My god. I’m not prone to think in terms of “evil” but when you read this list and consider the coordinated actions deceive, coerce and convince people to inject this into children . . .

My heart wrench’s for those families who believed they were doing the best for their kids. That is pain that never ends

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If we were to seriously consider the truth, older adults are Having just as many issues with it, but they are waived off as “coincidences” because we expect older people to develop issues. My sil never reported her vertigo, serious headaches, Dizziness and neck pain that kept her on disability for months, and now still can only work part time. She didn’t report it because it developed over a month later and refuses to believe it is connected. After many tests, they can’t find MS or any other neurological reason for it

My mil ended up with shingles a couple months later. She is healthy, active, and it was a surprise and lasted months instead of weeks.

My dad, with afib from his 40s, had it well under control and hadn’t had a recurrence in a decade. After the V, it recurred, and they had to shock him back into rhythm.

A woman I know with Congenital heart defect also experienced afib after (she does have a history, but also had it under control for years) and ended up with a pace maker.

Not one of these attributed to the V that happened at least 30 days prior. It didn’t happen within a week, so it couldn’t possibly be the V, according to doctors.

But we don’t know. The longest follow-up in the research was an average of 30 days, and many never made it to 30 days. It appears Those that reacted (1.224 pages with about 5 subjects per page) were tossed out of the study, they didn’t finish the study.

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With the anticipated cost of energy rising, how many people will be able to comfortably heat and cool their homes? This will seriously impact the health of people who are chronically ill or disabled, whether from vax injury or the virus. Seems like covid was just the first act...

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Think is an ever growing house of horrors with real human damages and death, yet it continues to rollout moving forward like an airplane that has spun out of control , is loosing altitude, spiraling down and is inevitable crash and destruction when it hits land. It doesn’t stop because the propaganda has been so successful, that parents are willing to sacrifice their children at the “altar of vaccines” because they are all Jonestown victims that haven’t heard or seen any alternative news, information that they are true believers willing to sacrifice their most precious loved ones.Truly heart breaking.

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Pfizer, FDA, CDC and The Fauc, all knew of the side effects in adults before this experiment was foisted on an unsuspecting public. It was never tested on children. Anyone who recommended this for children should be held personally liable and charged criminally. The same should also be done for anyone involved in approving this evil concoction in the first place. They knowingly injected this drug into people who could suffer lifelong negative effects and possibly death. And that is just from the immediate effects; no one knows the long term effects which are sure to follow this untested gene therapy. I think a charge of MURDER is not out of line for people from the FDA and Pfizer.

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This is truly horrific. The number of neurological events is staggering. Why isn’t this experiment being halted, or at least being publicly acknowledged as an experiment? This is unconscionable.

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I personally know someone who was vaxxed, tested positive for Covid shortly after, and was dx with MisC (required hospital stay)--14 year old male ---of course they blamed the MisC on the covid dx and not the vaxx

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Censorship of information murders people…this is evil.

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Shocking details here. Anecdotes are the beginning of knowledge.

Everyone commenting - I encourage you to watch this for a sense of 'truth opening a new path forward' ... "The Curtain Close on Covid" lead by Florida Governor Ron DeSantis. It's excellent. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iulvEmAmtcQ

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Pure evil!

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Damn it Jim, it's safe and effective!!! (Says Bones). FYI I'm one of the few people in my family that didn't get the experimental shot. I don't know how people can be so gullible to take an experimental shot for something that's not even going to harm you unless u r 88 years old and already in the nursing home.... Yes with a few exceptions just like the seasonal flu does kill some kids

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A Facebook friend posted today telling folks that the vaccines are "safe and effective for children" and to be sure to get them vaccinated. The brainwashing is horrifying. I find myself in despair.

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Fire these parents!

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Oh My God . . .

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How awful that parents are willing to have their children vaccinated with this poison.

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Sheez. What is "unk"? Post unk dose? What is unk? Is this an error?

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unk usually stands for 'unknown'. Hopefully this helps.

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Why are these doctors/experts alive?

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