The answer to all of this is that the entire charade was a military operation. Everything they got wrong was due to top down mandate. Independent doctors that kept their integrity and empathy were quick to study and develop early treatment protocols that were successful. Logically, as news of effective treatment spread, you would expect quick adoption by hospitals and clinics. But we saw the opposite. When the military runs an op, they control it completely. There was to be no outside influence. Doctors were to follow mandate or lose their job. And maybe most obvious was the stark contrast between what normally sane doctors accept as collateral damage and what the military is willing to accept in pursuit of a successfully executed operation.

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I was uncertain about the extent of military involvement in Covid until I read this: https://slaynews.com/news/dutch-government-official-admits-covid-pandemic-military-operation-ministry-health-obeys-nato/

I suggest that we stop saying that in dealing with the Covid hoax, government and healthcare "experts" got it wrong. It appears to me that the Covid event was a very successful real world test of fear propaganda and population control. "They" operated according to careful planning and it was, as you said above, a "successfully executed operation".

However, the questions in the article are absolutely valid for exposing what was purposely done.

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Quite right, starting with the fact that it wasn't Fauci but Dr. Birx who dictated everything in the Trump White House. Fauci, like everyone else from Trump on down, was subordinate to Birx. Dr. Scott Atlas reported this in his Dec. 2021 book, also that Jared Kushner chaired 3x weekly "Covid Huddle" meetings to ensure 100% compliance with Birx narrative. It was reported elsewhere that Birx was hired by #2 man in Trump NSA, Matt Pottinger. This article merely diverts attention from the real cause of it all.

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Absolutely , the US goobermint hired a PR propaganda firm ti spread the lies! 4th dimensional war fare on its own people . I’ll never believe anything Uncle Scam says again !

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The Vaccinated

Did Not Have

Their Health Stolen From Them.

They Forfeited It.


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Speaking of the covid "vaccinated," I would say of all of them that they did not recognize, or care to recognize, a crime in-progress. Many still cannot. Is that forfeiting their health? For some, I would agree, because at the time of the jabs roll out they knew better than to swallow all of Dr. Fauci's absurdities, they could have found a way (however costly) to avoid taking the injections; nevertheless they gave in (some of the ones I knew, like wet cardboard) to the social and financial pressure. But for some of the injected, and especially children, that wasn't / isn't the case. I have several family members who to this day see nothing wrong with the "vaccines," and it's not for lack of backbone or lack of self-respect, they just never learned anything other than to do what their doctor says; to this day, late November 2024, they still believe, God help them because I cannot, that they are doing the right thing to protect their health by taking boosters.

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They likely believe a "vaccine" is how it was defined years ago. They may not know that the CDC redefined it just for COVID.


WAS: a preparation of killed microorganisms, living attenuated organisms, or living fully virulent organisms that is administered to produce or artificially increase immunity to a particular disease

IS: a preparation that is administered – as by injection – to stimulate the body's immune response against a specific infectious agent or disease

Vaccination WAS: the act of introducing a vaccine into the body to produce immunity to a specific disease.

IS: the act of introducing a vaccine into the body to produce protection from a specific disease. [as of September 2021]

Immunity has long been viewed as existing in levels. Herd immunity is an unproven concept used to explain why some people get sick when others do not. So, the original definition likely incorporates differing levels of immunity. The second definition may be alluding to this as “protection” If so, are the two definitions really different?:

Pandemic According to Britannica: A pandemic is an outbreak of infectious disease that occurs over a wide geographical area and that is of high prevalence. A pandemic generally affects a significant proportion of the world’s population, usually over the course of several months.

In 2011 Peter Doshi wrote about the apparent redefinition of a pandemic by WHO in the face of the H1N1 influenza pandemic of 2009. Doshi claimed there was no redefinition “for the simple reason that it has never formally defined pandemic influenza.”

Since 2003, the top of the WHO Pandemic Preparedness homepage has contained the following statement: “An influenza pandemic occurs when a new influenza virus appears against which the human population has no immunity, resulting in several simultaneous epidemics worldwide with enormous numbers of deaths and illness.” In May 2009 the phrase “enormous numbers of deaths and illness” was removed, leaving it ending in “has no immunity”. WHO claimed the alteration did not change the definition “but we recognize that it could be taken as such.”

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Thanks for your comment, California Girl. Spot on. I tried telling them about the word definition change— no dice. When I told them that the shots were experimental Emergency Use Authorized, they didn't believe that, either. I remember at the time of the jabs roll out, it was clearly stated that the "vaccinations" were EUA but then, all of a sudden, it was REALLY difficult to Google up that information about EUA.

