I am sorry I missed your previous post about this, Justin, but I think you will find the Retrospective in Whys I outlined in my Corona Investigative Committee presentation a fitting complement to your list:

• “A Mostly Peaceful Depopulation” (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/a-mostly-peaceful-depopulation)

The only answers I can see for these and hundreds of other whys are:

1) Profit

2) Power

3) Democide

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All are good ideas and certainly part of the equation. But I believe there are many moving parts and many agendas converging into one place and time. Some planned and some coincidence.

Here's an interesting fact few know. The head of the WEF, Klaus Schwab, was personally on the phone to rich patrons telling them to sell the markets because a virus was coming, this was before the virus came. He told them to sell everything including bonds. Why is this interesting? Because a mass selloff would help his objective in the destruction and replacing of Western hegemony.

That was one of many unusual occurrences that can be classified in the first paragraph. Was it just a coincidence? We also have many diverse players from pharma to climate zealots. They each have a special agenda. So, who was in control of this worldwide destruction? Or. was it just pure chaos?

After spending many months in study and reflection I believe that this virus was a planned event, involving many agendas and organizations of select individuals. Top people as Bill Gates, Schwab, Kerry, Pharma executives, and world leaders from the WEF training programs.

The top tier of this power pyramid were the Gates, Schwab, and climate people. These are the ones who are motivated the most to change society, and quickly, including the development of new monopolies where everyone will supposedly be happy with nothing.

The next tier of tyranny power players are world leaders and governments. Why them? Because they are going broke, and they are opting for the new paradigm the Schwab and gates are offering to help keep these narcissistic politicians in office and remove the debt they have piled up for decades never intended on ever paying it back. World leaders see the handwriting on the debt walls they have built, it is unsustainable. Changing the system and how it world would rid them of their debt problem, effectively defaulting on their sovereign debt without calling it such. Pandemics and wars work well to cover such schemes. A politician’s only goals are to stay in power and become rich, they will never offer lasting solutions. Mr. Trump tried; they removed him.

Regarding the most powerful group, the climate people. They are on the path to eliminate fossil fuels, even though there is a zero-replacement plan. They don't care, humans are a problem, the earth must be rid of them anyway. They are just your basic eugenicist wrapped in a save the earth cape. They are total lunatics, and we see the results of their plans every time we fill up the car.

Fuel will become much higher before all this ends. Be prepared. Many issues can be pointed back to climate people. Just look what Biden did to fuel policy the first day of office. There are powerful climate people behind Bidden running the country secretly.

All these diverse agendas have one common objective. The destruction of Western society and a new communist type of government, if you survive, that controls everything. And the benefit is you'll be happy! Right, that's a good thing. Don't you agree? I mean having creativity as an individual is not in line with climate people's goals for the earth, so why should they let humans have any. For that matter , why should there be more than one million people on the earth. That is all we should have.

BTW, they get to pick who stays.

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Yep Peak Oil idiots are just eugenicists in thinly veiled disguises. Some here will even come right out and say that TPTB are right to cull the population. Peak Oil is no more real than the Plandemonium. Just like the Plandemonium it is a crisis by fiat. We decided to not lease oil rights, we decide to not allow exploration. We artificially constrain the supply to dramatically inflate the price to a point the masses cannot afford it. They will make electricity so expensive that people will not be able to heat their homes or have refrigerators much less be able to afford to charge their electric cars that are financially beyond their reach. Of course we don't have enough Lithium which is mined largely by slave labor in unstable parts of the world in terribly damaging mines. Among the most absurd aspects of the electric car boondoggle is the fact that a 400 mile range electric vehicle results in 15-20% MORE CO2 emissions than its petro counterpart. So we have invested 4-odd trillion dollars to this point to move fossil fuel use from 82% of the mix to 81%! Yabadabadooo!

This artificially induced conflation, PEAK BY FIAT, of the energy markets is the most insidious of the Buffon Administration's innumerable crimes against humanity. The likely resultant collapsing of civilization from the cracks caused by this may well make the mRNA injections look humane.

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Thank you for the nod.

There are so many different reasons it happened, but with so many people playing different roles, what seemed as the common denominator at all different levels of involvement, is arrogance.


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I think the virus was accidentally released from the Wuhan lab, but the response to lock everything down was politically motivated to get rid of Trump by destroying the economy. In every case world wide, it was the public health agencies and academia driving this with "science", and in a lot of cases it was done to undermine key ruling governments who were right-alined politically (the US, the UK, Germany, Brazil, Australia, etc.). And it worked.

Trump's error wasn't in firing Fauci in February of 2020, and for listening to morons like Birx. He needed Scott Atlas right from the start, not 3 months too late.

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