Everyone keeps ignoring reality. The DoD ran the show. Yes, the national security arm of the administrative bureaucracy aided and abetted. Yes, public health provided cover. Perhaps some were clueless. Perhaps some were aware. Perhaps some were read in.
How did we get here?
How do we make sure they (whoever they are) can never do this to us again?
The proposed amendments to the International Health Regulations will cede our sovereign immunity to unelected bureaucrats in Geneva..
The NIH human trials of their extra-special mRNA flavored universal flu vaccine are starting.
The Monster keeps rolling, and people are bickering around the edges.
We have too many in our midst that swallow the mainstream shaming of the unvaccinated to the point they can’t fathom thinking they were duped from the start. Fauci and DOD funded bio weapons while skirting presidential mandate to stop. He and peter daszack should be jailed
Yes, Fauci and Dazsak and many others should be jailed; but they were doing the bidding of someone or something else. It may be easier to cope with the thought of one or two bad guys. There are bad guys (and gals) all the way up and down the power structure. The DoD and HHS ran the show. The Congress ceded power and control to the unelected bureaucrats in the Executive Branch through changes in law over decades.
Our government did this to us.
Our DoD did this to us.
Aided and abetted by Fauci and his cabal.
Aided and abetted by people who knew better or should have known better.
And they're not done with us.
This article by Jeffrey Tucker is a limited hangout. People who weren't going to say they did anything wrong or make any mistakes didn't admit to doing anything wrong or admit to making mistakes. Quelle surprise!
The DoD was in charge. They ran the show.
We can't prevent them from repeating their crimes if we don't admit where the power lies.
Thank you for posting this review. I wasn't aware of the book. I wasn't aware it existed, and I've been following along closely. We are clearly now moving into the 'history writing' phase. As they say, the winners write the history.
A question. Substack has been an oasis of sanity, to a degree, in all of this. There is plenty of truth to be found here. Has anyone tried to compile a counterweight to this book? A people's history, as it were? I have bookmarked so many essays and studies and rants and breaking news bits that I don't even know if I could find any given one I'd want to reference. I've read RFK and many others over the past few years. There is no shortage of information available to those who want to know the score. But a well known, well sourced, easily readable book on the era that pushes back on the nonsense in this book, and speaks of the broader totalitarian context that swirls around covid, would be fantastic. I wonder if anyone is on that yet.
Fauci has been out and out murdering people for decades with things like Remdesivir, he even told hospitals that was all they could use to treat covid while he knew it shuts down the kidneys and liver. He was up to his ass in the covid scam, right from day one. As for Trump continuing to push the bioweapon injections, he needs to give his arrogant head a shake. No one can tell me he doesn't know about the 2 billion adverse events and the millions dead and still dying. The jabbed are sadly doomed, what went in them will never come back out.
Self serving authoritarians (megalomaniacs = mentally disturbed) are like mold spores, there are always a few floating around waiting for conditions in which they can fester. Tragically such conditions are being created in the US. COVID was means not motive. The American people better find a way to end the decay soon or they are going to end up subjugated and subservient while condemning their children to lives of societal demoralization, dereliction and impoverishment.
How about requiring individual trial protocols, be furnished in advance to a non-biased scientist, or committee of three, who then has the right to observe any animal or human trials, and to receive a copy of any documents pertaining to the trials within a certain time period of dissemination?
"Maybe there is a Freudian explanation: things so obviously terrible and in such recent memory are too painful to mentally process, so we just pretend it didn’t happen. Plenty in power like this solution."
Applies perfectly to the systemic election fraud which in fact became perfectly evident the minute vote counting stopped in swing states which were about to determine a presidential election, followed by in your face ballot box stuffing. We don't know the extent and means of the fraud or identities of perpetrators, because there was no investigation, but there is no question about the fact of the fraud as any reasonably astute adult who was paying attention knows within their own mind whether they are willing to acknowledge the reality or not. Consequent authoritarianism and political weaponization of government bureaucracies should now come as no surprise, unless of course one simply pretends it isn't happening.
As usual, Jeff is too optimistic, here. Of course, people will buy this bullshit from the Covid Crisis Group's book, hook, line, and sinker. The mental takeover is too close to complete. The stupidification is almost irreversible. Long live Oceania!
