I am a little surprised by the comment that millions of lives were saved by the MRNA vaccines. I must have missed that news.

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I was editing on the fly over the phone and I totally muffed that part. Fixed.

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My first thought!!

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I guess I can’t leave this one alone.

I can’t believe people were so effing stupid.

“COVID invades your cells and makes them produce this spike protein, which is a toxin.

“So instead we’ll inject you with this new secret formula that makes your cells produce this spike protein, which is a toxin.”

“Oh, fuck, that sounds like a GREAT IDEA! Where do i get this super secret shot? And what’s this I’m hearing about a free donut if I get the jab?”

I lost respect for 95% of the population in 2020-2024. Never to be regained. Retards.

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I'm sorry but I really don't think this is groundbreaking news. The biggest news is that anyone was stupid enough to think that you could inject something into your body's tissues ad it wouldn't move through the body. As if we didn't have a bloodstream and lymph that was constantly moving everywhere as they are meant to do. When this jab first came out and talking heads claimed that the injection didn't move from the site, I was shocked that people were so naive (being kind here) as to not question that. Everything - and I mean EVERYTHING - we were told about these jabs from day dot was a complete, verifiable lie. But again, that's not really surprising because everything we have been told about vaccination for 200+ years has also been a lie.

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The groundbreaking part - as our friend Kevin notes: " we didn’t have single cell resolution with 100x higher sensitivity. Recall the excuse of 50ug doses exaggerating the biodistribition study. This study puts that to rest.They also have gene expression changes that might help us see if P53 or cGAS-STING is up or downregulated.

This was not in the original BioD study"

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Dude. You’re retarded. Millions of lives weren’t saved by this crap. What the hell? You fell for it?

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Millions of lives were saved by destroying millions of lives and livelihoods. Sweet tradeoff. (And millions of lives were not saved).

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"Millions of lives were saved"???

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My favorite parts of Covid:


All I see are people that gave up on themselves and forfeited their minds.


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I hope the message gets out to non-members of the choir (to whom you are preaching!) Seems doubtful as the study is from March '24, "accepted" in December '24 and published yesterday. The true believers in my life could give a shit because, well other than a retinal clot, SVT, intractable vertigo, unusual anger/change in mental status and a few questionable sudden deaths...they've had no major side effects from oh, average of six shots! Gee, think of those who received Covid shots between March '24 and now who still think "it stays in the muscle and will keep me out of the hospital. At least I won't die!" Sad.

I'm also sad looking at the irradiated image of the poor mouse. I know that sounds crazy but when you own a small domesticated animal you see the resemblance. The little mouse has ribs and knee joints and metatarsals just like the rest of us and gee, likely had a sweet mouse family to come home to. One of God's creatures. Yes, I've had a glass of wine but the poor mice!

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There was never a question for anyone familiar with lipid nanoparticles that they would stay in the injection site under any circumstances. Still, the persons tasked with injecting these poisons were instructed not to flag the syringe to make sure they were not injecting directly into the bloodstream; everyone invoiced with that decision needs life in prison.

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There were studies done back in 2015 by Pfizer showing this. They knew this since 2015. This is not new information.

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