When push came to shove during the pandemic, Jay remained data-driven and refused to cave to the public health establishment. I'll never forget how he stuck to his principles, even though it came at great personal and professional cost. The country is lucky to have someone like him at the helm of NIH.

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The real arc of history bends toward justice. Good job Justin. Happy Thanksgiving, and if I don't comment again for awhile, Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.

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Article 3, Section 3 of the Constitution is considered hate speech especially if you say execution. The most you can possibly say on X is incarceration. So the ignorant public that will never investigate or do any research will be lead around believing that when you kill people in the process of overthrowing our government it is ok to fine criminals or incarcerate them but guess what the third thing is yes. Execution! Personally should we be spending money to incarcerate criminals whose sentence would be the later. Recently my thoughts have changed on this spending money for prisons. If the administration can cut the budget significantly maybe we can keep murderous insurrectionist alive in prison. Change Article 3, Section 3 of the Constitution and little know it alls may not make that “hateful” Algorithm mistake again.

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Thank you very much to both you and Jay Bhattacharya for your efforts for free speech. I don't use Twitter / X myself, that's another story, but again, thank you.

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