Hmmm, that got my notice. Why hide that? Huh.

Also that these injectables, "vaccines" now so-called, used to be known as "gene therapy"— that wasn't something I read in some odd corner of the Internet, I recall it being front and center, and I told some family members this but, nope, they didn't believe that.

And hmmm, all of a sudden, it was really difficult to Google up anything about that.... Huh. (It is actually mentioned in an SEC filing.)

There's a long list of lies about all things covid that many people just didn't and still don't have the Overton window for, and that I could see, as could many others, and in real time, that the authorities, hand-in-hand with mainstream media and Big Tech, were deliberately burying.

And all that about natural immunity not working (so you have to get the jab, even if you've already had covid, to protect others)? Yeah, sell me a raccoon at the dog show.

This is a generalization, it doesn't apply to everyone, of course not, but I know for a fact that a good number of people whom I know personally took the "vaccines" because their doctor told them they were vaccines just like the ones they took when they were kids, like the ones for polio and for smallpox, and that these wonderful new covid vaccines were fully tested and approved— lies, lies, and more lies.

Some of the doctors themselves were hoodwinked, of course. But it was their job to know better.

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Regarding your EUA comments, yes, of course, these genetic treatments were authorized under emergency use and the EUA terminology was used front and center initially. But as we saw, "vaccine hesitancy" was brought into the lexicon and used as a weapon against independent thought. Vaccine hesitancy was the direct enemy an entire brigade of this military operation was focused on defeating. So they devised a clever strategy. They submitted Pfizer's product to the FDA under the name Comirnaty, applying for license as a "regular" vaccine for the general public. You might recall the headlines and media marketing around it. "FDA Approves Pfizer's Comirnaty Covid Vaccine." This was a deceptive program whereby Pfizer's EUA Covid product was submitted and approved and given a new brand name, Comirnaty, which was done entirely so that the operational narrative could then include the claim that the vaccines were no longer EUA. The FDA approved them for non-emergency use, you see, so stop with your silly claims that they are still experimental. The problem was, Comirnaty was never made available anywhere. Slight of hand and smoke and mirrors. A vaccine was approved, but you can't actually get it. You can only get the EUA vaccine. So that was the whole trick there. It was a salvo in the war against "vaccine hesitancy" that gave the government, the media and big Pharma a seemingly rational response to growing concern over the liability shield and emergency use of the mRNA products by giving them a way to claim that the products were actually fully approved by the FDA and thus no longer EUA. "Fact-checks" like this one (https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/factcheck/2021/10/20/fact-check-comirnaty-pfizers-fda-approved-vaccine-available-us/8538861002/) show just how concerted the effort was to sell this illusion to the public. Of course, USA Today will never retract this article, which has not stood the test of time. Still to this day, Comirnaty is not available. And why would they make it available? Doctors are still under orders to use the EUA product. Sure, they may be the same formula, if you still believe anything they say, but one product is protected from liability and the other is not. If the military is still ordering doctors and pharmacies to procure and prescribe the EUA product, why would Pfizer take any chances and start selling the version of the product that has no liability protections?

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That’s right , there is no covid biological material in the clot shots !

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And for those of us who were strongly anti-mandate but just thought we were helping? My compromise was to get J+J when it was reauthorized. This was spring 2021, BEFORE any mandate (had the mandate been immediate, I'd have been more inclined to resist). One shot, viral vector was supposedly safer, and 'never mRNA' was the hill I was going to choose to die on. Also had a wife of many years pushing for it, and that is a lot harder to resist than a government. Especially when it's the only good relationship I ever had. Starting work over is one thing; I have enough skills to muddle through, albeit poorer than I came out of this. Starting love over at my age is quite another.

Now I am a 'never jabber' and won't trust any of their injectables. If this was an op, it made more antivax people than anything else ever could have hoped to. I certainly found such folks silly no so long ago, although I always respected their right to choice, even though at the time I thought then foolish. Now we know beyond all doubt that we cannot trust the institutions, so the only rational decision is to reject everything they say and do and push for.

No conscription, no compulsion, no coercion. Anything less is NOT a free society.

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Thank you for your comment. And thank you for standing for medical freedom.

I very much agree that, as you say, "it made more antivax people than anything else ever could have hoped to."

