Excellent listing of effects, but I missed what well might be THE fatal one - for America and thus the world. Election rules were changed, losened to an unrecognizable state, from which there is evidently no return. No one trusts our elections, and for good reason. No "democracy," no country holding elections, can survive that. Without that trust, it' sall gonna end, and it won't be pretty.

Who believes Biden got 81 million votes, millions more than Obama? No one does. And those "votes" are still out there, plus however many million of the 15 or so million new illegals Biden has crammed in get to vote somehow, as we know they will.

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No real "democracy" or no believable election results is a pretty big deal.

None of this would have been possible if we had a "watchdog" Fourth Estate which did its most important job. If nothing else, in the last few years, growing swaths of the public now KNOW the mainstream press is completely captured.

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The so-called Fourth Estate is owned by the Bill Gates of the world. "News" has become a commodity, and completely unreliable. Tragic.

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Election machinery made infinitely worse and an absent 4th estate.

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Good catch. Destroying election integrity in the USA, and the regimes we get as a result, is kind of a big thing. The demographic changes from open borders, as a direct result of stolen elections, are permanent. We can never go back.

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Voting has not helped the little people for quite a while. The only hope is to get someone who is good at talking into office now and then so the people wake up.


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Keeping it short and sweet:



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Thank you, Justin. Our "leaders" are not done. We can't do anything about what's already happened, but we might be able to limit the damage and harm they have in store for us.

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More of us. Let’s harm THEM. Where’s the list to do that?

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‘My Carbon’: An approach for inclusive and sustainable cities

World Economic Forum, September 14, 2024


"My Carbon." A declaration that to live, to exist, is to poison the world. And with that assertion is the rationale and justification for demands we do without. To live smaller, with less. To own nothing. To be happy living at an economic level we once-called "third world."

This says, straight up, that we must be "nudged," manipulated, incentivized, punished, carrot-sticked into making sacrifices for a "greater good." That those atop will never be called to make. It affirms the real agenda behind EV's, an inferior technology to ICE. Control and limitation of movement and autonomy. Remember that old Yugo commercial, "Buy yourself a little freedom"? Not anymore.

It's a call for 15-minute cities (Warsaw ghettos). For plant and bug-based diets that "reduce carbon emissions," and making meat prohibitively expensive so only the wealthy can enjoy eating or for special occasions the little people save up for.

It's a call for electronic surveillance, "digital currency," "social credit" systems that reward right-think, punish wrong-think. Without "social credit" your home becomes a prison, the main of society roped off like exclusive clubs in NY or LA. Long distance travel only permitted as cargo, stowage in the holds. Less than human. Others. The Jewish experience in Nazi Germany for all who disobey and are disagreeable, race, religion of little concern.

"Economic Behaviour," "Cognitive Awareness," and "Social Norms" being authoritarian-speak for Goebbels psychology-informed propaganda and censorship to shape the public mind, social reengineer humanity into obedient servitude sold as virtue. Television, entertainment media, news, music, movies, sports, weather, doctors, teachers, bankers, judges, retailers, whole of society propaganda outlets and messengers.

Just like in the pandemic. Which this lovely piece confirms:

"1. COVID-19 was the test of social responsibility – A huge number of unimaginable restrictions for public health were adopted by billions of citizens across the world. There were numerous examples globally of maintaining social distancing, wearing masks, mass vaccinations and acceptance of contact-tracing applications for public health, which demonstrated the core of individual social responsibility."

It was NEVER about a public health risk. It was a test, training, Obedience 101. Most Americans and the entire world failed. Or passed if totalitarian dystopia is the goal.

It wasn't paranoia. It wasn't conspiracy theory. When they tell you in their own words what they are doing it's conspiracy fact. And RFK Jr has been right all along when he said that no tyranny in history has ever had people comply their way out of it. Is why I disobeyed. And have urged others to disobey. Too many bought the notion that it was somehow virtuous to obey. And called us freeDUM protectors crazy and selfish.

No. Not if freedom is precious and worth preserving. I think it is.

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It’s very very simple. Fauci lied and people died. The whole DC swamp has to be drained and the power given back to the people. Reform will never do it.

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You cannot substantiate any truth for something that does not exist.

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True. Not to mention that PCR can pick up remnants of ANYTHING; it didn’t even have to be what they claimed they were looking for. And there were no vaccines. They were transfections. We don’t win using their dictionary.

