I really, really hate these people.

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YES - it’s a deep no-mercy hate from me.

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Consider that this is being done to innocent, trusting and healthy children and you know what kind of people you are dealing with.

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I wonder how much $$ the FDA was paid by the drug companies for their vote?

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These are so horrifying I could not read them again.

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i couldn't make it through them. i was struck though by the fact that they are case numbers and that when the bureaucrats read through them all, they must go numb. it's easy to forget that these "cases" are someone's child, someone's sister, someone's brother.

lists like that remind me of organized germans, keeping good records while they gas people in showers

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For a September 2021 interview with two frontline nurses who were told by doctors and hospital administrators NOT to enter data into VAERS. Which means whatever numbers we have are already an undercount of adverse effects.

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A heart breaking read,💔😭🤬. Thank you and Jean Rees for raising awareness.

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Check this out and send it around: https://open.spotify.com/episode/6g1JY2Hh6tU6JEnOvbW59E?si=a2ed5cab01d14df7

For a September 2021 interview with two frontline nurses who were told by doctors and hospital administrators NOT to enter data into VAERS. Which means whatever numbers we have are already an undercount of adverse effects.

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I shared on fb. Of course they fact checked it. These ppl are all evil. Karmas coming for all of them soon.

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Is there ever a case for giving a healthy child an experimental treatment?


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When will we make this stop? I hate living around this disaster!

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,,,surely just the tip of the iceberg,,,

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Infuriating. The originators and perpetrators of this insanity will pay for eternity.

The demons will drag their souls to hell once taking their last spike-protein loaded gasp of air.


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What is even more appalling - if that is possible - is that during the early months of the Biden Maladministration, DOCTORS AND NURSES WERE BEING TOLD NOT TO ENTER DATA INTO VAERS. I interviewed two frontline nurses in September 2021: https://open.spotify.com/episode/6g1JY2Hh6tU6JEnOvbW59E?si=a2ed5cab01d14df7

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Is Jean Rees posting on another platform now?

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I wonder if this resistance could be utilised somehow on some locales.


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