Our school district announced that they were getting KN95 masks for all the kids and staff arriving Wednesday this week. Hoping it is not requiring them - but just suggesting. I am going to steer my teen away (if possible - as there is always peer pressure unfortunately!). They are going to be wasting so much money now making all kids test 2x a week instead of the test and trace disaster which they tried last week - it was crazy! My teen is in modified quarantine till Thursday this week. At least they finally got the message that those jabbed can still spread it and so not singling out just the unjabbed.

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Appears the only thing the school district is teaching is fear. Might reconsider where a better education can be found.

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There is an obsession with testing!

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And a huge amount of waste material being generated.

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What I want to know (and will ask our super) - when does this all end - what is the stopping criteria for all these interventions and when can our kids get rid of masks testing etc.

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Thank you for posting this and staying with it as dystopian as it was.

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