In a move that feels less like a revelation and more like catching up with reality, the CIA has now concluded that the SARS-CoV-2 virus, which caused the COVID-19 pandemic, likely originated from a lab leak in Wuhan, China.
The shots were NEVER brought in for "Covid." Instead, "Covid" was brought in for the shots. "Covid" was *INTENTIONALLY RELEASED* to achieve the goal, which was to launch the unsafe experimental mRNA genetic therapy shots they wanted, but which shots could NEVER pass the normal safety-and-effectiveness trials. So they created the "emergency" they needed to achieve their goal of rolling out new not-a-vaccines.
5 years ago in 2020 -- and ever since -- the Mockingbird media framed the argument so that there are ONLY TWO possibilities for the sheeple to consider: either "covid" (1) was naturally occurring (from bats), or (2) was an *accidental* leak from a lab caused by carelessness. Never trust such overly simplistic framing. It is easy to fall into a "false binary" trap that admits of only two choices, when there are other possibilities that must not be discounted.
I can think of at least one other:
(3) A third possibility is that covid (whatever the heck it was) was *intentionally* released by The Powers That Shouldn't Be in order to launch the extremely profitable, experimental, mRNA not-a-vaccines, which also facilitate depopulation desired by the controllers (especially deaths of the elderly, which reduces pension/social security payouts by governments) and the creation of diseases of all sorts which can now be *profitably treated* as the human herd is thinned out. A "win-win" in the opinion of the controllers.
But this 3rd choice is simply too horrible 😰 for most people to entertain, so they usually just completely block it out of their minds because "they [i.e. the government/the W.H.O./the international banks] would never do that to us!" [insert nervous sheeple laughter]
What if the lab leak is (and always was) simply the cover story, conveniently keeping shleepp fenced inside the bio-pharma/bio-weapon corral, which more conveniently only the gov't with bio-pharma/bio-military assistance could save you from.
Finally, catching up to the conspiracy theorists! Lol. We knew this 5 years ago! It’s always this way. The people in power who should be protecting and forming us, wait so long that the damage is already done by the time they get around to finishing their investigations.
Though it came from a lab, it was no *accidental leak* but rather was *intentionally* deployed in multiple locations around the world, possibly via "crop dusting" over a few key areas like NY-NJ, Lombardy, Italy, etc. to create belief, huge fear and panic. Or possibly by selective contamination of the test kit swabs which were routinely, repeatedly rammed up people's nostrils, which was *a requirement* if you wished to go to work or travel anywhere by plane.
But it was no accident.
"North by Northwest (1959) - The Crop Duster Scene"
ha, ha, ha... I mean, I knew Americans don't want to grow up and act as adolescents for all of their lives, especially the powerful ones. That's why the make war for living and make money.
But it's has been clarified since 3/5 years that Covid if any virus, was developed as biotech weapon and the father is an American Researcher multi financed by Nazi Fauci at North Caroline University.
Then after gaining of function were moved to Wuhan to have an excuse to blame China once again..
And I wouldn't exclude Nazi Ukraine US bio weapon labs in that story... ask Hunter Biden
They never said anything about a lab leak - only that the "pandemic" was "research related." Now everyone starts screaming, " See! The CIA agrees with us now! It must be true! "It" leaked from the WIV!" Simple questions: 1: Why would you believe the CIA now? 2: Did they really agree with you? 3: Are you familiar with the purposes of creating a false dichotomy?
The CIA funded it, hid it and many other labs like Wuhan. They have finally erased all traces of their relationships with DoD, NIH, WHO funding and control of the research and the narrative control afterwards. Fauci was their puppet, like many others. Its safe to admit it was a lab leak because its safe for the CIA to not get exposed as the culprits.
The shots were NEVER brought in for "Covid." Instead, "Covid" was brought in for the shots. "Covid" was *INTENTIONALLY RELEASED* to achieve the goal, which was to launch the unsafe experimental mRNA genetic therapy shots they wanted, but which shots could NEVER pass the normal safety-and-effectiveness trials. So they created the "emergency" they needed to achieve their goal of rolling out new not-a-vaccines.
5 years ago in 2020 -- and ever since -- the Mockingbird media framed the argument so that there are ONLY TWO possibilities for the sheeple to consider: either "covid" (1) was naturally occurring (from bats), or (2) was an *accidental* leak from a lab caused by carelessness. Never trust such overly simplistic framing. It is easy to fall into a "false binary" trap that admits of only two choices, when there are other possibilities that must not be discounted.
I can think of at least one other:
(3) A third possibility is that covid (whatever the heck it was) was *intentionally* released by The Powers That Shouldn't Be in order to launch the extremely profitable, experimental, mRNA not-a-vaccines, which also facilitate depopulation desired by the controllers (especially deaths of the elderly, which reduces pension/social security payouts by governments) and the creation of diseases of all sorts which can now be *profitably treated* as the human herd is thinned out. A "win-win" in the opinion of the controllers.
But this 3rd choice is simply too horrible 😰 for most people to entertain, so they usually just completely block it out of their minds because "they [i.e. the government/the W.H.O./the international banks] would never do that to us!" [insert nervous sheeple laughter]
What if the lab leak is (and always was) simply the cover story, conveniently keeping shleepp fenced inside the bio-pharma/bio-weapon corral, which more conveniently only the gov't with bio-pharma/bio-military assistance could save you from.
Finally, catching up to the conspiracy theorists! Lol. We knew this 5 years ago! It’s always this way. The people in power who should be protecting and forming us, wait so long that the damage is already done by the time they get around to finishing their investigations.
Though it came from a lab, it was no *accidental leak* but rather was *intentionally* deployed in multiple locations around the world, possibly via "crop dusting" over a few key areas like NY-NJ, Lombardy, Italy, etc. to create belief, huge fear and panic. Or possibly by selective contamination of the test kit swabs which were routinely, repeatedly rammed up people's nostrils, which was *a requirement* if you wished to go to work or travel anywhere by plane.
But it was no accident.
"North by Northwest (1959) - The Crop Duster Scene"
3m 54s
ha, ha, ha... I mean, I knew Americans don't want to grow up and act as adolescents for all of their lives, especially the powerful ones. That's why the make war for living and make money.
But it's has been clarified since 3/5 years that Covid if any virus, was developed as biotech weapon and the father is an American Researcher multi financed by Nazi Fauci at North Caroline University.
Then after gaining of function were moved to Wuhan to have an excuse to blame China once again..
And I wouldn't exclude Nazi Ukraine US bio weapon labs in that story... ask Hunter Biden
So, UNC Chapel Hill, and others in the US, get a pass?
They never said anything about a lab leak - only that the "pandemic" was "research related." Now everyone starts screaming, " See! The CIA agrees with us now! It must be true! "It" leaked from the WIV!" Simple questions: 1: Why would you believe the CIA now? 2: Did they really agree with you? 3: Are you familiar with the purposes of creating a false dichotomy?
Covid origin was a creation in the mind of the global murderists.
The CIA funded it, hid it and many other labs like Wuhan. They have finally erased all traces of their relationships with DoD, NIH, WHO funding and control of the research and the narrative control afterwards. Fauci was their puppet, like many others. Its safe to admit it was a lab leak because its safe for the CIA to not get exposed as the culprits.
I have low confidence there was a virus.
The CIA had complete this before Election day and violated the law by not releasing it according to a report I read.
Total BS look at opening ceremony 2012 Olympics London UK-13 minute satanic ritual dedicated to Covid 19