These 10 aims and intentions seem to be admirable, but you have to start with the premise that Covid and the Vax were genuine, not engineered, choreographed and scripted events designed for the purpose of taking control over mankind. Some of the 10 remedies seem to capitulate that all events were true and accurate. I take exception to 1, 4, 6, 7 and 8 are all accept these lies as being the unquestionable truth.

The creators of this Scam wanted to take our freedom of thought and speech and then chemically render us all, by injection, as sub-human slaves for the super-rich. AS planned by the

syndicate known as The New World Order.

I'm fast concluding that Covid & the DEADLY INJECTION called a vaccine, were dreamed up and meticulously planned by evil manipulative 'Super-Wealthy' criminals over decades. They planned to take over the world and dominate most of the surviving population.

Furthermore, I believe Big Pharma was complicit in organising the false consequences of the man-modified disease/s in order to create a market for a 'CURE' which never existed and, in its place, a depopulation poison was injected into the majority of the planet's population,

Clues for reaching these conclusions are the bizarre evolution of Fauci's Empire which, over the decades, became his vehicle to amass fortune and to impress humanity with his influence. Instead, it's come to light that Fauci was the engineer of his own downfall and disgrace. Fauci fooled 5 US Presidents (including Trump - who we hope has now opened his eyes.

Another clue was learning that big Pharma created a massive market for unproven and potentially dangerous (DEADLY) medicines and injections - the most lethal are mRNA vax! I learned that these deadly drugs, mads and injections came with ZERO LIABILITY.

Another Clue was learning that the WEF's New World Order intend to reduce the world's population and enslave those who survived the great Cull by injection.

Another Clue was learning, early on in the Covid and 'Vax' Scams, that Bill Gates has used his wealth to control media, narratives, markets, the WHO and many institutions to promote these topics which he believes are useful for further increasing his wealth and influence on the planet!

No wonder the FDA, CDC, Big Pharma, the Media, the medical profession, Governments, etc, are now distrusted more now, than ever before!

Unjabbed Mick (UK) We'll all live longer by avoiding the corrupt entities mentioned above!

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As if you didnt know how the so called virus was manufactured

You and your fellow jab pushers are in deep shit

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I'm glad this is officially documented. Ordinarily I would say this list would be summarily ignored by the executive branch, but if RFK manages to make it through the mine field to the HHS, he might get some of this stuff done.

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What is an "AI godfather"?

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I have a problem with #5. What kind of reforms are we talking about? Money was almost literally thrown at people and organizations in the form of loans that were immediately turned into grants that didnt need to be paid back at all. So yeah let's fix it but how? Digital ID? Iris scans were used in Syria to distribute food aid, are they going to want to try that? Will this be under the direction of the newly expanded office of the 'pandemic' bs that takes orders from the UN and WHO who don't understand our constitution with it's focus on individual liberty and restrictions on the federal government?

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I take issue with #4 for obvious reasons, more UN and WHO control. For anyone who doesnt already realize it, these organizations are the reason the 'pandemic' response was so deadly. The US doesn't need these organizations and they are turning into a way to control us as well as becoming a wealth transfer system where wealth is taken from middle and working class citizens (in the form of taxes) in western countries and given to wealthy individuals and organizations in less wealthy countries. James Roguski, Meryl Nass, Reggie Littlejohn, and former congresswoman Barbara Bachman, are just a few of the resources to find out more about that.

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#10 - Means Fauci should be brought to trial.

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#9- improving school ventilation sounds good, vague but good. Aren't there already standards in place for public buildings? Are we talking opening windows or major renovations? What about the cyber learning days? Have we or should we give up on those? If not then could this creep into private homes and apartments? If renovations are required, can school districts afford them?

Normally, I would read and reread a report like this before asking questions, but I'm sure it's full of feel good language and written so vague and carefully that it can be used to provide cover for any nefarious purpose (control of "an angrier world"-klaus Schwab, and profit from their "best investment ever made"-bill gates seem to be the major motivations)

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It feels like these are answers to all the wrong questions.

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#8- remove the liability shield, (congress put it there, they can take it away too) from 'vaccines'. This would restore our constitutional right to seek justice through the courst and would provide an incentive to the pharmaceutical companies to make their products safe, or at least less harmful.

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#7- those last 4 words, 'prioritize protecting the vulnerable' does that include the cdc 'shielding approach'? How much say in the decisions do the 'vulnerable' get? Who decides who is vulnerable? Could it divide people further if young people start demanding that older people stay home to protect themselves and by extension all older people? Will this be the kind of protection that was provided in nursing homes in the US when the residents were denied visitors, confined to their rooms (isolation) and died alone? What about the younger 'vulnerable', how will we know who they are? Health passports?

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That's cool. Then in about the year 2091 the investigations and whatnot will be over and they will have come to conclude...NOTHING. Congress is a class of horse's butts who are completely useless to anyone but themselves.

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Better late than never. Let us hope some good comes of it.

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