Churches were declared non-essential and closed while liquor stores were essential and stayed open. And they want us to take them seriously?

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Strip bars (Gentlemens Clubs) were left open.

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I noticed that a very wealthy owner of a popular furniture store in Houston went to Austin when they were deciding what was essential. He was on the team that decided. Surprisingly (not) his furniture store was declared essential. Again, it was about $$$$$, not health or science

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I just fear that all these precedents, that were accepted with little complaint, will be worked into something even worse in the not so distant future. But then I remember they want us to live in fear and I refuse to give up my power like that again. The best revenge, in my heart and mind, is to live a good, happy, and fulfilling life, which is their worst nightmare. I’m glad I have found voices who agree with and validate my protestations and remaining contempt for those who sanctioned all that happened since March 2020. It’s comforting to know I’m not all alone anymore. Thank you, Justin.

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What was Non Essential in the eyes of the governing class was anything that provided a modicum of pleasure or joy or loveliness to the average person. The great unwashed were permitted to eat within reason but not to dine. They could bathe at home but a massage was only for the deserving who had staff in their own homes, etc...

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The true non-essential entity was and always will be government.

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Also anything that was HEALTHFUL - exercise, fresh air, sunshine, free breathing, communing w/ others, Mcc!

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I refused to stay indoors when the lockdowns were in effect. I was furious over the entire concept. If the parks were closed and I wanted to take a walk, well, the “authorities” couldn’t very well close off every neighborhood street everywhere. So that’s what I did instead - walked through mine and nearby neighborhoods. I was outside, maskless, and no one ever said a word to me.

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O, Lizzy, me too. I patronized every local business that was open (whether “essential” or esp those who defied closure); if they required a mask it was under my chin & we in the staff @ my job completely refused masking at all in our office & the bosses buckled. Defied the jab. But still utterly traumatized by what was done to us, even resisting all of it - all the closed small businesses, freezing in lines in winter cold, derided by family, friends & total strangers, not to mention our “governments”

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When the lockdowns were first put in place I had a client that contracted with me to help them make the case that their industry was designated essential. I gathered data from around the nation, state cases and death statistics, what the data said emerging from different reporting sources about where "outbreaks" were and were not occurring. But it turned out that wasn't the data that authorities were interested in.

The other part of my work product involved research about how much in tax revenues that industry was responsible for delivering to the state and local treasuries. And how much sales were down as a result of the lockdowns, how much lost tax revenue that was to government collectors, and how other states that hadn't locked down had much smaller decreases in tax receipts than those that did. The industry is/was a significant source of tax revenues that authorities couldn't afford to lose. Which made that part of my report the most persuasive for that industry being reclassified as "essential."

Money. It came down to money. That authorities couldn't authoritize without. Yes, this happened. And I was there to both see and be a small part of.

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Massive campaigns of simple, peaceful noncompliance.

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Justin - REALLY interesting dissection of a decision that I had largely ignored during the "plague." Excellent summary questions ... what ARE we going to do?

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Another Covid failure. I still believe the Covid Response Hoax was on purpose to cause chaos. Everyone is essential if you work.

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The essential/non-essential category was one of the first things that set alarm bells off in me early in the pandemic response. My dad started his own business with his brother when they were in their 20’s and anyone who has ever known an entrepreneur knows that all work is essential when you’re depending on it to feed your family. Then the Trump admin sent checks to every household to help with expenses. Our household income had not changed, why were we receiving government funds and where was this money coming from? Oh, they printed it! Nothing to see here, carry on.


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Apr 19, 2023
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We didn’t apply either. It was the one that came to every tax filing household, not the one that required you to show that you had lost income. Insane money wasted.

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I remain angry and disgusted at the Bishops and pastors who just quietly went along with shutting down all the churches. Surely, they would be among the few who were taking a stand. But noooooo. Selfish. Probably spent all the extra time they received catching up on their reading. I'm serious.

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I think fear had something to do with it too, as the Propaganda was strong. Also, they did not want to jeopardize all the government money they had been receiving eg ‘covid relief’ and going back further, daycare subsidies etc.

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As a HCW, it blew me away when my multiple jobs all had me print a letter to keep in my vehicle as I drove to and from work to clear me to be out and about should I be stopped by LEO.

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Very interesting. We should tell Jeff Childers about this. He might be able to investigate

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The cannabis peddlers were also left open while Churches were shuttered.

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Another great article from Rational Ground, we cross posted. This dovetails nicely with our article https://eiblegacy.substack.com/p/do-our-regulatory-agencies-deserve .. Thank you Rational Ground for the continued hard work

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In 2001, I was working at the Dept of Energy Savannah River Site, one of the places where the uranium and plutonium used in our nuclear weapons arsenal was created and processed in the 50s. On 9/11, there was concern of an attack at our site, so all non-essential workers were told to leave. The essential workers were the shift workers and security required to keep the place running safely. This distinction between essential and non-essential was also used for the rare snow/hurricane weather event when it was unsafe to be on the roads driving to/from work. It seems to be a government term.

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