I would add that we've never had vaccine mandates to participate in daily life -- that is, to earn a living, to buy food, to enter a public building, etc. Coercing people to inject themselves with a chemical substance they're uncomfortable with just so they don't become homeless and their kids can eat is evil. Not a hyperbole. It's evil.
I would argue it was never correct to mandate such vaccinations. But even if one wants to argue "some" mandates are okay, it seems important to remember that:
1960: A mandate for 5 doses with an easily available exemption and manufacturers fully liable.
2018: A mandate for 72 doses. Pharma, granted liability immunity in 1986, busily lobbying to get rid of exemptions.
2020 Exemptions newly disappeared in NY, CA, CT, Maine after explicit and ferocious lobbying.
interesting...i never really questioned vaccines before covid. Now my eyes are wide open. Not just about covid vaccine but about all of them. Pretty sure I'm not alone!
In 1976 Jonas Salk made a public declaration that over 2/3 of polio cases between 1966 and 1976 were a result of the vaccines created from his initial work.
All the vax Nazis never consider what's right in their own homes: The pet owners among them get their dogs vaccinated against rabies. Does someone do that to protect all the other dogs in the neighborhood? Does he go door to door screaming at his neighbors that they're putting his dog's life at risk because theirs aren't vaccinated? No. He gets his dog vaccinated to protect that specific dog and then he goes on with his life. But then, it's not about logic because it's not about vaccinations. It's about political power, and specifically about revenging themselves on the people they've always feared and despised: the independent thinkers.
The thing that everyone seems to forget about is that the Constitution limits the power of government, and they have no right to force us into vaccinations or any other medical procedure. Just because it has done before doesn't mean that it was legal then either, because it wasn't. The States have to step up and protect our individual freedom from the Federal government encroachment.
The correct answer to, "We mandate all kinds of vaccines" is: We shouldn't. What applies to the non-vaccine for covid applies to the others: My body, my choice. A vaccine protects the person who gets it. If you want to be protected and think a given vaccine will do that, then get it. No one has any right to demand it of anyone else. If your vaccine works, it doesn't matter what my vaccination status is. If yours doesn't work, it still doesn't matter. Either way, it's none of your effing business.
I would add that we've never had vaccine mandates to participate in daily life -- that is, to earn a living, to buy food, to enter a public building, etc. Coercing people to inject themselves with a chemical substance they're uncomfortable with just so they don't become homeless and their kids can eat is evil. Not a hyperbole. It's evil.
I would argue it was never correct to mandate such vaccinations. But even if one wants to argue "some" mandates are okay, it seems important to remember that:
1960: A mandate for 5 doses with an easily available exemption and manufacturers fully liable.
2018: A mandate for 72 doses. Pharma, granted liability immunity in 1986, busily lobbying to get rid of exemptions.
2020 Exemptions newly disappeared in NY, CA, CT, Maine after explicit and ferocious lobbying.
interesting...i never really questioned vaccines before covid. Now my eyes are wide open. Not just about covid vaccine but about all of them. Pretty sure I'm not alone!
Yep. This happened to me. Go ahead and research it. It's very eye opening.
More polio cases now caused by vaccine than by wild virus
More rebuttal:
In 1976 Jonas Salk made a public declaration that over 2/3 of polio cases between 1966 and 1976 were a result of the vaccines created from his initial work.
All the vax Nazis never consider what's right in their own homes: The pet owners among them get their dogs vaccinated against rabies. Does someone do that to protect all the other dogs in the neighborhood? Does he go door to door screaming at his neighbors that they're putting his dog's life at risk because theirs aren't vaccinated? No. He gets his dog vaccinated to protect that specific dog and then he goes on with his life. But then, it's not about logic because it's not about vaccinations. It's about political power, and specifically about revenging themselves on the people they've always feared and despised: the independent thinkers.
The thing that everyone seems to forget about is that the Constitution limits the power of government, and they have no right to force us into vaccinations or any other medical procedure. Just because it has done before doesn't mean that it was legal then either, because it wasn't. The States have to step up and protect our individual freedom from the Federal government encroachment.
The correct answer to, "We mandate all kinds of vaccines" is: We shouldn't. What applies to the non-vaccine for covid applies to the others: My body, my choice. A vaccine protects the person who gets it. If you want to be protected and think a given vaccine will do that, then get it. No one has any right to demand it of anyone else. If your vaccine works, it doesn't matter what my vaccination status is. If yours doesn't work, it still doesn't matter. Either way, it's none of your effing business.