Somehow I missed the Last Supper reenactment.

That’s top 5. Below Colbert dancing shot routine, but still top 5.

Glad Beth went full measure on Hoshino. 1 down, 100 charlatans to go.

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Colbert is an arrogant, unfunny twit--a shill for corporate fascism and government tyranny.

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I was never so ashamed of my profession as I was during the lockdowns. I argued we had no right to tell people to stay home or to criticize those that did not. It's easy to admonish people when you're still getting a paycheck. What a bunch of sanctimonious assholes some of my colleagues are. It still makes my blood boil when I think back on how many times I was told I should "know better because I'm a nurse." I'm a citizen of the US first. Yeah, I damn well know better! Argh. For the record, i never danced in a tik tok video or told anyone to stay home with my FB page.

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Would be curious on the pediatric sub specialists used by the NYS DOH commercial to push jabs on kids, with one who can’t wait for her kids to get to 5 so they can get it.

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Well, at least she is really a MD( https://www2.nysed.gov/coms/op001/opsc2a?profcd=60&plicno=287955&namechk=HOS )

Might have gone through the time-space continuum to get those 15 yrs of experience

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