There is no chance--absolutely none--of this not happening again. I am bemused when I hear people say that. This was not the first time, despite the number of eyes that (shockingly) seemed to see the B.S. for the first time during the Great Covid Dumpster Fire. Hell, after t.h.e.y. worked out the kinks, the next time could actually be worse!
That’s what Moob-man Gates is promising. Add in the plans to start “vaccinating” (w/ mRNA, natch) everything that grows, flies, walks in our food supply & that CBDC & ongoing plans for “vaccine passports) continue quietly in the background....
Follow the 💰💰💰💰. He’s paid off institutions, schools, WHO, media everywhere. And when he’s not doing that, he’s buying up farm land & planning to block the sun for a - MAYBE - 1 degree increase in temp 200 years from now. Dumb ass SOB 🤡, but 1 w/ incredibly destructive power & fantasies that he has the 💰 to make come true
There is no chance--absolutely none--of this not happening again. I am bemused when I hear people say that. This was not the first time, despite the number of eyes that (shockingly) seemed to see the B.S. for the first time during the Great Covid Dumpster Fire. Hell, after t.h.e.y. worked out the kinks, the next time could actually be worse!
That’s what Moob-man Gates is promising. Add in the plans to start “vaccinating” (w/ mRNA, natch) everything that grows, flies, walks in our food supply & that CBDC & ongoing plans for “vaccine passports) continue quietly in the background....
Of course. Absolutely aghast that this dweeb Gates gets so much access and is listened to by so many.
Follow the 💰💰💰💰. He’s paid off institutions, schools, WHO, media everywhere. And when he’s not doing that, he’s buying up farm land & planning to block the sun for a - MAYBE - 1 degree increase in temp 200 years from now. Dumb ass SOB 🤡, but 1 w/ incredibly destructive power & fantasies that he has the 💰 to make come true
And we are being "led" by the obtuse ... who aren't going anywhere.
And all the institutions and professions that are supposed to "search for the truth" now exist to conceal it.
A good summary of the past couple of years....
Indeed! And that is precisely why this happening again is almost a guarantee.