To postulate that something injected into the human body would remain in one single location is a proposition so preposterous as to boggle the mind.

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Exactly. It shows the level of "priesthood" associated with Public Health™ and various other authorities, that they could suggest something so preposterous and not be laughed out of the room almost immediately. Next up, "My mask protects you and your mask protects me!" As negative as this might sound, seems to me that we, as a species, are still ripe for the next witch doctor to ask for a human sacrifice, if it means safety!

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Yes! I have thought this from day 1!

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They lied? Impossible!

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The doctor that I had back in 2021 who promoted the mRNA shot laughed when I said one of the reasons I wasn't getting the vaccine was that it doesn't stay in the injection site.

"Of course it doesn't stay isolated in the injection site." she said. She also had a convoluted answer to the not testing the long term effects of it, but that one rang true to me. The deal breaker about the vaccine for me was "for a disease with a .2% death rate according to the seroprevalence studies.

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Of course they lied. When have they told the truth?

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Yeah, it’s not just myocardial interplay either. It’s every system & organ from brain to ovaries / testes & everything in between

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When I see that a study shows X results “up to X days/weeks/months” my first question is: “how long did they run the study”? Why is it not fundamental to understand that what we inject/ingest/absorb changes our biology?

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Because that would require common sense, Glenda! 🤣🤣 I'm only laughing to stop myself from screaming at the continued stupidity of this whole thing....

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For Your Review:

Is covid electronic warfare creating sickness in vivo? Is it?!


(ARRC) Seminar Series - Prof. Ian F. Akyildiz (DARPA) - "Covid mRNA Vaccines Are Nothing More Than Bio-Nano Machines" - Graphene-based Plasmonic Nano-Antenna for Terahertz Band Communication in Nanonetworks


Origional Webinar: youtu.be/YAtQFkEg5-w

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I just launched a “demonstration project” where, with the support of Substack readers, I hope to make history and show that Substack readers are not amused by the captured MSM … and they can and will support Substack authors. I appreciate all Substack reader who take the time to read my “Open Letter.” We’re all in this together. It’s Substack’s READERS who will ultimately determine how much influence Substack has in our battle against our captured elite institutions.


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I feel like I'm living in a poorly written dystopian sci-fi movie.

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I recall learning that the spike protein produced by the vaccines was spreading all over the body, from a study in Japan in June 2021, including the uterus. testes and worst of all passing the brain blood barrier.

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Is anyone counting the lies? Or the thousands of deaths they deliberately caused by the MAN-ENHANCED CoronaVirus, created to DEPOPULATE and to justify a profit-making opportunity for Big Pharma, in the form of DEADLY but useless injections against Covid?

Is anyone counting the lies? Or the thousands of deaths they deliberately caused by the MAN-ENHANCED CoronaVirus, created to DEPOPULATE and to justify a profit-making opportunity for Big Pharma, in the form of DEADLY but useless injections against Covid?

Has anyone seen the ridiculous oppressive Pfizer Contract to buy and use their POISONOUS Covid injections that were supposed to be a 'cure' for their man-modified viral infection that Big Pharma needed? This allows them to enjoy all the PROFIT with ZERO CONSEQUENCES, under any circumstance, for DEATHS caused by their injections! What a fantastic Business Plan!

All these unnecessary Covid or Vax deaths were caused, initially, by hiding and denying the existence of pre-existing meds like IVERMECTIN and other World Health Organisation-recognised and recommended SAFE & EFFECTIVE Anti-viral medicines.

No LIABILITY for Big Pharma means no guilt, intent, responsibility or compensation from Pfizer & other makers of this crap! No action, whatsoever, from Pfizer In the event of DEATH or INJURY following the injection of POISON into your system. Too late now, you've been GENETICALLY MODIFIED - and it's permanent! Simply 100% profit from anything they decide to chuck into their witches' cauldrons!

It's a pity that every Hospital, Hands-on Doctors, every Death Jab centre and Medical Practice that conveniently forgot their Hippocratic Oath promises and dismissed 'Do No Harm'. They even stopped providing us all with sufficient information about VAX CONSEQUENCES which used to be called 'INFORMED CONSENT'.

Mick from Hooe (UK) Unjabbed to live longer!

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