when we were in the room. When doctor came in, she kept hers on, but I had mine down. She didn't nag me and I was thankful. She said something about the mandate for medical facilities being removed soon? She seemed glad about it. Does anyone have info on that for Chicago? I have no clue. These poor med professionals have been muzzled all day, every workday, for three years. Think about that. How can anyone think that is healthy for them?!
My poor father can barely hear anyway. How is he going to hear when he can't even see the person's mouth forming words? And that's with me there to help him/repeat things for him. Can you imagine all the poor souls who had to deal with this alone? Elderly, disabled, fully deaf, etc. It breaks my heart. I don't understand this monstrosity. It's not "just a mask." It never was.
With upcoming appointments, I will be going through this same stress and battle each time. I don't want to lie and wear this piece of crap. But do I upset my father? Do I risk becoming a "problem patient/family member" and make things worse for him? If it was only me, I'd happily be their "problem." But I also don't want to go along to get along. I can't stand it. So much more stress on top of the stress we already have.
Now there's news going round that Fauci is admitting masks don't work?! I haven't read the info yet, just saw headlines. I can't bear to read it yet. It will make me so angry.
I lost my CHURCH over this crap. That includes ALL my friends there, including families for whom I used to babysit on a regular basis. These were young children who no longer know me. Kids I adored. Kids I held, fed, bathed, and rocked/sang to sleep. I loved them like my own. I look at pictures of them and start crying. Just typing this fills my eyes with tears. Those bonds have been broken and they can never be repaired.
I have been brokenhearted over this for now three years. And now it's finally coming out that it was a lie?! Once I have the stomach to read the information, maybe I will send it to my church leaders. They are good people. I don't doubt for a moment that they were doing what they thought was best to protect both the people inside and outside the church community. I have never doubted that. They were also being advised by high level med professionals they personally know in the church. How could I possibly compete with that?
They were wrong. They still don't think they were. What will convince them? My life was destroyed over this garbage. I was alone for TWO YEARS. My mind is still broken over it all, and now my mother's death (non Covid), father's hospitalization, etc. I am worn out.
And I was one of the luckier ones. At least I didn't lose a loved one to these evil and stupid rules. At least I didn't have to say goodbye to a loved one via a freaking screen. The inhumanity I've seen from medical facilities and personnel the past few years has left me stunned. I will never trust them again. It's horrific.
"...since the pathogen was initially identified in 2019."
I thought it was identified in beginning of 2020? Public didn't hear about it until Jan. at minimum. So how did they identify it before it hit the news? Just wondering...
Transportation mask mandate was struck down one year ago today. Masks came off and there was NO change in cases. Of course, the administration thought it was ‘too early’ and fought to keep it. Worthless
We are finally allowed to show our faces at my hospital, as of noon 4/13. What has changed? Our accrediting agency, DNV (don't get me started) decided to change the rules. Hospitals under their thumbs are now allowed to make their own rules regarding masks. And why did that happen? Because Biden signed the law declaring the emergency over. Two weeks ago our infection control department presented to the C suite an argument to end masking (as many large health systems in Missouri already were). Our area has had "low" community rates for months. However, transmission levels were considered "high" by CDC standards. Infection control was shot down, for our safety. I don't know how they get their transmission numbers or how an area can have cases measuring .00036 of the population yet still have "high" transmission rates. I never could find CDC's formula. Well, guess which number hospitals must go by. Yup, transmission rates. So even if there are only 10 patients with covid in the whole hospital and not one in an ICU, it's masks for all (even the 2 year olds). But now that our sugar daddies that are holding the purse strings say it's ok, I guess it's ok. Guess what? Transmission levels are still considered high/substantial in our county. Numbers haven't changed, just the threat of getting dinged by big daddy government. It's never been about safety, ever. Some of my colleagues were like, "Amy, we thought you'd be so happy!" Sorry, I'm not going to act giddy with gratefulness because I can walk around with my face showing now. It's about 2 years too late.