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Yes and no. People who are not purveyors of the political realm would not have realized that this was a government operation. I was very much against getting vaccinated, but I follow politics and recognized right away that something about COVID was political. However, for those that don’t follow politics and were just trying to live their lives, I don’t fault them for getting vaccinated. To be a fully functioning society we have to trust in people and institutions. So when their doctor told them to get the vaccine, the ignorant believed that it was best for them. That’s what has made the COVID operation more harmful than just a pandemic: Not only did it destroy people financially and physically, but the societal trust is gone. We no longer trust our doctors, our neighbors, what we watch, what we read, and certainly we longer trust anyone in our government. It’s harder to be happy when there is no trust.

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It's the perennial struggle between individual and species, between individual and the collective, between the rara avis and the borg. Many of us simply chose to abandon the former for the latter.

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I think the biggest wrong is the suppression of early treatment and the results of the campaign in Uttar Pradesh.

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And this might have killed 500k Americans

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So what are we going to do about all of this? Hearing the information just makes me angry. These people destroyed lives. They MUST be held legally accountable in some way.

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As important as it is to investigate what was done and punish those who did so maliciously, it is more important to prepare for future events and stay vigilant to power grabs like many here on SubStack are shining the light on. The W.H.O. being a prime example. The population is still divided when it comes to both Covid and the Mitigation Measures, but the tide is moving in the right direction. If another “pandemic” is announced, many more will be skeptical and willing to fight harder for their rights. That’s the good news. The bad news is the perpetrators know this. Their strategy is already plain to see. What we can do is keep informing the public of policy changes being enacted, and continue to be as vocal as possible with our representatives. Bad policymakers need unrelenting pressure from their constituents. If they ignore constituents in favor of the lobbyists, they need to be sent home. Discuss these things with everyone you know. Vote the bad apples out.

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Nov 20Edited

I do hope people are waking up. It's very hard to see that in Chicago. People here are still muzzled. I'm to the point where I just stare in shock. I can't work up the energy to hide it anymore. And it's by choice, since not even the various medical facilities I've been in lately are requiring it. My elderly father was sick with the flu a few weeks ago (doing well now) and the nurse did not test him for Covid. It wasn't mentioned. I wasn't about to suggest it for fear that they'd dump him in a hospital even though his symptoms were not severe.

Anyway, I feel like I am living in an insane asylum. I honestly don't know what "normal" is anymore.

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Don’t worry , cause if one goes Down , they all go down , so nothing will happen to them!

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Overall looks very promising, but their treatment of HCQ & Ivermectin borders on criminal negligence - they completely elide the 3 major dimensions of both:

(1) clinical experience on the ground by physicians using these drugs

(2) the overwhelming body of evidence in favor of these drugs for covid

(3) the intentional and willful sabotage of these drugs by various policies and deliberately fraudulent trials designed to fail

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The list is overwhelming. One thing that continues to baffle me is that the constant pharmaceutical ads on TV all carry the required warnings of side effects at the end of the ad. All of them because they aren't operating under an EUA. Covid vax ads contain no such warnings. Do people ever stop and think that all pharmaceuticals have side effects so why don't covid ads? Either they have been so brainwashed or they don't want to contemplate what might be in store for them down the road? The lack of critical thinking is unbelievable.

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If the EUA is still in effect , they can lie all they want . Plus the Oblomo smith-munt act repealing , the lying lame stream media doesn’t suffer any consequences for lying to the masses.

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I have documentation of my teachers union legal and illegal efforts that kept our schools closed if you are interested. I’ve also have data and first hand accounts of how damaging lockdowns and masks were for my high school students. Here’s a 7 minute compilation video of our virtual school year: https://open.substack.com/pub/jennibgaither/p/the-year-the-system-failed-us?r=gpoiv&utm_medium=ios

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Covid? Or was it the Common Cold of Flu used as a sales aid for DEADLY injections called vaccines?

Of course Big Pharma now want to 'help' RFK (Jr). They want to be on hand to see what he's up to. Then, in their typically corrupt style of business, they will try to manipulate, justify, exaggerate and bluff their way into persuading RFK into leaving certain dangerous activities and processes unaltered.

Keeping their ENEMY close is their tactics as they know Trump's resolve cannot be 'bought'. Which is how Big Pharma et their way with CDC, FDA and other influential authorities.

I have no medical experience or education, but I now maintain, from witnessing the 5 years of lies, falsified data and cover ups which have come to light since these injections were hurriedly 'knocked up'. The current LIABILITY rules accommodate the frequent occurrence of Vax Injuries and semi-permanent illnesses, some of which can be fatal.

