I saw about 30 seconds of Brandon's speech at the NIH today before I turned it off. Every time I see him, I want to scream and throw things. It's a visceral kinda thing. Yes, we can take the wins and reprieves...but why are they doing this? That's the question we need to answer.

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We're winning (not won yet) some battles. There's still a war to be won. That's when I'll celebrate!

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In the meantime, Hold the Line!

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Probably too much to hope for, but it would be lovely if the authorities in D.C. looked at how ugly things are in Europe now and said, "Maybe we'd better back away from the cliff. No more lockdowns."

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I was thinking that if the Brandon administration were smart (I know that is a very low percentage shot) they should just let covid go. No more attempts at restrictions and no more actively talking about. Just let it all go.

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I'm not that optimistic (yet). I think a domestic travel mandate is in the pipeline

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MSNBC and the Covid Czar certainly seem to want it. I’m sure they will get it without strong pushback.

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Ugh, I hope not.

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It might be something atomic going on with the mandates. We'll find out soon. But

Q7: Is there a conflict of interest between the Director of NIAID and the Chief Medical Advisor positions being held by the same individual?

A: Yes, it is. The health policy can be driven by politics (to make the President look good) than the national health interests (as the Director of NIAID position requires). I wonder if the ‘fact checkers’ can deny this. Shouldn’t the Director of NIAID resigned on Jan 20th 2021 when he accepted the Chief Medical Advisor position?

The other Q&A are at


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Hmm. Is their techno-facism operation facing diminishing returns? The more fear-porn and psyop they throw at the world, the more covid-scaremongering fatigue they encounter. I don't see anything like orgainized pushback but I do see a certain weary "enough already" attitude.

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I'm so glad to hear about that judge and the military vaccine. Boy, Biden is really declining. 😦 He's not even reading off the teleprompters well anymore.

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Ha ha. What a bunch of kidders. Good old fashioned fun.

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Maybe Fauci has been hanging around Biden too much and now he’s becoming inflicted with the same babble babble disease.

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At least the judicial branches are not totally corrupt--it's a great start!!!

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if the judges side with fascism we stand against them.... anyway!

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A vague 5% fade of tone at the federal level does nothing for the half of the country stuck in utterly demonic states. The demonic governors will take the slight fade as a challenge to commit MORE torture, to compensate for those lazy slackers in DC.

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