I can't stand that they do this to both patients and employees. Again, it's so clear that it has NOTHING to do with anyone's health - which I always assumed was the whole purpose of hospitals and the medical profession as a whole! That's the disturbing part.
14,000 LIKES for you, love your comment!!!! I totally agree with you. Any honest virologist (I"m married to one with 55 yrs research under his belt), will tell you vast majority of viruses, and perhaps all of them, are too small to be stopped by the holes in the mask. It's like putting up chicken wire to keep fleas out of your yard. Not only that, but many people have done oxygen tests on these masks and found that within one minute of putting a mask on, your oxygen is lowered by about 95%. Some people have been wearing them all day at work, which I find horrifying. Your brain needs oxygen to stay healthy. I'm an old person and I wonder what these masks do to old people's brains with alot less oxygen? We're already prone to things like dementia, Alzheimer's, etc. I'm glad the mask agendas are ending - for now anyway, but I'm with you, Amy, why the heck were they mandated to begin with? They do nothing to keep you healthy and in fact, do quite a bit to make you unhealthy.
It’s exactly one year since the Federal Transportation Mask Mandate was struck down. I cannot believe many of my friends in the medical field are just now beginning to be able to breathe freely. It goes to show once the government is allowed to do something, good luck taking it away from them.
Over Here, as everywhere, what can be unaccountably changed overnight can be changed....back...
I read that last night when I received my ACP Annals of Internal Medicine update - I'm a subscriber. And that "for now" stood out.
How can all of the medical science before and again now that authorities have stopped pushing them change so quickly?
Natural, medical science doesn't change like that. Laws of nature are immutable. But...social, behavioral science changes. At the whim of political authorities. To control a population's behavior. Masks are, always have been, and always will be behavioral science-based, applied psychology to provoke a change in perspectives that fosters a change in behavior. Let's just call Behavioral Science "BS."
Authorities diagnosed the public suffered from "optimism bias." So they had to treat our ailment, Rx prescripition: Fear.
Masks prescribled to amplify fear of an invisible threat, scare us apart. Amplify Fear = Terrorize. BS. Mind f-ck. Remember who wore masks pre-2020: Bank robbers, muggers and airplane hijackers. Fear.
It's why BS-based NPI like lockdowns, contact tracing, masks, etc were ignored for BLM protests and rallies. The symbolism of racial grievances were temporarily deemed more important than the symbolism of fear amplification for an invisible disease threat. Symbolism vs symbolism, took them awhile to figure out how to deal with that conundrum, just spew more BS.
Masks were, are and always will be social-behavioral, political science devices. The "for now" is an acknowledgement that politics can and will change and they'll be back when, not if, it does. Unless we refuse to obey. Do not comply. Ever again.
It also lowers our oxygen intake (especially dangerous/harmful to little children whose brains are still developing) and cancer-causing agents have been found in these masks.
During the Spanish Flu epidemic, IIRC, they actually conducted tests, in hospitals, where sick patients forcibly breathed on each other, in an attempt to spread the contagion. Most of the time, nothing happened. (These tests were typically conducted, again IIRC, using prisoners.) So then, shielding the face has been known to be ineffective for decades, at least.
I don’t believe for a second this wasn’t known. It didn’t take a rocket scientist nor a credentialed academic to point this out, it just required censorship to be stopped.
It's getting to be more and more difficult for me to read articles about masking--pros and cons--unless a reference to the Cochrane Library review by Jefferson and Heneghan is included. Is my confirmation bias just getting in my way or are my standards elevated by the quality of the study that has been ignored too often? The latter seems more likely.
