I totally missed Christmas with my husband and kids last year. I was in a medically-induced coma on a ventilator thanks to murderous hospital covid protocols. It is a miracle by the grace of God that I'm here alive with my family this year.

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I do, in fact, have one COVID-themed ornament on my tree. It is intended to be very ironic or sarcastic or something. Because last year my Christmas with family was entirely cancelled because a few people with a degree or two is separation from me tested positive or something, my family believed they were doing the right thing for the greater good to just stay away from me.

Not the Christmas I’d planned or expected. I was perfectly healthy the entire time.

COVID definitely did impact my Christmas last year, and in its odd way, did make for the most memorable, entirely alone (for the first time ever) Christmas I’ve ever had.

It turned out to be peaceful and contemplative. That’s not so bad, actually.

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I made a post around Christmas 2020 that we usually add an ornament that represents the year and that we would do so again that year. The ornament would have something to do with our friends, the people we did life with, who became like war buddies. The ornament would NOT be about the virus.

I think I offended an acquaintance who was making and selling Covid virus ornaments and earrings, like they were decorative balls. Those who join cults can’t be reasoned with.

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My family CHRISTmas did not change at all throughout the entire Fauciasco. We had guests from all over the country each major holiday in each year. Those who flew did enjoy the very extra space on the plane. We had a driveway full of cars on all the holidays.

My theory was, if we are all about to die then I want to spend MORE time together.

You have two options at the apocalypse.

1) Scream to no avail in an attempt to save your own cowardly behind

2) Be with your loved ones

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And these people vote.

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I was bummed to see faith way down the list in the survey. No wonder people had to find meaning.

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That poll is foreshadowing the end of this country as we know it. 15% answered faith. They don’t realize that narcissism is the new religion. Feelings must be affirmed. Being happy is all that matters. There is no point to life other than material pursuits and feeling good. This mentality is leading us over the cliff. Covid moved it ahead at light speed. Allowing people to isolate, pitting people against each other, painting other humans as a walking disease. All while making people feel morally superior for following the twisted, deranged narrative of the government.We are screwed and I’m not sure there is a fix.

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The only people more stupid than the elites are the people who listen to the elites. And now, if you will excuse me, I need to go make sure my life-sized Fauci statue is still lit up on the mantle. Santa knows who's been naughty or nice!

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Don’t know if I should laugh or vomit.

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That just means that 1 in 20 modern moron slaves from the Amerika plantation are already suffering from brain damage due to the multi-dose m[iracle]RNA toxic spew COVIDIUS jabs.

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It’s possible some respondents are on our side. Many have found new communities, new purpose in writing or speaking about related issues, started successful blogs, made documentaries, written books . . .

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What is it they say Over Here? Oh yes, "You really should get out more."

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collective insanity

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