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I wonder how much the 11 Trillion pumped in last 4 years has a role to play. Clearly that pumping led to the sudden rise in inflation. I wonder how much of this money is still in play. While they can pass through several hands, they probably are all floating in the economy. Moreover, I suspect that for every $ given to common man, they probably handed over a million to their friends on Wall Street and Silicon Valley, who then proceeded to gamble on everything in the market or buy Nvidia GPUs to do worthless research into GPTs.

I have not seen anybody talk about some kind of sensitivity analysis wrt Fed pulling back all those freebies. Isn't that the elephant in the room?

From a Silicon Valley angle, the money has opportunity cost that is being eaten away by the likes of Go-ogle, Meta-staticized, OpenAI, and a ton of other Silicon Valley companies that promise (loudly and clearly everyday) to make us all unemployed. I wonder how much of the demand loss is because of this squandering.

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