So, in short, McCaskill credits Trump's win to angry fearful racist transphobes without better angels. Swing and a miss. And the perfect example of why they lost.

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Only Claire’s first sentence was correct. She and the rest of that group still see anger and fear in front of them. Like covid and racism, they can’t stop seeing what is a part of themselves.

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Thank God!

Prayers were answered.

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What Trump wants is for each and every one of us. Thank God he's back to Save this Vountry!🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸💕💕

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Is it a comeback if he never actually lost the last election?

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The National Popular Vote Interstate Compact (NPVIC) is an agreement among a group of U.S. states to award all their EVs to whichever presidential ticket wins the overall popular vote in the 50 states.

Will Illinois and the other Blue States honor their commitment or remove this joke requirement from the books?

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The clear victory (don’t call it a mandate please) cannot be overstated. If it were very very narrow, ANTIFA, BLM, congressional members, Kamala and Hillary, would have ammo to question the “legitimacy” and “stolen” nature of the presidency and act out. Shutting down ports and burning cities, distracting policy by questioning “Russian collusion”, denying certification, and give the talking heads ammo to question the administration, maybe suggest election reform, electoral college, etc…This is YUGE that it was clear. HUGE!!!

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