Anecdotally, our 31 year old son in law , healthy healthy guy, caught the OG virus in May of 2020. Felt like he had the flu for about a week and then recovered, except that he had loss of taste and smell. Weeks later, after these symptoms didn’t abate, he ordered some horse paste on Amazon and did his best to safely dose himself. Two days later he regained full taste and smell.

Wish someone would explain why we were even driven to resort to horse paste to begin with when Ivermectin is so safe that it’s similar to over the counter medications.

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Billions of humans take this every year. The FDA are murderers plain and simple. My sister still doesn’t believe it.

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bang on. i didn’t have the words but the FDA was swollen with glee as ppl died. they also sought to ensure the highest death rates by depriving ppl of simple early tx.

it’s absolutely horrific these ghouls are allowed anywhere near PUBLIC health.

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We've buried those of our families and friends that were denied early treatment, but we have not forgotten who robbed them of the chance to survive.

No Amnesty

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Worked great for me - twice. I had Delta and on day 10 took a turn for the worse. 3 day script (we had to drive 30 minutes to find a pharmacy that would fill it) and the next day I was 100% better. Within 3 days I felt normal again. Wife caught Omicron at work. I took a preventative dose and absolutely nothing happened to me. Had a tiny cough before bed one night. Woke up the next day perfect. I have a buddy who believes the horse paste lie. I told him about the nobel prize and utttar pradesh. I don’t think he believed me.

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Covid vaccines melted and glued their brain cells into one solid blob. Nothing can get through. I see the movie coming—Journey to the Center of the Covidiot Brain. A thriller.

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On a now-defunct board I used to participate in, the asshole authoritarian members would keep posting "horse-paste" cartoons. It was interesting to see the posters who were angrily authoritarian about everything gibber and spume about those of us who would not get jabbed and who believed Ivermectin was just fine. oddly enough, or, perhaps, predictably enough, come to think of it, the same authoritarians loved them some Ukrainian war porn. Sickening but unsurprising.

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Clown world is jealous of how insane our species has become.

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How inappropriate for the FDA to utilize social media in this way. The reactions of the staff as illustrated by the obtained documents are a great example of how 'captured' this organization has become. It also shows how poorly trained FDA staff are (in terms of protecting public health, that is), and how much the group there could benefit from some basic training in critical thinking. Thank you for sharing these.

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I didn’t have the IVM in August of 2021 but I got the Delta and it nearly killed me. I was not taking enough D3 and I didn’t know about Nasal irrigation with diluted iodine. Because of this it took me a month of pure unadulterated hell to win my natural immunity. Even after my battle was won I still had jabbed family members worried that I was a danger to their lives and they were much more sickly that myself. As the boosters continued, I was now refusing ALL jabs. I finally got my own stash of IVM in March of 2022. I figured one day I’ll need it. Well that day came in December of 2022 with a fever of 104. I was stupidly not up on my D3 so I popped 10 and started my ivm that evening. I made and drank chicken soup and broth and lots of fluids.

Fever was gone in first night and my phlegm was already breaking up. It was a complete turnaround and I only missed 1 day of work since my fever was not returning.

Yay for IVM! Yay for my 🐴horsey meds that gave zero side effects!

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They should be rounded up and held in the camps they built for the non vaxed

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I'm not laughing, my wife is dead because of these lying bastards selling their expensive poison rather than a cheap fix. I hope they all rot in hell for eternity.

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I'm not laughing, my wife is dead because of these lying bastards selling their expensive poison rather than a cheap fix. I hope they all rot in hell for eternity.

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Day 2- knocked it out of the house!

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My mother as a 100% ActBlue Democrat faithful "followed the science" repeatedly, then died of a covid infection this year.

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My condolences. It’s a hard thing to lose your mother.

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At work, I am one of four coworkers. They all took the stuff, I didnt. Now Im like a young man compared to them. Its shocking!

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Please disclose these M'Fers email addresses if you can.

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