What Justin and Aaron (and Bill Rice, Jr.) are really saying is that we were right and the experts were wrong. But is it okay to say such such apostate things? Thankfully, it’s okay to still make such statements … on Substack. Even if we are wrong, it should be okay to point out claims we think are wrong … right?

FWIW, I went ahead and said this in my latest piece.


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Without some significant push back and demand for accountability, expect the next phase to include scenarios such as...

Facial recognition & A.I. determine to deduct a $200 fee from you FedNow digital currency account because you upsized your #1 combo meal after you had been instructed to lower your blood pressure. Also a $50 deduction for jay walking.

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Dr. Michael Yeadon is one of the most famous (infamous) Covid contrarians. But lately he's been all fired up about the movement to implement these "15-minute communities." He now lives in one in the UK. He reports that cameras are already recording how many car trips people in his village make to the bigger city. Once this number goes over 100, Big Brother will yield his club.

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Re: the sad but true observation that “courage requires you to be disliked …”

RFK, Jr. is now experiencing this first hand … from most of his own family members, who keep dissing his life’s work and saying they aren’t going to support his presidential bid.This from a family that created (or was the inspiration for) the “Profile in Courage” awards named for …. President Kennedy!

Robert Kennedy, Jr. is the bravest person in America. As far as I can tell, he’s taking on every powerful, lying and corrupt organization in the world … and he’s being vilified for doing so … by his own family.

Then again, millions of people are responding to his advocacy by supporting his “anti-vaxxer” non-profit. Business has never been better at Children’s Health Defense. A mission many of us once once laughed about or ignored is now making many of us say, “Well, Maybe Kennedy was onto something all along.” I make a few of these points in my rebuttal to the AP’s recent hatchet job on Kennedy.


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I Am At The Point

That I Wish

Covid Was My Idea.


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Thought-provoking statement. Is that because it's awakened so many to the lies and nefarious agenda that have been brewing all along? Or because it's illustrated the elites are correct and the public is so gullible and pathetic they have no business being in charge of their own lives? Or it's made clear the masses will quickly embrace evil and turn on those who believe in freedom and goodness, and therefore deserve to be punished? Or something else?

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Yep. Yep. Yep, Yep, Yep.

Love ‘Ya

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When the wacko leftists went to the "mask thing", I questioned the popular wisdom. Cuz I'm naturally skeptical of authority and their machinations. So, I looked on their internet and found the study done a long time ago which found that the required mask type did not do crap for viruses. I didn't wear 'em. No problem, except when entering public spaces like banks or retail places. No big deal. Medical places, for the most part, are done with the mask scam. Luvin' being right.

"Experts" were con artists and still are. PT Barnum is so proud of them. Wherever he is.

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It's one of my maxims: Conventional wisdom is almost always WRONG.

Here's two other maxims that frame most of my writing these days:

"Officials will never investigate anything they don't want to 'confirm' " ... and ...

"Whatever the experts say will happen from one of their new initiatives (or want to happen) ... we can be sure the opposite will happen ("Bill's Law of Opposite Effects.")

I expounded on my third maxim in this recent piece:


Fourth maxim: If you want people to read about your maxims, you've got to plug them on other people's Substack sites!

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I am cancelling the last 3 years in my mind. At least attempting to. It was all lies and still is. As an staunch anti-vaxxer, I need no evidence about anything. There is no way in Hades that big pharma can prove their deadly poisons work. They will never risk doing the meaningful studies because that would blow up their propaganda parade.

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Everybody should do a paid subscription with Aaron. Even if he never posts again. Just for writing that article in the first place and being among the first (Justin and others as well) to push back against the insanity.

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The Truth will win in the end...

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Thanks for posting this! Was definitely worth a look.

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