Well there good son, you're just missing the solution to all this turmoil and disgruntlement. That be MORE government and a whole lot more big pharma drugs, vaccines and mRNA gene altering injections to sooth thy ills. It's magic! The cure for the miseries of life is government incentivized big pharma.
Does the word "data" appear? As in "develop data collection and analysis systems so that we have a clue to what's happening."
How about the word "research"? As in "validate measures with rigorous research before imposing them on the public instead of relying on studies from places such as Israel, Bangladesh, or not bothering to ask such questions."
Certainly, the report contains not even the briefest consideration that maybe there's nothing to be done against an airborne virus, and that, short of an actually efficacious vaccine (good luck with promoting even the genuine article in the future, because all good will towards Big Pharma and our regulatory apparatus is now scorched earth), no reaction will do less harm overall than any other response. No, this can't be contemplated, not even for a moment.
these control freaks can't admit failure and go back into their corners. they can't wait for another flu so they can stir up panic and be all important again
The Vaccinated
Are Starting To Realize
That Once They Get Sick
They Are Not Going To Get Better.
The Freak-Out Has Begun.
Not nearly enough yet
The Most Heavily Vaccinated People And Those
Injured The Most - Are Still Wearing Masks.
Enjoy This Moment. It Is Yours.
Because They Are The Same Fucked-Up Morons
That Wanted To Force Inject You; To Quarantine You; To Fire You; And To Deny You Medical Care. They Still Do.
So Tell Them - To Their Faces:
“Don’t Get Sick - Because You Won’t Get Better”
You Owe Yourself That.
They Are Not Getting Better. Make Them Hear It.
You can always tell them right to their face.
I do.
The Setup: “Don’t Get Sick”
The Lever: “Because You Won’t Get Better”
Try it yourself.
The look on their face is like
Their brain is trying to get out of their head.
Don’t knock it ‘till you try it.
Everyone keeps ignoring reality. The DoD ran the show. Yes, the national security arm of the administrative bureaucracy aided and abetted. Yes, public health provided cover. Perhaps some were clueless. Perhaps some were aware. Perhaps some were read in.
How did we get here?
How do we make sure they (whoever they are) can never do this to us again?
The proposed amendments to the International Health Regulations will cede our sovereign immunity to unelected bureaucrats in Geneva..
The NIH human trials of their extra-special mRNA flavored universal flu vaccine are starting.
The Monster keeps rolling, and people are bickering around the edges.
We cannot fix problems we will not face.
We have too many in our midst that swallow the mainstream shaming of the unvaccinated to the point they can’t fathom thinking they were duped from the start. Fauci and DOD funded bio weapons while skirting presidential mandate to stop. He and peter daszack should be jailed
Yes, Fauci and Dazsak and many others should be jailed; but they were doing the bidding of someone or something else. It may be easier to cope with the thought of one or two bad guys. There are bad guys (and gals) all the way up and down the power structure. The DoD and HHS ran the show. The Congress ceded power and control to the unelected bureaucrats in the Executive Branch through changes in law over decades.
Our government did this to us.
Our DoD did this to us.
Aided and abetted by Fauci and his cabal.
Aided and abetted by people who knew better or should have known better.
And they're not done with us.
This article by Jeffrey Tucker is a limited hangout. People who weren't going to say they did anything wrong or make any mistakes didn't admit to doing anything wrong or admit to making mistakes. Quelle surprise!
The DoD was in charge. They ran the show.
We can't prevent them from repeating their crimes if we don't admit where the power lies.
Thank you for posting this review. I wasn't aware of the book. I wasn't aware it existed, and I've been following along closely. We are clearly now moving into the 'history writing' phase. As they say, the winners write the history.
A question. Substack has been an oasis of sanity, to a degree, in all of this. There is plenty of truth to be found here. Has anyone tried to compile a counterweight to this book? A people's history, as it were? I have bookmarked so many essays and studies and rants and breaking news bits that I don't even know if I could find any given one I'd want to reference. I've read RFK and many others over the past few years. There is no shortage of information available to those who want to know the score. But a well known, well sourced, easily readable book on the era that pushes back on the nonsense in this book, and speaks of the broader totalitarian context that swirls around covid, would be fantastic. I wonder if anyone is on that yet.
