You could have replaced “Ardern” with “Trudeau” and “New Zealand” with “Canada” and it would have been the same story almost word for word.

Coincidence? Doubtful.

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New Zealand's Covid timeline and policies are identical to the draconian authoritarianism of Canada's Trudeau. Even the date (August, 2021), marked Trudeau's move from "sunny ways" to the vilification of the unvaxxed. Canada's Liberal Party Parliamentarians remain silent.

More evidence that Covid's totalitarian policies are being written by an unseen and unelected Global cabal.

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One can only hope JT will be next

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Bye bye, evil POS.

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Finally good to hear that the great people of New Zealand didn’t completely lose their minds...but goddamn it, in the future, protect your civil rights

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Never give up your guns!!!

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How sad. It seems like it was just yesterday that she was the darling of the covid warriors. And to think that her only crime was to fuck up the lives of so many citizens of her nation. What a pity.

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one tyrant down

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Jan 21, 2023
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I’m not sure that is possible!

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"Given the Pentagon’s recently revealed massive involvement in US Covid policy and gain of function research funding, was she fed information that a bioweapon was in play?"

Meaning she honestly believed Covid was so dangerous as a bioweapon the mandatory vaccination was truly a good idea to protect the citizens?

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Yes, a rather poor hypothesis.

More likely she was informed of the imperative to drive New Zealanders into the bioweapon - the 'vaccines'.

It was never about protecting the citizens, it was about injecting the citizens.

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Civilian control of the military anyone?

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I am so sad for your beautiful country, Dr. Hatchard. I knew Ardern was a special kind of idiot when she donned a hijab after the Christchurch shooting. We happened to be visiting NZ at the time. I watched her descend into totalitarian evil during the plandemic. Good riddance to her. I hope there are enough Kiwis awake now to turn things around.

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And the choices to replace this atrocious fascist are?

This is the dire problem with most democracies, there are no alternatives on offer. It's a choice of atrocious, or not as atrocious.

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That’s unfortunate. They have problems for sure.

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Beautifully written. Needs to be disseminated wide and far. You mentioned the PM & Parliment but what about the all too compliant people? We need revival to thwart the worldwide epidemic of narcissim. We need to pray for it to start in the Church as God says so as to spread worldwide among so many so caught up in Mansoul's obiescense to Diabolus. We need the only Savior available to us and it isn't anyone but the Lord Jesus Christ.

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