I’m in Louisiana and I find it interesting that Louisiana scores WENT UP (a little) rather than down. I wonder whether this shows Louisiana schools actually HINDER education, so closing schools down led to an improvement in scores. 🤔

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In my local area AC 607 upstate New York, the Catholic Schools were Open while public schools were closed.

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I live in Alabama. It's not hard to go up when you're already at rock bottom. We didn't have a statewide policy. For the most part, rural areas stayed open, inner city and black-belt schools were almost all 100% virtual, and suburban schools were mixed/hybrid and opened earlier than probably all blue states.

From all I've read and seen first hand, by 2022 it was better to describe the problem as "learned absenteeism" not "learning loss". It's even more obvious when you watch 4 years of replacing retiring boomers with 18-21 year olds who were in school during the pandemic. Absenteeism skyrocketed in the workplace as well, and it's still a serious problem, at least it is where I work in manufacturing in a 1/2 black 1/2 white county. A lot of them don't want to be independent, move out of their parents' houses and become contributing members of society. They want to play video games or be on their phones all day. The problem is much worse than parents holding schools accountable. Parents don't even hold their kids accountable.

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Excuse my English: "Screwing over your own children!"

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I'm in one of the blue-est of the blue states. The useful idiots here do not know this information, would not believe it if you stuck it right in front of their face, and even if by some stroke of luck some of them did believe it, they would somehow rationalize it as wonderful.

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Overall, Ohio is not considered a blue state. Republican governor and house/senate. Big cities are blue though.

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Some additional information adding context and preempting the obvious challenge is helpful.

“Well school shutdowns prevented deaths, of students and teachers.” The cdc numbers never indicated children were at serious risk. We/they knew early on older immune compromised people were at risk. Yet schools were shut down while nursing homes were filled with COVID sufferers, leading to wholesale deaths…

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The article details the learning loss that was suffered as a consequence of school closures, which seems somewhat obvious. What I don't see addressed in the article is that the supposed trade-off of learning loss with covid impact was an illusion (if it was even thought-through), ie. that these school closures reduced the impact of covid at the cost of a learning loss. It seems to me that in the end the public health lunatics will want to justify this learning loss as a cost to have the benefit of reduced impact of covid. Justin, do you have data or another article showing that these school closures didn't reduce the impact of covid ? Maybe you could address this in a follow-up article ?

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It was a two-fer. Destroy lives, businesses, and drop American Literacy more. It destroyed standards. I taught during CoVID.scam and saw first-hand what 'not-in class' "education" was. Not like I know it was coming, but the results were brutal imho. I taught graphic design, which requires thinking and desk critiques daily. Couldn't happen.

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I hate to say this, but it was probably for the best that those kids stayed home because the schools are now predatory indoctrination centers for every dark triad whim you can imagine. We’ve reached a tipping point where reality is going to abruptly shift for the worse if we continue to do nothing. The fulcrum of this tipping point is the control the elites now have over the minds of the children. While parents were going through their day to day, oblivious, Common Core and CRT – rotting cancers of mass manipulation – have overrun the schools and have been planting tangled dark jungles of subversive dysfunction directly into their kids' defenseless minds.

The following is from 2013. It is faaar worse now:

Common Core indoctrination in Utah: https://youtu.be/FSHoxWaVeto [11mins]

That ^ is called abusive emotional learning. It deliberately dis-empowers the student and shifts their mind into a victim mentality making them dependent on the state. Rather than empowering and teaching them to pull themselves up by their own bootstraps, it instead instructs them that they are the victims of an oppressive system, and as a result there is no reason to even try to succeed - and every reason to lie, defraud, and manipulate the "unfair" system to their advantage. This destroys society at its base level: the children.

Pol Pot did this in Cambodia. Lenin and Stalin did this in the USSR. And now, just as Yuri Bezmenov warned, it is right here on our soil and in our classrooms.

“The predominant value system of an entire culture can be overturned in one generation, or certainly in two, by those with unlimited access to children.”

-Dr. James Dobson

“Give me four years to teach the children and the seed I have planted will never be uprooted.”


“We’ll get you through your children!”

-Roger Kimball

CRT Removes the Reason to Try, This is Not Theoretical – Black Lawyer Excoriates Critical Race Theory [2mins]:


Incredible Breakdown of How the WEF is Using A Two Pronged Vanguard of ESG from the Top Down and Abusive Emotional Schooling from the Bottom Up to Demoralize Everyone into Demanding a New World Order [8mins]:


The human mind is binary. Our thought process can often be boiled down into terms (often ultimatums) of – this or that – and our adversaries understand very well the art of this war.

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