4 hrs ago·edited 3 hrs ago

Yep.. I am angered and disgusted. As someone who chose to NOT get jabbed, I am impervious to the attempted guilting and shaming from those who delusionally think they are important enough to tell me to not trust my own instincts. Had nothing to do with anything they yammered on about. Like I would take medical advice from Don Lemon or The Arnold or any of them. FFS. Like I have any reason to care what Howard Stern thinks.

And if it turns out that un-jabbed blood is better for the body, every fucking one of those people would trample over everybody else to get some if they needed some.

I did not get jabbed because - Fauci seemed evasive, because I have no trust in the government, much less "celebrities". because the storage conditions kept changing, because Zeke Emanuel was on the Covid team and his triage plans seemed draconic to the extent that he would send teams to hospitals to enforce triage since doctors would likely not want to do it. Mr. No life-saving intervention after 75. Which is, I think, what happened. Very early on, I saw the list of ways Madison Ave gave the CDC which were supposed to rope me in - guilt, shame, hero, other folks, whatever. Nope. Had nothing to do with politics or being stubborn anything else. The Dems always have to assign nefarious motives to anyone who does not do as they say. Yeah, I was a lifelong Dem until Bernie.

Another thing was that the Dems said to NOT get jabbed while Trump was president, and then turned into hypodermic fascists after Biden was in office. WTF.

Everything I read and hear, every day, tells me I was correct to not get jabbed. Of course, I am old, and I don't have to worry about keeping a job.

And again, there is not one person in that compilation that I consider knowledgeable enough to advise me on anything. Well, maybe Arnold has the scoop on steroids. But I now feel that nothing we were told about Covid is the truth. And - I can always get jabbed, but I could never get un-jabbed. So no. There is a clip that Jimmy Dore had that shows Dems telling us all to not get jabbed because "don't trust Trump". I feel Trump was misinformed, I feel the Dems know damn right well what is wrong with the shots and everything else, it was a power play.

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We cannot comprehend what happened during the vaccination scare-up without profoundly altering our understanding of how our society works. We are in The Matrix. Time for everyone to have new ways of thinking. That's the real crisis. This piece is on masks -- but principle is the same. External control vs. independent agency -- how how the mass of humanity self-organizes. Even after four years of nonsense, both Right and Left are not receptive to changing their perceptions. https://empathy.guru/2021/07/19/the-structural-memetics-of-masks/

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Same reaction.

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Yes I am angry. Yes I'd like to see that little shitweasel Fauci and friends, hauled up before a Nuremberg style court. That includes most of the industrial media talking heads and certainly those in this compilation. Said tribunal should include more than a few members of the House and Senate as well.

Shame on us though. At 63 and 68 at the time, we succumbed (in a Northeast blue state) and got the J&J (Janssen) shot. Even then, we were wary of the new mRNA variants. Thankfully, no issues, that we know of, after getting the J&J jab.

Today...we will not get any other 'vaccination' products. None. Nada. Nyet. ANd if the DHS/CDC/CIA/FBI want's to come try to force...

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