For lots of us, we found the many various points of light (Brownstone, Rational Ground, etc.,) early on. And yes, seeing these lights gathering together now and forming a greater daylight is deeply heartening. Keep shining, everyone!

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Beautiful piece, Justin. Folks like you are how I knew that I was not crazy, that others were also awake. Finding a community of dissenters, rebels, critical thinkers- Team Reality kept me sane.

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Unfortunately, the majority of the sheep choose the “lockdowns”, in all forms. They don’t see the harm in giving up their freedom because they’ve been brainwashed to believe this makes life safer for them. As they’re marched toward the trains.

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In my state of Washington, Governor Inslee announced that none of us could have more than just a few people in their house, even during their Thanksgiving dinner.

I remember writing on NextDoor to neighbors how stupid that was, and asking "How are they going to find out who's in your house, anyway?" People on NextDoor just jumped all over me for saying that I would have my whole family over! Why oh why do I need to live in "Communist Washington?"

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Same exact situation in New Mexico, & the road whore running this state just got re-elected...surprise, surprise

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Surprised PrickSter in Illinois didn’t enforce the same nonsense. But Illinois suffered under his lockdowns. Still re-election. Since he was elected first my county soon erupted with Prikzer Sucks signs. Now they say “Prikzer Still Sucks”.

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“PrickSter, love it! Just like Gruesom Newsom, Whitless Whitmer, Wuhan-Grisham (NM), ad nauseum

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Can’t believe churches and most religious people not only went along with this, but advocated for it under the guise of “love your neighbor”. 🙄😞

Also, FYI, twitter is still locked down.

I and many others have yet to be freed from “permanent suspension” under the now-gone covid misinformation policy.

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Why I quit my church. Still looking for an unblinded congregation. I’m in a small rural area. Not much choice but mainline ones who ALL obeyed politicians and not God. Lukewarm church--Christ warns about it in the Bible.

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I cancelled a uku "gig" because they informed us at the last moment we would be singing with masks on....nope!

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The first words of the First Amendment:

"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof"


The Republic ceased to be constitutional the moment places of worship put man's law above God's law and closed, restricted congregations. Churches are now officially subjects of the state. Given permission to exist under terms established by the state. They are no longer sanctuaries from the long reach of the state, they are agents of state. Deputized.

How, when did this happen? Covid? Try 9-11. Remember those radical Islamists? Radicalized in mosques, remember. Or so they said. That's when leaders (Bush administration) had visits with imams to make sure they identified the radicals in their mosques to alert LEO about. "We can do this the easy way, or the hard way" pressure to comply.

Some mosques sued, equal protection targeting and all. Judges agreed. So instead of ending the practice they expanded it. Mosques, churches, synagogues, all were visited by government agents to look out for radicals in their houses of worship.

Interfaith alliances grew, faith leaders coming together pledging fealty to government, choosing to comply the easy way. Not wanting the hard way visits from LEO.

The alliances quickly became centralized hubs for government-controlled religion. These officially sanctioned groups of faith leaders that liaison with government became the state's established religions. Not just looking out for radicalized potential terrorists. Looking out for anyone in their congregations who opposed government policies. Security threats. Like large families wishing to come together to bury loved ones. Mask nonwearers. Antivaxers.

The Interfaith Alliance leaders got invited to a seat at the table with government, their egos catered to, made to feel important, special, respected by politicians. Government respecting religion. Prohibiting the free exercise thereof.

The precursors were put into place for pandemic tyranny following 9-11. The relationships between church and state that made the exercise of religion unfree as pandemic policies prohibited it. Why so many religious leaders complied. They embraced junior partner status with government as senior partner. No separation. Happy to be junior partners. Betraying the faithful in their flocks, wittingly or unwittingly turning their backs on God by making man's laws superior to God's. They insult God. Leaders in the faith community today are as unfit and corrupted by egos and ambition as politicians. Weak and pathetic, lacking true courage and religious convictions. But worse - they pretend to be men serving God while they insult him.

If your place of worship complied with pandemic restrictions then you do not worship with those who are truly in commune with God. They are pretenders who's faith is weak. Find one that disobeyed. Find others in your community who are true to God's laws.

The money changers in our temples are as corrupt today as they were 2,000 years ago. False, heretical messengers. They must be ousted to restore God in our spiritual lives. They failed the most important test of their faith. By doing so they weakened the bedrock institutions in our nation that protect and preserve freedom. Forfeited their First Amendment protections. They needed to be the stalwarts of light in 2020 when darkness set in. Failed. Failed God. Failed humanity.

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I’m so sick of loony liberals and this administration is just straight up corrupt! There’s no reason to keep the unvaccinated out of our country. After all the people walking over our southern border are mostly unvaxxed and that doesn’t seem to be a problem for Biden. Seems like a double standard to me and plain crazy to boot!

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Still recommending here that we test, test, test before (and after) getting together. Medicare is also sending out "free tests" -smh. never "locked down" per say, but I know what you mean....

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I Loved this. Feeling enlightened above others is not the goal. Enlightening others to our viewpoint is not the goal. Realizing that we are meant to be polarized should be our focus. It’s easier to stand on a soapbox than it is to listen to eachother.

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We are all we have. Nobody is coming to save us. Grateful to be in the company of others at Brownstone.

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A wonderful summary of the assault on our social order and the underlying truths that otherwise binds us together. We can no longer believe the lies and gain strength by sharing light and truthful perspectives

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Who is driving this??????

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