Y-axis is labeled “caser” instead of “cases”. Also, could we see the regression lines on the graphs? Thanks!

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The chart header reads "Jul 2020" instead of 2021 - can that text be updated for sharing?

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I explore this topic in some detail here: https://inumero.substack.com/p/cases-deaths-cfr-by-vax-rates-and

Bottom line, a couple of regions showed strong relationships, but in a confusing way.

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Justin, you're missing it, or afraid to say it. Both cases and death, ESPECIALLY in the group that is suppose to be protected by the vax, lean higher in the vax group. It's not just no correlation. They're might (I SAID MIGHT) be correlation between higher vax and more cases / deaths. At least admit that's a possibility.

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Of course the whole thing is just an expensive fail.

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Would it be better to only include the death/case data since Jan 2021 and the start of vaccinations? I would think that including data from the surge during the second half of last year would skew the graphic.

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0.07 R^2 sounds kinda decoupled haha

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Gotta include confounders.

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