Although the Covid debacle tremendously accelerated all twenty of your observations, these forces have been stealthily gaining steam for decades. Twenty years ago I stopped reading JAMA (the Journal of the American Medical Association) and NEJM (the New England Journal of Medicine) because I noticed that the number of Pharma ads kept increasing, the number of articles devoted to promoting pharma drugs kept increasing, and the number of "researchers" who were paid consultants of pharma kept increasing. I was a physician at the time (have since retired) and told colleagues what I was noticing and was of course ridiculed as a paranoid kook. Then around ten years ago I was at an international conference of business entrepreneurs and a bunch of us were talking about having properties abroad. At that time I said I had looked at other countries and thought the USA was still the best, but the one thing that was worrying me that someday we might ALL be forced to get any vaccines they wanted distributed. I did not come up with this out of the blue. I had already experienced hospital pressure when my daughters were born to get the Hepatitis B vaccine which I had extensively researched and concluded was entirely unnecessary with a risk/benefit ratio > 1. Then years later I received threats from my kids' pediatricians when I refused the Guardasil vaccine which I had also extensively researched and concluded that it's risk/benefit ratio was much higher than 1. Also around that time my hospital mandated the flu shot even though the published efficacy of the flu vaccine that year was only 6%, not 60, 6%! And the 6% number was likely an overestimate. I have since done much more study on the subject and now realize that my understanding was incomplete and that an enormous amount of what the "mainstream" believes about vaccine efficacy and safety is based mostly on poorly designed, cherry-picked, seriously biased studies, all of which are MASSIVELY influenced by conflict of interest. Not to mention censorship and ridiculing of any studies and researchers which conclude differently. We may have reached the point of no return where the majority of health care practitioners, pharma employees and investors, biotech startups, hospitals, media companies, and public health regulators have salaries which depend directly or indirectly on pharma profits. Half the population is blissfully unaware of any of this and believe that people like us on substack are the loonies.

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I think you missed a big one. The demise of science -- real science -- and the erosion of public trust in our healthcare institutions. Science flew out the window when scientists like Fauci made recommendations that were so absurd, it was obvious they weren’t based in science. Masking is the most obvious example.

While these absurd anti-science recommendations were being made, it seemed the entire scientific community nodded their heads in agreement.

Public trust in our expert class has been destroyed -- and rightfully so -- but it's the destruction of trust in our governmental agencies (CDC, WHO, etc.) that is most dangerous. Because the next time a real public health crisis happens, the public will undoubtedly ignore their advice.

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The lack of trust in the three letter agencies is a FEATURE, not a bug. They did not give a single piece of good advice during this last debacle -- clearly captured by those with other agendas. The country/world will be far healthier ignoring their advice.

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Lockdown is not a legal term in the U.S. We should stop using it and instead describe the illegalities that occurred.

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The only purpose of lockdowns is to control a human. You get them feeling edgy, useless, afraid and alone and hope they go off the deep end. Lockdowned humans cannot revolt in groups to the tyranny and slavery they are experiencing. Lockdowns are pure murder and the perps are the murderers.

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The one bright spot is that they didn’t get the guns.

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Everything written above is true. However, those of us who had the discernment to understand what was happening AS it was happening, are the prophets. We spoke, but few were listening.

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The central banks ability to take value from people’s pockets via money creation seems, to me, to fit the dictionary definition of slavery - someone who is held in forced servitude.

The value of your productive output is stolen from you by an unelected, private entity. Ipso facto, you have worked for someone against your will. By earning and holding fiat currency, you are a slave.

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They are NOT stopping.... BREAKING: WHO, EU announce partnership creating ‘global system’ of digital vaccine passports

The digital system 'will help facilitate global mobility and protect citizens across the world from on-going and future health threats, including pandemics,' according to the WHO.


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Please!!!!!! That serpent picture really unnerves me.

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Brilliant summary — thanks for this catalogue. I resonated (and elaborated in my own mind) with every single listing.

Thanks for re-posting!

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