At best, these mRNA injections can cause illnesses to return after being supposedly cured years before. New vocabulary has become frequent since these dangerous mRNA injections. 'Turbo Cancer' is now a frequently used term for cancers that follow soon after the mRNA injections. mRNA injections can open the door to previously cured diseases - including CANCERS! It's not RARE - Covid is more FREQUENT after the useless but DEADLY VAX is injected!

After accepting these dangerous mRNA injections, the best anyone can hope for is to suffer a compromised Natural Immune System which, in my world, means a shortened LIFE EXPECTANCY.

I'm not Doctor, but I prefer to err on the side of Self Preservation. I recommend that we refuse to accept another supposedly 'Safe and Effective' mRNA injection (mistakenly called a vaccine).

Why do you suppose Pfizer, Moderna, Johnson & Johnson are so desperate to retain ZERO LIABILITY for their DEADLY INJECTIONS? 'No LIABILITY' is an inexplicable condition of sale or/and use!

BIG PHARMA'S BIGGEST FEAR IS LOSING THEIR EXEPMTION FROM LIABILITY! This is the most important change we must insist upon because they must face consequences for CORRUPT ACTIVITY!

Unjabbed Mick (UK) we'll all live longer by avoiding corrupt Big Pharma and 'QUACK' medics with syringes!

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Dear UnVaccinated,


We’ll Laugh About All This.


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Has any government apologized for the mistakes these stupid mandates? At least not in Canada.

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I believe that most of the purveyors of the false information like the mainstream journalists, politicians, useful idiots, sincerely believed whatever Fauci said and regurgitated it ad nauseum. So those people were wrong, but they weren't lying, because they believed what they were saying. Fauci, on the other hand, was outright lying. Based on all the email leaks, FOIA requests, whistleblowers, it appears that Fauci's motivations for lying were covering up the GOF research leak, since he was funding it, and protecting his mRNA vax royalty stream, which amounted into the many millions.

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The Plannedemic: RFK Jr ATTACKED For Saying COVID-19 Pandemic ‘May’ Have Been Planned?! Featuring Pre-Planning & Predictive Programming (NurembergTrials.net) https://nuremberg2.substack.com/p/the-plannedemic-rfk-jr-attacked-for

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So many deaths have been attributed to COVID in 2020. It seems as if the number is whatever anyone says it is. That's wrong. Is there a reliable source for that statistic? what is it (source and statistic)?

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Excellent summary, as it we’re, for the entire debacle that was the official narrative, also condemned as conspiracy theories by dumb yokels who didn’t know The ScienceTM.

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I am totally here for you to tell them "I F*&&^%ing told you so." -okay, maybe stronger language than you would use, but happy to say it for you ;-)

Esp with Trump back in the white house. Given some of his picks it "seems" he learned something, but then that damn Truth Social post about operation warp speed...sigh

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As I'm sure a lot of us are, I'm trying to stay hopeful that RFKjr will actually disrupt the system and not be held back by the blob. Unfortunately, I see no reason to believe the next 4 years will be significantly different than any other 4 years when it comes to campaign promises that are never realized. And there are some obvious conflicts between what RFKjr wants to do and Trump's plans (and perceived reputation). Trump is still pumping (or should I say pimping) up the Operation Warp Speed military operation. I'm sure by now everyone involved knows it was a failure. It's just a matter of who's going to open the flood gates first. Because once that happens, the lawsuits and malpractice claims are going to be at the center of the Overton Window of acceptable behavior.

What I'm most concerned about is what Trump might be doing on the flip side of what RFKjr is doing. We may be in the initial phase of a Peter Thiel operation whereby a digital ID and health pass will be sold as both a way to keep the health agencies from persecuting healthy people and a way to secure elections and borders and survive a currency collapse. The "good guys" who've been decrying the encroachment of government, censorship, surveillance and medical tyranny are backed by a guy in Thiel that runs the mother of all surveillance databases and may have Trump sold (or he literally bought him) on his draconian vision of "predictive policing". I can't think of anything more frightening than a future where we are predictively policed and our freedom is tied to an app that is centrally controlled by the ruling class.

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If Trump is still banging on about Operation Warp Speed, it is likely because he doesn't understand true vaccine development. That and he does not "get" the price paid by the public who took the GD jabs. And he is certainly not going to accept blame for the jab injuries and deaths. We are on our own. We'll be doing good if a politician actually acnowledges the failure. As for compensation, don't hold your breath.

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"We are all in this together" in every commercial within one week. and "Stay safe".

Then told, you can shop at Walmart and Home Depot, but not play in the park.

So many red flags early on.

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