I'm so pig SICK of it! I had to visit a loved one in the hospital. I was already stressed and then remembered, oh, no. They will force me to wear it. I somehow managed to get upstairs without one but when I got to desk to sign in, they started. I (politely) started saying I don't wear masks and they cut me off and started being SO nasty to me. I could not leave my father alone. I had to see him. I put it on. Woman was STILL crabbing at me, "Is this visit going to happen or is it not?". I said, "I have it on." Nasty woman. Then I got to the room and pulled it down. I was avoiding eye contact, but they had to have seen me. A nurse even came by to take his vitals. No one said anything. I was trying to speak with a nice attitude. I was polite. The last thing I needed was a fight - and from people who, some of them weren't wearing one or had their noses out. It was so clear that this was a power trip, nothing to do with health. Thank GOD they didn't force him to wear one all day, every day. (Except in the ER. I was horrified when I saw a photo, as another family member went with him.)
Why do people work in hospitals and treat people so rudely? I thought of making a complaint (about this and several other issues) but realized if I do, it will have to be after he's out, so they don't retaliate. The fact that I have to even think that way makes me sick.
Does anyone else have experience visiting people in hospitals? What's the masking situation? I am in Chicago. I don't know how things are in other places. I don't even know if it's still a "law" here to wear them in hospitals. It's so hard when a loved one in there. You don't want to risk being thrown out / not allowed back. Or retaliation. I just don't know what to do.
My experience in Michigan for over a year has been that if you comply just enough to get past the bouncer at the door, then no one cares after that. A couple weeks ago I went to get labs drawn over the lunch hour, to find the lab techs sitting around at the check in desk, masks off, eating Cheetos. It appears that since Monday, masks are now option except in the most high risk places like transplant wards and such. I’ll find out on Wednesday for sure.
Interesting, thank you. I was going to search around online to see the official word but... honestly, it will just stress me out more. If I don't know for sure, I can keep trying to resist as much as I can.
Almost 3 yrs ago husband and I lived in Calif and he had to go to hospital for 10 days. He almost died and it was a miracle he survived OK. I couldn't tell you about the mask situation at his hospital, because I wasn't allowed to go visit him or see him in any way. For 10 days, after he almost died. When he came back to me, his brain had somehow changed and that's when he started losing his memory, which has steadily decreased since then. I don't know what they did to him other than stick one of those PCR sticks up his nose to his brain. He was a virologist for 55 yrs, knew full well about the c 19 scam and had an iq in 160's. I will probably never know what was done to him in hospital.
Oh, I am so very sorry!
Thank you, much appreciated. At this point, I"m just grateful he's still alive and with me.
I'm glad for that. Love him as best you can.
Almost 30 yrs ago I bought a huge globe on a stand at a garage sale for $80. I had it for years. Somehow, I spilled some green candle wax on it which I never could get off. It was a beautiful globe and quite expensive but I got it at a real bargain. Inside was a bar, perfect for serving the very best scotch or some such. I moved at one point and didn't have room for it so sold it to an antiques dealer in the late 90's for $80. About 8 yrs later I got together with my now husband and moved into his house with him. One day while he was at work, I was cleaning house and took a closer look at something he had which looked familiar. It was a huge globe that was a bar. When I looked closer, I saw it had green candle wax right in the exact spot MY candle wax had been on my globe! It was the same globe and he had bought it at a thrift store for...$80! He bought it in a town about 2 hrs from where I lived. I knew then we were meant to be together. I have other stories similar to that but that's my favorite one.
Thanks for sharing. Memories like that are priceless!
Yes, I do!!
Damn changing science
To me this just comes off as more of the same. “Simon says wear your mask. Simon says take it off.”
They went along with it because it was popular, not because it was effective. That's been their whole mindset throughout the pandemic on almost every major intervention. Now that the tide has turned, they're willing to speak out against it.
The entire field of infectious virology based diseases is based on fraud, supported by the global monetary-military-medical industrial administrative state. It must be exposed and destroyed. Full Stop!
Over Here, it looks like it's an invisible amnesty. When malefactors like Fauci and Walensky are arraigned, the lesser orders will be able to point the finger, and exclaim, "But they told us to wear the masks! We did as we were told!"
And those same malefactors won't be able to contradict a word...Lies and falsehoods cut both ways...
