We didn't all accept the Covid and Vax scams!

I'm approaching 80 - fit and healthy with serious concern about what has been going on since Fauci (& friends) modified a virus in order to create a disease which requires a 'CURE'. PROFIT from 'the cure' was the end game! A 'Cure by Injection' makes it extremely profitable. Even if it doesn't work or did nothing and a few vax recipients died along the way. "So What - nobody can prove we're lying!"

I have absolutely zero medical education - just a logical brain and over the past 4 years I've diligently investigated this extremely 'foreign' subject. I have concluded that the whole Covid/Vax Plan was one coordinated concept to make money and reduce the overpopulated world with a Cull by vax.

The biggest Clue as to the honesty and sincerity of Big Pharma (Pfizer, Moderna, etc,) is ZERO LIABILITY. It's unbelievable that they are exonerated from any/all culpability. A CONTRACT CONDITION that Vax makers insist upon for everybody who agree to sample their deadly EXPERIMENTAL mRNA injections. I have determined that mRNA is a highly dangerous, uncontrollable Gene Altering experiment which creates Spike Proteins that cannot be regulated or controlled. The net result is a sudden Post-Vax TSUNAMI of diseases that seem to be occurring in those blindly accepting these mRNA injections. How can Big Pharma justify ZERO LIABILITY? They know they're killing thousands with their 'medicines'. With ZERO LIABILITY casualties don't matter because there are ZERO consequences. No need for the manufacturers to prove safety or efficacy. No need to 'quality control' the vials full of deadly crap for 'contamination', etc,. Big Pharma's friends at the FDA 'turn a blind eye' to policing any of our reasonable expectations.

When I was a kid, there were perhaps ONE case of Autism in 1000 - today, with hundreds of opportunities to poison kids by injection, there are maybe 10 Autistic or ADHD issues in 1000 kids.

We now can't eat peanuts because Big Pharma has moved the goal posts by 'OVER-vaccinating' our who now die from 'deadly peanuts'. This insanity must stop!

I frequently comment on these topics and many seem to concur with my thought process.

I'm currently in conflict with my local GP practice, which I have just learned is part of a larger consortium of Private Health providers. Since 2021, I have frequently emailed evidence of Vax harms, excess Deaths, Unsafe and ineffective injections called VACCINES, etc,.

They have now decided I must be reigned in from spreading the truth. They suggest that my 'opinions and beliefs' are unwanted and unhelpful in their quest in providing care in their patients best interests.

I've told them that I am NOT sending my 'OPINIONS and BELIEFS' but factual evidence from other 'experts' of what has been apparent since the release of a man-modified disease in late 2019 and the dangerous 'cure' (Vax) that was knocked up in a few short weeks.

Unjabbed Mick (UK) We'll all live longer without corrupt medical interference!

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Genius using the Screwtape Letters by C.S. Lewis. Many smart, intelligent, literate people have read this work and more by same author. Too bad those same smart people could not recall well enough to see the game being played on them.

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I'm upgrading to a paid subscription in response to this great piece of writing. You can almost sense the saliva pool on the imagined correspondents' respective desks as they luxuriate in their manipulation.

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So masterful! And the historical reference is spot on!

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I think these letters are more powerful than even your normal expert reporting. Looking forward to the next installment.

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This is genius!

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Well done!

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Except they didn't even need an engineered virus. Just everything you mentioned along with faulty tests. Keeping the GOF pandemic story alive just primes the pump for round two.

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Excellent! I was going to say "brilliant", but somebody already did!

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To invert a line from the 12steppers...every day Satan.

This is going to be a great series.

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Just drove across wa state looking at vast empty lands. Its only crowded for the greedy and selfish!

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Have you seen this?

Does not pain Fauci in a good light.


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