I don't understand this. With all the garbage we've seen going on in schools even just the past 2 years, why would people be eager to put their little kids into these places? Wasn't being muzzled for 2 years and now learning explicit sexual stuff enough? Parents WANT this? I do not understand this at all.

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Please see OpposeTheFraud.com for what we must do next to oppose the FDA jabbing our babies.

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How sad... That’s a lot of young children who are going to be indoctrinated into the trans ideology...

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For people who think it’s not at their school--it is, or very soon will be. It is in the national sex education standards!!

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I'm really starting to think parents these days just drop off their kids at a building with strangers and don't even bother knowing who's working there or what their kids are being taught all freaking day long. It's incredible.

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