I am so sick of these evil people all trying to either kill us or make us ill

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Did I hear you say sick? There is a vaccine for that.

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unfunny :)

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Hardy Har Har

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Remember : monkey pox is spelled Money pox

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great point

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News flash, or not: All vaccines of any kind are scams.

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Scumbags! Evil liars. MOST People are aware this is a gay men’s STD & that this is another scam.

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Just me thinking out loud, all the trump crap and Diddy crap is DISTRACTIONS because the next scamdemic is their real agenda they are about to roll out because the election is getting nearer.

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Keep Climbing.

So Many Of The Medical Freedom Doctors

Have Indignantly Hung Themselves

From The Lowermost Branches

On The Tree Of Knowledge.

Casting Only Shadows.


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