“There will be at least 18.5 serious adverse events from mRNA vaccines per COVID-19 hospitalization prevented, including 1.5-4.6 booster-associated myopericarditis cases in males (typically requiring hospitalization).”

This is a ridiculous stat. COVID-19 was not dangerous to children at all. At one point, two years into THIS SCAM. There were only ~600 deaths of children less than 18 or 20 years old. They were COVID-19-reported deaths, but in reality, they were deaths of sick kids after testing positive for SARS-CoV-2. There were close to ~100,000 deaths from all causes in this same age group. Yet the frauds in public health couldn't get any more than about .75% of those all-cause deaths to have a COVID-19 stamp on them.

Remember that CoVID-19 death at any age had close to 100% comorbidities among those that died and had a positive SARS-CoV-2 test(died with SARS-CoV-2 mot from COVID-19). Viruses are nasty, and when you are on your deathbed or you are not healthy, a bad virus can take it's toll. That has always been the case; we didn't blame it on the virus in years past; we blamed it on the comorbidities that ultimately killed you.

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This is a great compilation, Justin. Thanks for doing this.

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Zoom in on the pictures/paintings. They are groteque. Just like "the Agenda" is. Who made these?

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That is the whole point of the pictures to display how gross these policies were and how criminal anyone that supported what happened to our children is. Any politician or public health figure who supported lockdowns, masking, and vaccine mandates needs to be held accountable.

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I know. They do.

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Does anyone really believe any of this was not by design?

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Great compilation. I had been keeping track of these things in a spreadsheet 2020 & 2021. So good to see this stuff in once place. Thank you.

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