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The early cases of "COVID" in Wuhan were pneumonia. Some scientists "sequenced" some lung fluid, "found" a virus that looked a lot like a bat virus, and concluded that it was the pathogenic agent - without control studies. Some patients died - of ventilation, not a virus. Shades of NYC! Drosten created a PCR "test", and voila a pandemic caused by the test emerged.

There was no COVID and no SARS2 virus. We've been had.

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Good article, but the truth of the end game is missing; they don't need us any more they have found a way to make us into non-human, soulless entities with no free choice and they can make robots to serve them. That's why their REAL ENDGAME IS TO KILL US ALL OFF. They have been working towards this for over 100 yrs, since the "Spanish flu" plague. They used same methods as now, they killed lots of people with their jabs. If you don't know about this, research truth about Spanish flu "pandemic". Bill Gates grandfather was also involved in this.

As I've said here before my husband has been virologist/immunologist for 50 yrs. He says coronavirus was in the Merck manual (#1 reference used worldwide by virologists/doctors etc.) back in 1970s. This is NOT a new virus - though it may have been tweaked, we don't know because they have NEVER showns us an actual micrograph (picture) of it. Coronavirus in Merck manual says it is one form of the common cold. But that's what coronavirus is and is what covid was called at first. They have been killing us with jabs for a very long time. Read the book "Dr. Mary's Monkey" which is a true story and tells us they put cancer cells in the jabs. Husband used to help develop jabs back in 1970s but quit when he found out what was in them: cancer cells but also mercury, (NO amount of which is safe and this used to be well-known) among other things. It also used to be well-known that NO child under age 6 should ever be jabbed as they have their mom's own immune system which kicks in until they are 6 or older and their immune systems have developed. If given under age 6, all kinds of health issues surface, including autism but lots of other things as well. This is why so many babies are dying in utero because jabs are being given to pregnant moms - which is horrifying. Why would they put cancer cells and mercury in jabs and give them to babies and children if they (the deep state who are in power) aren't trying to kill us off?

One other thing: PCR tests are causing Parkinson's. Creator of PCR said they should NEVER be used to test anything as it will always give positives no matter what. I've seen him in video saying this. (He died 6 months before "covid" came out, hmmm.) We just recently found this out. Husband was in hospital 4 yrs ago and I wasn't allowed in to be with thim - he was there for 11 days and was given at least several jabs which he would have refused but he wasn't allowed to do so, they FORCED it on him. He came out of hospital alive but a very different man. He now is in the throes of Parkinson's. Dr. Bryan Ardis (can find him online) has discovered that a certain nicotine patch will arrest/possibly cure Parkinson's and Alzheimer's. He says it isn't the nicotine that is addictive in cigarettes, it's something else. Native Americans have used nicotine for healing for eons. They don't get addicted to nicotine. We're doing patches on my husband and they have arrested his Parkinson's it seems at least for now. They are Rugby brand we are using 7 mg, but you may want to use 21 mg, they are on Amazon here is URL For 21 mg patches:


Here is URL for 7 mg patches:


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Your post needs to be heard. I heard Kary Mullis speak of the PCR tests as well as Tony Fauchi and others. And "This is NOT a new virus - though it may have been tweaked, we don't know because they have NEVER shown us an actual micrograph (picture) of it." I think you are spot on here.

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I subscribed last week, but I keep getting email asking me to subscribe. Did my payment go through? cjevans1@mac.com, xirho@proton.me

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Not one word from the deranged medicine men speaking to the need to boost everyone's immune system to ward off all pathogens. No money to be made that way. Big chemo drives Big Agra and Big Food and the beneficiary is Big Pharma. Auto-immune diseases have skyrocketed and they don't address the root cause from toxins in our food supply and the injections! NIH and all their divisions are brain dead and only listen to those who they supposedly regulate. Who is regulating who? Kamala certainly won't say a word on the subject. RFK Jr. is the only politician with the guts to address the issue head on.

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THE TRUTH ABOUT ''COVID'' courtesy of the Scottish COVID inquiry is below. Which leaves every prominent lab leak promoting ''medical freedom advocate'' completely silent!



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Excellent summary!

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Very good read and analysis, Justin. Linking today @https://nothingnewunderthesun2016.com/

as the lead link in my "BIG PICTURE" section of the news!!!

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Such a great article! It was so well done. Short enough to keep the attention of someone just scanning it quickly. And you covered it all in those few words. Thank you. I just re-posted it on my website as a guest post: https://bonniebmatheson.com/the-truth-about-covid/

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