Birx is a fucking criminal.

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She belongs in jail w Fauci

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I'm not willing to watch the video. I don't see any gallows on the thumbnail. That fraud still doesn't have a medical license.

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Wth? Birx was part of the censorship. Birx says NOW to empower the community on what to buy? "Empower the community with the information they need. WTH? @sshole!!

Does Birx remember the crap that was thrown at hydroxychloroquine and ivermetin being horse paste. Why did that happen?

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WTH was the thing at the beginning about Birx and Trump what did that have to do with the whole story??? Birx is allowing us to make our own decisions WHEN did she ever say that before? And of course BIRX has no idea how to help her Mother strengthen her OWN immune system!! What a MORON!

Dr. B I haven't trusted the Government LONG before this!!

I think that Birx is taking something because she is not saying the same things she did when she was on the task force. She doesn't know what honesty is. Pretending our vaccines can prevent infection.. SHE SAID THAT!

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She wrote a book about herself that belongs on the fiction shelf of the library. She gaslit herself. I looked at my library system. Every library in our system that has that piece of fiction has it available. One has it marked “lost”. If it was in my own public library I would pull it out and hide it in the poetry section. Not many patrons go there. Any other books needing “reshelving”? Let me know.

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Good to see the UK press as brainwashed and biased as our useless propaganda outlets. Somehow that seems appropriate.

On a side note, I would love to smash Birx in the face—just to see her lose her contemptuous composure. The human misery DIRECTLY linked to this creature is incalculable, and yet she’s called on to pontificate on television as though her tenure is not the epitome of getting EVERYTHING wrong and suffering NONE of the consequences.

Birx is a reprehensible human being and I wish her a long painful life.

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She’s still wearing those hideous scarves around her neck. 🤔🤔🤔.

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Birx is full of SHIT! I can’t stand listening to that hag. Does anyone here remember Birx or anyone during either administration wanting children on playgrounds, promoting sunshine as a disinfectant or “transparency”???? What I remember hearing about her book is that at the very minute they were telling Trump “2 weeks to flatten the curve”, she was plotting how to extend that. And traveling out of state for thanksgiving w/ multi family while telling us we couldn’t travel or have large groups. Road whore

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I love the way Birx is talking about her Mom, but everyone else’s Mom isn’t in her radar. There was not one public health policy that was correct right out of the box, or that withstood the rest of time. Fauci, Birx, Collins, etc, need to explain why ivermectin, a noble prize winning drug, was marginalized and it’s advocates attacked in every way possible. Why? Because the EUA approval for (pseudo) vaccines was predicated on a lack of safe, effective, existing therapeutics. That’s the main point...ivermectin, not masks...public health agencies and pharma need to explain why they cleared every other possibility out of the way for novel products that had no real safety data. And why now they’re so disinterested in VAERS & other data available. Are they on a vacation cruise on the Pfizer mega-yacht? In Birx’s defense, she does look well tanned, but that’s from taking care of her Mom. (I apologize for the sarcasm, and am impressed that Dr Jay was very measured in his comments.)

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Birx is the one who stopped counting FLU cases so they could be called Covid.

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Birx leads right off with an answer about how badly she wanted to get kids back outside (although not back to school, I notice).

That’s what is called “consciousness of guilt”, I reckon.

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So nothing will happen to anyone? Just a debate with trillions lost and millions dead?

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I love how they start with a willful misinterpretation of Trump’s words, perpetuating the bleach hoax. Birx defended her position on masking using a 6 person hair salon study when confronted by Scott Atlas. She has no business speaking about science. She is a fraud and a criminal that deserves to rot in prison.

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Bravo, Jason. Clearly, Trump was set up with a hot mic here. He wasn’t talking about bleach. He was talking about chlorine dioxide which is used by trapped miners to sterilize ground water during rescue. Also used in large municipal drinking water systems due to high efficiency & low toxicity (pull up the MSDS on chlorine dioxide.) A really smart German biophysicist PhD found a way to make it an injectable. In Bolivia, he went fearlessly into the mouth of their COVID outbreak and had fantastic success rates unless lungs were already destroyed. That’s what had been explained to Trump; he interpreted like a layperson, but the hot mic take was used in the PsyOp.

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By the way, dilute bleach as a mouthwash is PROVEN to act just as povidine iodine in a saline solution. So while only the idiot reporter suggested ingesting bleach, using it appropriately is more effective than the deadly poisons approved by the government as vaccines and treatments.

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Yes, I’ve tried dilute Clorox as a mouthwash per the dentist... no comment from hygienist on next visit.

Used dilute chlorine dioxide with an equal technique and period of time. Hygienist is gushing praise to the dentist about my gums and oral health.

Look up trapped miners using it following cave in... first, they all lived. Then they found out it cured various chronic ailments they had...arthritis, malaria and other equally unrelated disease in each miner.

Chlorine dioxide creates great fear in pharma. Clorox does not. Do the math yourself.

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What on earth was Birx banging on about in this interview?? She not only didn’t answer questions but kept returning to this hallucination that she has all along just wanted to have public health authorities make public and transparent all the data so that people can decide for themselves what steps to take to protect themselves.

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Interesting to see that British "journalists" are as ignorant as "our own free press" when it comes to interviews and don't do their research beforehand. I'm not sure who was more of an idiot, the interviewer or Birx, a perfectly disgusting individual who will never take responsibility for her role in the disaster that was the "task force." Michael Senger did an excellent review of her horrid book (which I would not deign to read) on his Substack The New Normal.

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If her book is in your public library pull it out and hide it in the poetry or ancient history sections. It may be there for a long, long time (retired librarian).

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Wow, what a great idea! I don't think library employees spend much time shelf reading these days - one of my daily duties when I worked in a library during HS and college - so you're right about finding a place where it will be MIA for a long time! 😂

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I’m a retired librarian. Retired in 2019. We used to have regular “shelf readers” by volunteers but that ended when a new directory came and actually new hires were not trained in shelving books. We old timers tore our hair out over that. One new part timer shelved books in a series or by same author by the book height. 😱😱. She didn’t last long. I have to admit I hid 2 books in poetry when I was—I repeat—WAS a democrat.

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Thanks for sharing that story! I'm sure shelf-reading went extinct years ago. I always hated doing the fiction - especially the Westerns or Mysteries and having to alphabetize all the titles. UGH! Give me numbers please.

We have a huge collection of children's lit b/c we homeschooled. The fiction picture books are alphabetized by author and the non-fiction section is arranged by Dewey Decimal. We have all of Bill Peet's books except one I think (library book sales/bargain bookstore/used on Amazon) and they are all arranged by title. Once it gets in your blood, it's hard to not be OCD! 😄

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Birx looked like a twit. Jay hurried many of his answers but he came across as extremally credible. And the disinformation that Birx blurted out during her time to comment was mind-blowing.

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Jay is far too nice, probably the reason he was invited vs Scott Atlas, Paul Alexander, or many others. Would love to see her defend herself in front of Pierre Kory, or Chris Shoemaker

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I can’t watch that cunt.

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Remove that useless host and let them actually talk to each other. Better yet, get someone who will actually harangue Birx. Jay is too polite. He's firm, but she needs to be smacked around. she acts like a spoiled princess.

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