Remember this tweet from August 2021? This was the infamous “You are not a horse” tweet dissing the use of Ivermectin for treatment of COVID-19.
It was insulting and beneath the dignity of a major health institution like the FDA.
FOIAs requested by the Epoch Times show FDA staff thrilled with the results which garnered them thousands of new followers across many social media platforms and millions of impressions. One email between employees crows about the impact:
They shared detailed analytics from Twitter:
They mocked and laughed about the “calculated use” of “y’all”
In the next few days numbers grew even higher.
Acting Chief of Staff Jessica Tierney gave out kudos to the whole team:
Erica goes on to say:
On a personal note - I’m still not sure that I ever contracted COVID. The Hart Family has been fortunate to have many kids in the household and maybe that thwarted the disease (see studies here, here, and here.)
In March of 2022, I had a conversation with a Team Reality comrade who went through major bout with C19 in late 2021. He had a stash of this “unmentionable” drug and suggested I take the rest of his doses which I obtained.
Come April or May I had a massive wave of sickness come over me very suddenly one Saturday. I immediately took 2 doses and knocked out asleepd for 5 hours. When I came to —> I felt right as rain.
This is of course anecdotal but how many people endured the wrath of Covid or worse - death - because the FDA came out so strongly against non-vax treatments?
One website tracks the results of published studies on various early Covid19 treatments. Ivermectin is typically at the very top of these approaches.
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Anecdotally, our 31 year old son in law , healthy healthy guy, caught the OG virus in May of 2020. Felt like he had the flu for about a week and then recovered, except that he had loss of taste and smell. Weeks later, after these symptoms didn’t abate, he ordered some horse paste on Amazon and did his best to safely dose himself. Two days later he regained full taste and smell.
Wish someone would explain why we were even driven to resort to horse paste to begin with when Ivermectin is so safe that it’s similar to over the counter medications.
bang on. i didn’t have the words but the FDA was swollen with glee as ppl died. they also sought to ensure the highest death rates by depriving ppl of simple early tx.
it’s absolutely horrific these ghouls are allowed anywhere near PUBLIC health.