Never hated anyone more than her. This Country will cease to exist is she's allowed to be installed.

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But of course NO ONE well except for those pesky residents are saying that is what is happening in Ohio. And don't you DARE show that picture of the guy with the geese from the pond!

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Family pets are the nearest and dearest love for many people and this fact is NOT something to be mocked or derided as trivial. People have no respect for innocent animals are monsters-in-the-making, with all the hallmarks of a true sadist and the beginnings of a serial killer. Your treating this as a trivial matter worthy of a snicker or two ranks right up there with Cackles' asinine response. Revolting. If anyone ever harmed one of my pets, there would be absolute hell to pay. And your column is no longer worthy of even a casual mention. Disgusting.

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You're missing the point LADY! Trump isn't mocking it nor is the author so come down off your soapbox and see this for what it is.

Trump is not supporting or ignoring it either, that dipshit, sleep your way to the top at all costs 'SLAPPER' Kamala Harris is the one laughing at the claim - which is fact; there's more than enough evidence of it. Take your anger out on the slapper!

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Are you not seeing that Kamala was laughing at what Trump was saying? She is the evil one. Police bodycam video supports Trump's assertion.

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Who pissed in your cheerios?

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lighten up Francis

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These people come from a truly terrible place and I have no doubt that they are still in survival mode. But we should be helping them assimilate. Teach them our customs, such as animals on private property or in public parks are not food; and if you don’t know how to drive, don’t get in a car and plow into a school bus. And perhaps, and most importantly, only let in a reasonable number of vetted immigrants so that assimilation can actually happen.

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Cackles is a very good name for a cat. Perhaps she is the one marked as an edible.

Praise the Lord and pass the kibbles.

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She's used her pussy to get where she is today! You would've thought she'd have far more respect for felines.

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The comment Trump made re eating the cats and dogs, showed that Harris isn't informed at all on just one of the problems she has brought down on the citizens of our Country. But all the videos and citizens complaints proved Trump is more on top of things than she is. One man being reported said he saw a van filled with the Haitians and hundreds of cats they had kidnapped. Hopefully, all this being brought out will put a stop to it soon.

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