Kary Mullis described Dr. Fauci accurately. He is a man who knows almost nothing about anything. He is a career bureaucrat who has been successful knowing nothing and leading a huge organization of smart guys amid whom he can hide. In other words, a loser. That this guy still "has the mike" is testament to how dumb-as-hell we are as a society. (Or maybe it's testament to how captured and asinine the media is.) He might also be, as RFK, Jr. opines, inexcusably evil, as well, but that's almost beside the point. Hannah Arendt described how people like him ascend. At the risk of making the same mistake Dorothy Thompson made in her initial assessment of Hitler, I am ready to start ignoring Dr. Fauci for the pea-brained, bureaucracy-climbing, lying, self-aggrandizing, asshole that he is. I just wish more people did the same. (Unlikely, I know!)

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an egomaniacal psychopath if ever i've seen one

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Over his 50 years there, Fauci learned how to (1) deceptively parse the words he uses, and (2) just not care.

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He's right in that health officials make health recommendations and it's up to public policymakers to weight the benefits and costs. Absolutely right about that.

And public policymakers from Trump and most every Republican and Democrat politician failed to weigh the benefits and costs. Either out of fear of a media (controlling the propaganda and censorship of messaging by government apparatchiks) attacking them or for nefarious purposes, they all failed. Even those who figured out those calculations earlier than others, they still failed in the most important moment: the beginning. It had never, never, ever, never been done before. And the burden of proof rested on those who claimed it needed to be done. Not on those trying to preserve the status quo or undo it.

Fauci is right insomuch that any agency tasked with a purpose will push for public policy that allows them to complete their mission with any and all tools available to them without consideration of areas of concern outside their mission. That is *not* their job or mission. It is up to public policymakers to gather all of the other datapoints and make a WISE decision. Which "following the science" can never do. Science is not wise. Science informs wise decision making. But it's not wise.

Take for example civil forfeiture laws that allow law enforcement to seize any property suspected of being used for criminal activity without a trial or even a conviction. The practice has become abusive in many jurisdictions, the funding stream it provides used by LEO for off-budget spending, including extravagant parties for themselves. And when public policymakers have tried to prohibit the practice, only allow takings after conviction and after proof that the property was for criminal activity the same LEO would go before lawmakers and say they needed that power to fight crime, that their communities would become unsafe without that power, etc. Public policymakers had to weigh the benefits and costs, and the WISE ones who properly weighted civil liberties and freedom over LEO unchecked confiscatory power ostensibly for public safety changed the laws in those states, prohibiting civil forfeiture. Of course LEO wants all of the power they can get to complete their public safety mission to the exclusion of any other concern in a community. It is up to WISE leaders to tell them "no" and return to our nation's constitutional liberty underpinnings. Fauci is right to highlight the fact that we do not have WISE leaders.

Other than that the story does a good job of breaking down the interview. But one of Fauci's many consequential lies in the story the author breaks down that went unrebutted was Fauci claiming he never criticized the people who had to make the decisions. He derided and criticized any decision maker who went against the central command and control narrative. He called DeSantis and Ladapo and anyone who opened up "too early," got rid of mask mandates, who pushed back on vax passports dangerous, reckless, killers. He most absolutely did criticize those decision makers. He's a liar. A serial liar. Who tells occasional truths like a stopped clock does.

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Where have I seen comments like Fauci’s before? Oh yeah. At the Nuremberg trials following WWII. “Who me? Not me. I knew nothing. And if I did know anything I was simply following orders.”

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Reading about this guy (Fauci) just makes me feel nauseous.

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I vote skipping gain of function research at the cost of developing vaccines. Covid gain of function clearly was devastating. In hindsight, I would skip gain of function on Covid. How about you?

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You Are Never Going To Believe


My Car Got Covid.

I Think It Got Into The Air Filter.

Luckily, I Had Added

A Petroleum Based MRNA Product

To The Gas Tank,

Or It Might Have Died.

-That's What My Mechanic Said.

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Ignore this blatant idiot. His MO is to murder humans with his poison drugs.

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According to the immunological literature going back a decade or more, herd immunity to frequently mutating respiratory viruses is based on T-Cell and NK cell recognition of functionally-constrained proteins shared across most of these viruses, encountered at the mucosal barrier. That ultimately means you can still get infected but it doesn't go very far and is usually self-limiting (individual reactions notwithstanding).

That has nothing in common with humoral, antigen-specific antibodies elicited by intramuscular injection or, even worse, mRNA transfection to non-self proteins.

Ignoring this was not a mistake. Not even close.

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Until he and Brix and Dasak are forced to meet their maker earlier than planned there will be no justice. We have to have a reckoning and true justice must be dealt out. Prison time and financial penalties are not appropriate for what they did.

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I just read Jeffrey’s article, where he parses 10 quotes from Fauci’s recent interview with a NY Times reporter. That story got me thinking about this question: Is this man going to write a book telling his side of the Covid story (plus, one would assume all the other great things he’d previously done for science and “public health”)?

My first thought: Of course he will. It would be an easy $20 million, plus the guy does have a huge ego.

But my second thought was …. Writing such a book might be quite dangerous to him. It would put his accounts/spin “on the record” … and smart people like Jeffrey and maybe even future prosecutors could then use his words against him.

What would happen if DeSantis or - who knows, Kennedy - is elected president, or even Trump, who says he’s really going to drain the swamp this time? Wouldn’t prosecutors or tribunal leaders pore through all of his statements and then ask him hard questions under oath? That is, he might quickly regret writing 400 pages of what would surely be lies, obfuscations and narrative designed to conceal the truth.

Does anyone know if a book is being shopped or have any opinions on this question? I think it’s been a given that he would write a book, but what if he doesn’t? Wouldn’t that tell us something pretty revealing?

My two cents: I hope he does … and that a lot of smart, critical people actually read it and ask him some probing questions about what he wrote in his own words.

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Regardless of whom is President, the prosecutors might be more likely to act if we have the House and the Senate. We must highly concentrate our volunteers and paid staff on the Congressional elections in the five or so swing states: Arizona, Georgia, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin and Michigan.

We don't seem to work any harder or smarter in those five states than we do in the other 45 states, and we should be. We seem to f I rgwt each election, "Oh, yeah, those states are important. We need to plan ahead and remember that in the elections of the Senators and Representatives in those states." Every election, we are surprised we lost those states. Come on MAGA.

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