The past week or so I've had to deal with hospital/clinic as well as a rideshare company. I live in Covid Cult Central Chicago. The stress I felt over wondering if they'd force me to wear a muzzle was making me physically ill. Doubly so, because it involved my elderly father. I'm sorry, but I couldn't risk not being allowed to see him / not get him to his appointment. I don't drive so we are dependent on rideshares.
Hospital - Got up to reception, nothing was said about mask. I was happily surprised. However, when I had to go through a different entrance and had to be taken up to the room, I was politely asked. She has assumed I'd grabbed one from the lobby. When she saw I didn't, she said, "I'll get you one." I was still trying to say as little as possible and not make eye contact with anyone to avoid conflict. I got to desk, they started their crap. (Even though at least one person that I remember there didn't have one on, and others had theirs with the nose hanging out. So stupid. "Are we going to have this visit or aren't we?" the woman nastily told me. I'd already put it on and told her, "I have it on." I got in the room and pulled it down. No one said anything. Thank God my poor father was not forced to wear one. It made an already stressful time even more so.
Rideshare - Thankfully neither driver, going or returning, had one!
Clinic - Offered one at the desk. Grabbed it, but did not put it on. I kept my eyes closed as much as I could during the waiting time. Thankfully, they didn't say anything... until they came to take us back to the room. Guy asked me to put it on. I started to ask, "For what purpose?" but again, with my elderly father there, I didn't want to stress him out. I pulled it down when we were in the room. When doctor came in, she kept hers on, but I had mine down. She didn't nag me and I was thankful. She said something about the mandate for medical facilities being removed soon? She seemed glad about it. Does anyone have info on that for Chicago? I have no clue. These poor med professionals have been muzzled all day, every workday, for three years. Think about that. How can anyone think that is healthy for them?!
My poor father can barely hear anyway. How is he going to hear when he can't even see the person's mouth forming words? And that's with me there to help him/repeat things for him. Can you imagine all the poor souls who had to deal with this alone? Elderly, disabled, fully deaf, etc. It breaks my heart. I don't understand this monstrosity. It's not "just a mask." It never was.
With upcoming appointments, I will be going through this same stress and battle each time. I don't want to lie and wear this piece of crap. But do I upset my father? Do I risk becoming a "problem patient/family member" and make things worse for him? If it was only me, I'd happily be their "problem." But I also don't want to go along to get along. I can't stand it. So much more stress on top of the stress we already have.
Now there's news going round that Fauci is admitting masks don't work?! I haven't read the info yet, just saw headlines. I can't bear to read it yet. It will make me so angry.
I lost my CHURCH over this crap. That includes ALL my friends there, including families for whom I used to babysit on a regular basis. These were young children who no longer know me. Kids I adored. Kids I held, fed, bathed, and rocked/sang to sleep. I loved them like my own. I look at pictures of them and start crying. Just typing this fills my eyes with tears. Those bonds have been broken and they can never be repaired.
I have been brokenhearted over this for now three years. And now it's finally coming out that it was a lie?! Once I have the stomach to read the information, maybe I will send it to my church leaders. They are good people. I don't doubt for a moment that they were doing what they thought was best to protect both the people inside and outside the church community. I have never doubted that. They were also being advised by high level med professionals they personally know in the church. How could I possibly compete with that?
They were wrong. They still don't think they were. What will convince them? My life was destroyed over this garbage. I was alone for TWO YEARS. My mind is still broken over it all, and now my mother's death (non Covid), father's hospitalization, etc. I am worn out.
And I was one of the luckier ones. At least I didn't lose a loved one to these evil and stupid rules. At least I didn't have to say goodbye to a loved one via a freaking screen. The inhumanity I've seen from medical facilities and personnel the past few years has left me stunned. I will never trust them again. It's horrific.
"...since the pathogen was initially identified in 2019."
I thought it was identified in beginning of 2020? Public didn't hear about it until Jan. at minimum. So how did they identify it before it hit the news? Just wondering...
Transportation mask mandate was struck down one year ago today. Masks came off and there was NO change in cases. Of course, the administration thought it was ‘too early’ and fought to keep it. Worthless