The most important 5 mins you can spend today
Osterholm lays into his colleagues. Masks did NOT make the flu go away.
The most important five minutes you can spend today is to listen to one-time Team Apocalypse member Michael Osterholm - the man who admitted on CNN that cloth masks are nonsense - lay into his colleagues publishing nonsense about the flu being swept away by our mask measures and other interventions.
Take five minutes to hear Dr. Osterholm explain the vanishing flu is the same thing that happened in the 2009 H1N1 pandemic with no mitigation, and happened again this time globally, including countries with no mitigation. Simple facts.
Transcript is there in the thread.
I used to get the flu every year despite the flu shot. I figured it wasn't very helpful so I changed my diet etc..and haven't had either in at least 4 years. Your mileage may vary.
So does it make sense to get the flu vaccine this year? Used to get it 2019 and prior