Thank you, Justin...nothing hurts so much as being laughed at. All the covid "believers" need to experience maximum mockery to get the point across. They made total fools of themselves and facilitated the murder and/or injury of millions of helpless people...including our elders, children and now even infants....who never suffer from "covid"-- and are in their sights. Hell is too mild a punishment for those like F**** who did this all knowingly.

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This prose is exquisite! I recall an acquaintance of mine, way back in early stages of the Great Covid Dumpster Fire, when we both were on Twitter--he left in disgust, because Elon or some such--chiding me with, "Wilt, is masking the hill you want to die on?" Or something similarly vapid. I was cordial to him, although I was thinking, "Yes, idiot, masking absolutely the hill we should all die on!" The most ridiculous NPI's despite how "easy" they are to comply with, are exactly the ones we should attack, I now understand.

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These letters are delicious. No other word for hit. Looking forward to the next installment.

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And remember, “mask” is a four-letter word. Maybe we should simply say “the M-word”? 🤔

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