These continue to be excellent, i.e., entertaining!
One point that may need to be made, in historical context, is this. NYC treated Typhoid Mary in almost exactly the same way as they handled the public during the Great Covid Dumpster Fire. They assumed she could transmit, despite being asymptomatic. (This is as best I remember! If anyone disagrees, I look forward to correction.) In some ways then, the behavior of "public health" during the pandemic was based upon historical precedent. Now, to be ABSOLUTELY clear, I am on the side of, "lockdowns were stupid as hell." That said, one could argue that our species tends to repeat mistakes, versus learn from them.
This article is concerned with the idea of the coronavirus itself. The crown idol revered by those harnessing it as a mind disease to shackle us, and feared by those who trust the deceit and accept those shackles with an open embrace.
Never before has fear been so effective at stripping our freedoms. The threat of terrorism was mild by comparison and no where near quite haunting enough to so inspire the populace to voluntarily deliver their liberty to the nearest politician. But the threat of bioterrorism: an invisible contagion? Something you can neither see nor combat, and that transforms you into a destructive missile locked, loaded, armed, unleashed, and aiming directly at those you cherish the most? That is a different animal altogether.
Oh yes, the powers that should be drawn and quartered revere their bio-terror idol with all of their hearts (do they have hearts?) hatred, as no other type of conjured-up-hobgoblin in history has so easily given so much control to so few over so many. And on a silver platter, at that.
These continue to be excellent, i.e., entertaining!
One point that may need to be made, in historical context, is this. NYC treated Typhoid Mary in almost exactly the same way as they handled the public during the Great Covid Dumpster Fire. They assumed she could transmit, despite being asymptomatic. (This is as best I remember! If anyone disagrees, I look forward to correction.) In some ways then, the behavior of "public health" during the pandemic was based upon historical precedent. Now, to be ABSOLUTELY clear, I am on the side of, "lockdowns were stupid as hell." That said, one could argue that our species tends to repeat mistakes, versus learn from them.
Love this book. Read most of it to my son.
The Book of Proverbs is the inverse of Screwtape's subversion.
This article is concerned with the idea of the coronavirus itself. The crown idol revered by those harnessing it as a mind disease to shackle us, and feared by those who trust the deceit and accept those shackles with an open embrace.
Never before has fear been so effective at stripping our freedoms. The threat of terrorism was mild by comparison and no where near quite haunting enough to so inspire the populace to voluntarily deliver their liberty to the nearest politician. But the threat of bioterrorism: an invisible contagion? Something you can neither see nor combat, and that transforms you into a destructive missile locked, loaded, armed, unleashed, and aiming directly at those you cherish the most? That is a different animal altogether.
Oh yes, the powers that should be drawn and quartered revere their bio-terror idol with all of their hearts (do they have hearts?) hatred, as no other type of conjured-up-hobgoblin in history has so easily given so much control to so few over so many. And on a silver platter, at that.
Excerpt from: