What I would have liked to have said is, "Are you aware that in the 1960s & 1970s, the incidence of autism was 1:10,000? Today, it is 1:34. (in California it is 1:22). After the pharmaceutical companies were given a liability shield in 1986, the childhood vaccination schedule grew dramatically to the point that by the time a child turns 18 years old, they will very likely have received approximately (72) doses of these vaccines. Don't you think that we should be investigating the possibility that the childhood vaccines, which include neurotoxic adjuvants, may be what is causing the nearly parallel rise of childhood vaccination along with the rise in autism? Only a fool or someone with a vested interest would prefer not to conduct such an investigation.
He’s trying to keep their minds and ears open. These people can’t accept reality. So he has to make statements that vaccines are amazing to keep them listening.
I will be happy to do that. However, the time to make this argument should have been during the hearing. Even in RFK,Jr. knows this, which I'm sure he does, given the manner in which the hearing was conducted, he would have been hard-pressed to provide this information. This is what happens when there is a coordinated effort to protect the status quo, even if it comes at the expense of everyone's health as well as their very lives. This was more than evident during the hearing, most notably among the Democrats.
Even at the end of Rand's excellent diatribe, a vaccine huckster offers--what he thinks is--justification for vaccinating a newborn against Hep B. (The statistics have to be excruciatingly small, even for the case he thinks he makes!) The regulatory capture is complete.
Hep B is passed mostly through shared needles or casual unprotected sex. Great to know that all women giving birth are presumed to be homeless junkies.
Ha! I know you already know this, but the sheer amount of lobbying loot flowing into Congress from Pharma is colossal. I mean, truly gargantuan. Big, I say!
That response to Rand Paul’s speech is unsubstantiated. I would love if someone could find the study supporting the claim that a hepatitis B vaccine on day one to a child born to a mom with hepatitis B is life-saving.
Hi Laura, I noticed your substack is focusing on these horrible white fibrous "calamari" clots found in the living and the dead of all ages -- and they are not going away but apparently increasing. I never had any intention of complying with jab agenda and so glad of that. keep spreading the word. you are doing very important work Laura
RFK Jr. Announces $5.6 Quadrillion Lawsuit vs Vaccine Injuries, Covid Measures & Crimes Against Humanity vs Bernie Sanders in Senate Hearing citing VAERS & VSAFE. VAERS was 50,000 deaths and 1.5M injures. However, only 1% of people report vaccine injuries - Stanford. Or 4% in Australia, the acutal deaths and injuries would be 20-100X higher. https://nuremberg2.substack.com/p/rfk-jr-announces-56-quadrillion-lawsuit
He can drop all the truth bombs he wants but the problem is that congress is taking shelter in Russian made bomb shelters and they are impervious to bombs and even nukes.
What I would have liked to have said is, "Are you aware that in the 1960s & 1970s, the incidence of autism was 1:10,000? Today, it is 1:34. (in California it is 1:22). After the pharmaceutical companies were given a liability shield in 1986, the childhood vaccination schedule grew dramatically to the point that by the time a child turns 18 years old, they will very likely have received approximately (72) doses of these vaccines. Don't you think that we should be investigating the possibility that the childhood vaccines, which include neurotoxic adjuvants, may be what is causing the nearly parallel rise of childhood vaccination along with the rise in autism? Only a fool or someone with a vested interest would prefer not to conduct such an investigation.
He’s trying to keep their minds and ears open. These people can’t accept reality. So he has to make statements that vaccines are amazing to keep them listening.
Send in what you just wrote to: Contact Rfk.Jr.com.
I will be happy to do that. However, the time to make this argument should have been during the hearing. Even in RFK,Jr. knows this, which I'm sure he does, given the manner in which the hearing was conducted, he would have been hard-pressed to provide this information. This is what happens when there is a coordinated effort to protect the status quo, even if it comes at the expense of everyone's health as well as their very lives. This was more than evident during the hearing, most notably among the Democrats.
Brilliant in his simplicity. Complex issue presented honestly and simply shows how well Senator (Dr) Paul understands the issue.
Even at the end of Rand's excellent diatribe, a vaccine huckster offers--what he thinks is--justification for vaccinating a newborn against Hep B. (The statistics have to be excruciatingly small, even for the case he thinks he makes!) The regulatory capture is complete.
Hep B is passed mostly through shared needles or casual unprotected sex. Great to know that all women giving birth are presumed to be homeless junkies.
It doesn't have to be reasonable. It just has to be confusing and raise doubt. Pharma checks always clear!
Yes! I think all the pro-vax senators should get their hepatitis B shots right away because we don’t know if their mothers had it!😏
Ha! I know you already know this, but the sheer amount of lobbying loot flowing into Congress from Pharma is colossal. I mean, truly gargantuan. Big, I say!
He got a big round of applause from me!
All vaccines are poison. Don't buy that vaccines are miracles
And the Newborn Heb B was only tested against Not A Placebo for 5 days and RP is still pussyfooting.
Rand doesn't even have truth firecrackers. https://timothywiney.substack.com/p/the-defining-moment-of-our-time
Just subscribed to your 'stack, Tim.
That response to Rand Paul’s speech is unsubstantiated. I would love if someone could find the study supporting the claim that a hepatitis B vaccine on day one to a child born to a mom with hepatitis B is life-saving.
nobody should be taking that f88king jab! 65 and over or under!! so many have died and suffered horrible injuries
Bernard - I was so very disappointed to hear Rand Paul parrot the lie that the shots are beneficial to those over 65.
They are deadly and dangerous to all ages. The white fibrous clots that embalmers have been finding are being found in the living as well:
Hi Laura, I noticed your substack is focusing on these horrible white fibrous "calamari" clots found in the living and the dead of all ages -- and they are not going away but apparently increasing. I never had any intention of complying with jab agenda and so glad of that. keep spreading the word. you are doing very important work Laura
RFK Jr. Announces $5.6 Quadrillion Lawsuit vs Vaccine Injuries, Covid Measures & Crimes Against Humanity vs Bernie Sanders in Senate Hearing citing VAERS & VSAFE. VAERS was 50,000 deaths and 1.5M injures. However, only 1% of people report vaccine injuries - Stanford. Or 4% in Australia, the acutal deaths and injuries would be 20-100X higher. https://nuremberg2.substack.com/p/rfk-jr-announces-56-quadrillion-lawsuit
Still tip toeing!
If RFK doednt get in Rand Paul will fit nicely
He can drop all the truth bombs he wants but the problem is that congress is taking shelter in Russian made bomb shelters and they are impervious to bombs and even nukes.
Humility in approaching science—do the studies well. Don’t be arrogant and think you know it all—his challenge to all of us.
Elite Risk Minimization drives belief in ever-expanding vaccine schedules. Until we come to terms with that, we can't start sorting the schedule.
Easy to know moms Hepb status- baby will have antibodies