REMINDER: Discussion with ElectionWiz tomorrow night!
Pushback: but we mandate all kinds of vaccines!
When they say… “Polio, Measles or MMR are required!” …just remind them that the mandates for these vaccines came years (6 to 16 years!) after the vaccines had been approved. We have NEVER mandated a vaccine that’s not even a year old.
California vaccine table (courtesy of @Reroot_Flyover):
I would add that we've never had vaccine mandates to participate in daily life -- that is, to earn a living, to buy food, to enter a public building, etc. Coercing people to inject themselves with a chemical substance they're uncomfortable with just so they don't become homeless and their kids can eat is evil. Not a hyperbole. It's evil.
I would argue it was never correct to mandate such vaccinations. But even if one wants to argue "some" mandates are okay, it seems important to remember that:
1960: A mandate for 5 doses with an easily available exemption and manufacturers fully liable.
2018: A mandate for 72 doses. Pharma, granted liability immunity in 1986, busily lobbying to get rid of exemptions.
2020 Exemptions newly disappeared in NY, CA, CT, Maine after explicit and ferocious lobbying.