I like your suggestion. Do you think Amazon would carry it? If so, we on Substack can certainly impact its star rating.
Fauci has been out and out murdering people for decades with things like Remdesivir, he even told hospitals that was all they could use to treat covid while he knew it shuts down the kidneys and liver. He was up to his ass in the covid scam, right from day one. As for Trump continuing to push the bioweapon injections, he needs to give his arrogant head a shake. No one can tell me he doesn't know about the 2 billion adverse events and the millions dead and still dying. The jabbed are sadly doomed, what went in them will never come back out.
Self serving authoritarians (megalomaniacs = mentally disturbed) are like mold spores, there are always a few floating around waiting for conditions in which they can fester. Tragically such conditions are being created in the US. COVID was means not motive. The American people better find a way to end the decay soon or they are going to end up subjugated and subservient while condemning their children to lives of societal demoralization, dereliction and impoverishment.
If You Found Yourself
Within A Disinformation Matrix
What Would You Do?
That’s Easy.
- You’d Go After The Power Supply.
In Our Case That’s The Testing/Trial Protocols.
Unplug That And The Whole Mother Shuts Down.
Not that covidiots are logical. But....The lockdown/vaxpass scheme hinges on asymptomatic spread. Which as you point out is about testing.
How about requiring individual trial protocols, be furnished in advance to a non-biased scientist, or committee of three, who then has the right to observe any animal or human trials, and to receive a copy of any documents pertaining to the trials within a certain time period of dissemination?
The Most Heavily Vaccinated People And Those
Injured The Most - Are Still Wearing Masks.
Enjoy This Moment. It Is Yours.
Because They Are The Same Fucked-Up Morons
That Wanted To Force Inject You; To Quarantine You; To Fire You; And To Deny You Medical Care. They Still Do.
So Tell Them - To Their Faces:
“Don’t Get Sick - Because You Won’t Get Better”
You Owe Yourself That.
They Are Not Getting Better. Make Them Hear It.
How would you unplug that?
I fear that what comes of this will be like de-nazification after WWII: it won't go far enough.
"Maybe there is a Freudian explanation: things so obviously terrible and in such recent memory are too painful to mentally process, so we just pretend it didn’t happen. Plenty in power like this solution."
Applies perfectly to the systemic election fraud which in fact became perfectly evident the minute vote counting stopped in swing states which were about to determine a presidential election, followed by in your face ballot box stuffing. We don't know the extent and means of the fraud or identities of perpetrators, because there was no investigation, but there is no question about the fact of the fraud as any reasonably astute adult who was paying attention knows within their own mind whether they are willing to acknowledge the reality or not. Consequent authoritarianism and political weaponization of government bureaucracies should now come as no surprise, unless of course one simply pretends it isn't happening.
I love Jeff's takes, generally. However...
As usual, Jeff is too optimistic, here. Of course, people will buy this bullshit from the Covid Crisis Group's book, hook, line, and sinker. The mental takeover is too close to complete. The stupidification is almost irreversible. Long live Oceania!
Well there good son, you're just missing the solution to all this turmoil and disgruntlement. That be MORE government and a whole lot more big pharma drugs, vaccines and mRNA gene altering injections to sooth thy ills. It's magic! The cure for the miseries of life is government incentivized big pharma.
The Great Silence!! Name it and shame those who do not speak out. This is our only hope to stop the madness.
Does the word "data" appear? As in "develop data collection and analysis systems so that we have a clue to what's happening."
How about the word "research"? As in "validate measures with rigorous research before imposing them on the public instead of relying on studies from places such as Israel, Bangladesh, or not bothering to ask such questions."
Certainly, the report contains not even the briefest consideration that maybe there's nothing to be done against an airborne virus, and that, short of an actually efficacious vaccine (good luck with promoting even the genuine article in the future, because all good will towards Big Pharma and our regulatory apparatus is now scorched earth), no reaction will do less harm overall than any other response. No, this can't be contemplated, not even for a moment.
Not sorry. Not even remotely.
these control freaks can't admit failure and go back into their corners. they can't wait for another flu so they can stir up panic and be all important again
I do hope Fauci goes down, once he goes down the rest should fall too