In a move that feels less like a revelation and more like catching up with reality, the CIA has now concluded that the SARS-CoV-2 virus, which caused the COVID-19 pandemic, likely originated from a lab leak in Wuhan, China. This shift aligns the agency with the FBI, the Department of Energy, and other credible voices that have long pointed to the lab as the source. While the CIA's assessment is noted as having “low confidence,” it’s becoming increasingly clear that the “wet market” theory is little more than a convenient cover story.
From Fringe Theory to Overdue Validation
It wasn’t so long ago that merely suggesting the virus escaped from the Wuhan Institute of Virology could get you labeled a conspiracy theorist. Yet as more information has surfaced, the lab leak hypothesis has moved from being dismissed to becoming the most plausible explanation. The Wuhan Institute of Virology, after all, was conducting gain-of-function research on coronaviruses, with safety protocols that have since been called into question. The proximity of the lab to the outbreak’s epicenter is not just a coincidence; it’s a smoking gun.
The FBI and Department of Energy had already endorsed the lab leak theory, with FBI Director Christopher Wray openly stating that a lab incident was the most likely cause. Now the CIA, after what one can only assume was a careful re-review of the obvious, has joined the growing consensus. It begs the question: how much more evidence does the world need before this is treated as settled science?
China’s Role in Obfuscation
China’s response to the lab leak theory has been as predictable as it is frustrating. For years, Chinese officials have dismissed the theory as baseless, accusing anyone who suggests it of politicizing the pandemic. Meanwhile, they have obstructed investigations, limited access to critical data, and crafted narratives that paint the virus as a natural spillover event. It’s no wonder the World Health Organization’s initial study—conducted in partnership with Chinese scientists—concluded that a lab leak was “extremely unlikely.” That study, however, has since been widely criticized for its lack of independence and transparency.
China’s strategy has been clear: deny, deflect, and delay. And for a time, it worked. But with mounting evidence and now even the CIA acknowledging the lab leak as the probable origin, the cracks in China’s narrative are impossible to ignore.
The Evidence Speaks for Itself
The natural origin theory—the idea that the virus jumped from animals to humans, possibly in a wet market—has never had the scientific backing its proponents claim. No intermediate host species has been identified, and the timeline of the virus’s emergence raises more questions than answers. Contrast that with what we know about the Wuhan Institute of Virology:
It was conducting research on bat coronaviruses strikingly similar to SARS-CoV-2.
The lab has a history of safety breaches.
Researchers at the lab reportedly fell ill with COVID-like symptoms weeks before the outbreak was officially recognized.
At some point, Occam’s Razor has to apply: the simplest explanation is that this virus leaked from the lab, whether through an accident or negligence.
Time to Drop the “Low Confidence” Dance
The CIA’s cautious phrasing of “low confidence” reflects the limited access to conclusive data, but at this point, the circumstantial evidence is overwhelming. While the intelligence community may hedge its bets, the rest of us can connect the dots. The lab leak is not just a theory; it’s the only explanation that holds water after three years of scrutiny.
The shots were NEVER brought in for "Covid." Instead, "Covid" was brought in for the shots. "Covid" was *INTENTIONALLY RELEASED* to achieve the goal, which was to launch the unsafe experimental mRNA genetic therapy shots they wanted, but which shots could NEVER pass the normal safety-and-effectiveness trials. So they created the "emergency" they needed to achieve their goal of rolling out new not-a-vaccines.
5 years ago in 2020 -- and ever since -- the Mockingbird media framed the argument so that there are ONLY TWO possibilities for the sheeple to consider: either "covid" (1) was naturally occurring (from bats), or (2) was an *accidental* leak from a lab caused by carelessness. Never trust such overly simplistic framing. It is easy to fall into a "false binary" trap that admits of only two choices, when there are other possibilities that must not be discounted.
I can think of at least one other:
(3) A third possibility is that covid (whatever the heck it was) was *intentionally* released by The Powers That Shouldn't Be in order to launch the extremely profitable, experimental, mRNA not-a-vaccines, which also facilitate depopulation desired by the controllers (especially deaths of the elderly, which reduces pension/social security payouts by governments) and the creation of diseases of all sorts which can now be *profitably treated* as the human herd is thinned out. A "win-win" in the opinion of the controllers.
But this 3rd choice is simply too horrible 😰 for most people to entertain, so they usually just completely block it out of their minds because "they [i.e. the government/the W.H.O./the international banks] would never do that to us!" [insert nervous sheeple laughter]
What if the lab leak is (and always was) simply the cover story, conveniently keeping shleepp fenced inside the bio-pharma/bio-weapon corral, which more conveniently only the gov't with bio-pharma/bio-military assistance could save you from.