Justin, there are so many serious issues beyond the very serious issue of myocarditis. These mRNA poisons should have never seen the light of day. Nevermind that mass "vaccination" with these poisons is the driving factor fueling and prolonging the pandemic by deranging immune systems and pushing unnatural evolutionary pressure/variants. If not for mRNA poisons this pandemic would have ended long ago. So no, even an age/risk stratified approach is totally wrong. We should literally have done zero beyond focusing on effective treatments/prophylactics like HCQ, Ivermectin, cocktails, supplements, healthy lifestyles and gone about our normal daily lives. No lockdowns, useless/harmful masks, quarantine, shelter in place, mass testing, contact tracing, social distancing, remote "learning", remote "work". All of this yielded zero benefit and cause great harm that will reverberate for decades to come. The mask lie by itself is the most monumental and destructive example of brainwashing that led to global mass formation psychosis that is unprecedented in it's breadth and scale. Add to this toxic mix the violations of our basic rights, bodily autonomy, medical freedom and informed consent and that spells a dark, dystopian disaster. The protection of basic human rights is where this discussion should have started right from the get go. Once most people obediently covered their faces and their children's faces the psychopaths knew they could get away with anything including forcefully poisoning millions. Masks and restrictions are coming back because the mass psychosis is permanent. Now all the psychopaths have to do is turn up the dial on the progressive tyranny machine and lock us down once again. Will more people resist and fight back this time around? Doubtful.

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There are case series from single centers that had insane #'s of cases (also typically within limited time span & age) range, eg:

Schauer et al - 31 myo diagnoses in 12-18yo from Pfizer


Dionne et al - 15 myo cases


Lazaros et al - 9 cases in 8 patients (yup one fellow got 2x)


Tano et al - 8 myo cases


Viskin et al - 8 myo cases


Perez et al - 7 myo cases


There are a bunch more with 3-6 cases apiece, and a few hundred case reports total (and growing).

242 Vaccine Injury Case Reports of Myocarditis + Other Cardiac Injuries


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And it's STILL being mandated for our military/law enforcement. On purpose ,I have to believe, so we have fewer strong men around.

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I’m furious that few to none are fighting FOR our troops in this ridiculous draconian mandate by our Biden-appointed woke military brass. Army touts their 98% vaccinated rate (welcome to future army attrition, geniuses; China applauds).

Air Force is protected for now thanks to a sane judge. Navy - crickets. Other than a 22yr old sailor aboard the Nimitz found “unresponsive.” Never fear, “no foul play or suicide” involved.

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Is there any information, data, studies out there about myocarditis or pericarditis in vaxed teens vs unvaxed teens after having COVID? ie: is the incidence of these heart issues the same for unvaxed teens who recover from COVID as those who get and recover from COVID after being vaccinated?

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