The PCR test cannot differentiate between influenza-A, influenza-B, or SARS-CoV-2. So how do they know what the outbreak is?

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I have the CDC document that explains:

07/21/2021: Lab Alert: Changes to CDC RT-PCR for Sars-CoV-2 Testing

After December 31, 2021, CDC will withdraw the request to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) of the CDC 2019-Novel Coronavirus (2019-nCoV) Real-Time RT-PCR Diagnostic Panel, the assay first introduced in February 2020 for detection of SARS-CoV-2 only. CDC is providing this advance notice for clinical laboratories to have adequate time to select and implement one of the many FDA-authorized alternatives.

Etc. Etc.

CDC encourages laboratories to consider adoption of a multiplexed methods that can facilitate detection and differentiation of SARS-CoV-2 and Influenza viruses.

Etc. Etc.

And note that they know it is junk, but will continue to use it until December 31, 2021, and only encourages labs to consider adopting of other methods.

There are/have been, according to John Hopkins University, 47,890,888 CASES! of the "Covid" to date. The vast majority of the CASES! are asymptomatic. Did you know that up to 75% of all Flu cases are asymptomatic? And here we have a "Covid" test that can not differentiate between the "Covid" and the Influenza.

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Oh please. Just face the fact that they repurposed the flu and called it covid. Then exacerbated it with lockdowns, viral/bacterial overload face diapers, and medical malpractice.

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I've actually had medical doctors insist that the masks and other measures stopped the flu. One wonders how they put on their socks in the morning.

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Well of course! Face diapers eliminate the flu, just not the "Covid"!

And you have to remember, the "Covid" is so bad-a**, that it kicks out all other viruses before it. It is a jealous virus. And there shall be no other viruses before it!

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My thought ( opinion ) ...

I live in Oregon, not sure how other states compile their stats on COVID-19, but Oregon compiles both confirmed and assumed cases, assumed cases? Are those the ones that since the symptoms are so close resemblance to Covid that they just instead count those as COVID-19 ! That's one sure way to get the numbers sky high fast !!! And then you have all the faults positive tests you know because their tests are so accurate ??? ( sarcasm )

I signed up for updates from the Oregon Health Authority since the beginning, I just recently looked up the Covid deaths from 2020 supposedly when they were at the highest and everybody was freaking out 1-15 a day, now since the vaccine has been out the Deaths are now 50 and 60 a day WTF ??!!??

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Have any “viruses” been isolated, purified and sequenced from a sick person? I have not seen any scientific evidence that prove SARS-Cov2 exists. It was never isolated.

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I've read the same, so perhaps Sars-Cov-2 isn't what people are actually getting sick from- yet!

However, Dr. Reiner Fuelmich, German & California licensed lawyer, is trying to get lawsuits going about this huge fraud. One of his affidavit sources has proven (by searching & copying articles from the patent office) that *every single detail that makes Covid-19 a 'novel' coronavirus* has in fact been covered by the 73 patents filed between 2008 and 2019. So this does exist (although I agree it's not been isolated from patients, really) and it is therefore also proven to be the result of bio-warfare lab work.

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Sometimes I throw up my hands and try not to pay any attention to the covid authorities. They lie so often, and getting angry about it does you no good. But they can't be allowed to dictate how we live our lives, so you have to pay some attention to them.

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total crap . doctors in california proved that the flu was very active and all the 1500 case samples they tested ( by 7 different university labs) that were called covd were actually Influenza a or Influenza b and the CDC can not provide any isolated purified sample of covd 19. disgusting misleading completely false article

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bullshit. the regular seasonal flu was much more prevalent and the CDC to build up false Covd plandemic narrative started a thing called PIC Pneumonia Influenza and Covd category so as to make Covd cases appear much larger than they weer. no one in any country has provided an isolated sample of covd 19 so your claim is completely baseless. doctors in californioa tested 1500 so called covd samples and they came back from 7 different labs all testing as Influnenza A or Influennza B which blows this who story right out of the dirty propagnada water it was spawned in. TOTAL FALSE CLAIM. those doctors requested a purified covd sample from the CDC and NIH and none could be provided. so the flu did not get crowded out , it got relabeled as covd.

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Amen Rik. CDC admitting in July that the RT-PCR test was worthless when it stated that PCR test needs to be replaced by December 31, 2021 because it could not differentiate between Covid and flu strains. So...millions of tests were bogus for this reason AND perpetuated the Casedemic by throttling up the cycle thresholds to between 35-40 cycles. The flu didn’t go away. It was misdiagnosed with a bogus test.

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Spot on! Couldn't have said it better.

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My doctor believes in the mainline narrative, but still had an nice discussion with me. When I objected that flu disappearing meant vast mis-diagnosis of Covid, he said he & others thought the same, so they carefully checked for flu in every case. They proved that most of their Covid cases were not flu, thus "proving" (to him) that masks and mandates had wiped out the flu. When I asked why they hadn't wiped out Covid too, he replied that it's just way more virulent. Which did *not* explain why places with no masks or lockdowns or distancing, had the same kind of charts and results as places with really severe controls.

My point is that flu really has declined severely. Not that I'm disagreeing with your comment entirely. "Covid" is the official diagnosis for anything and everything that accompanies a false-positive PCR test (or sometimes only a cough!), so your idea is right too. But the article's explanation of one virus overcoming another for a season, is also historically known and still a good (partial) explanation.

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BTW, this was in a small-town hospital in northern Minnesota, so rik's comments about 1500 cases elsewhere is no doubt true - I've read it before myself. But if different places actually *look* for flu, and some don't find it, this article still explains some of this discrepancy. But I still agree that mis-labeling for politic's sake is the main thing happening. Perhaps some of our 'cases' were actually beri-beri, or B-1 deficiency. Which can be caused by increased intake of alcohol or caffeine or stress or depression or isolation - you know, all the stuff caused by lockdowns and fear. Talk about self-fulfilling prophecies - the Covid propaganda is indeed powerful, as rik seems to know very well.

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Go here for global influenza: https://apps.who.int/flumart/Default?ReportNo=10

And go here to scroll to USA influenza: https://apps.who.int/flumart/Default?ReportNo=7

On both of them, Year from 2019 Week from 1 and Year to 2021 Week to 53.

And oh look! The flu is starting to take a peek-a-boo after a disappearing act of over 19 months. Just in time Dr. Fraud Fauci's expected Flu/Covid Twindemic!

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In Washington state I think covid still will have the upper hand all winter. (Based on estimates that our natural immunity is still quite low relative to most other states)

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Thanks for another informative post, Justin!

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Or more likely seasonal flu was misdiagnosed as the coof.

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Great article! Since the flu is back, as your last link confirms, does that mean it's possible or even likely that the new flu strain that "ripped through" that campus has knocked out COVID? I would be curious what COVID rates are in that location during this exact same time. This is the COVID-19 data website for the University of Michigan. It shows an increase of both COVID and the new flu. https://campusblueprint.umich.edu/dashboard/

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Covid is booming in MI. (Up 47% in 1 week.) If they compete, how come flu is winning?

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There's the Flu, and then there is the Gain of Function Spike Protein Gene Therapy Jab.

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