Just when we thought we’d learned our lesson, Wuhan’s labs have “unearthed” another bat coronavirus—HKU5-CoV-2. Discovered by the team led by the infamous “batwoman” (yes, Shi Zhengli herself), this virus can latch onto the same human receptor (ACE2) that SARS-CoV-2 uses,
LMAO at the woo-who clown show. If any of these things are real deadly viruses, all of these clowns would be in extreme peril. I am shocked it is not named CoV-3 which has been mentioned in the Journal of Clinical Microbiology way back in 2007 along with CoV-1 and CoV-2 (13 years ahead of CoV-2, in fact).
Now you know this is all FAKE. Ignore the man behind the mask and in the hazmat suit...he is a leftover from the movie "Outbreak".
Correct. They claim to have 1.66M "virus's" and yet there is no pandemics. Just the fake and staged ones. How can they find a new virus if they haven't found the first one? Just because they see someting on a microscope doesn't mean anything about providence nor ability to infect anything. How can they show transmissability if they can't prove transmission of anything else?
Here we go again poised to be deluged with endless lies.
The SARS-CoV-2 virus was never proven to (1) exist and (2) be infectious. I say "exist" because today there is no biological "virus" to be found. Is it just a software code?
In fact, viruses themselves are doubted to exist. They are just the latest bogeyman.
I agree that SARS-CoV-2 was never proven to physically exist through the use of proper scientific methodology. In fact, no alleged virus has ever been proven to physically exist because the accepted method for doing so does not actually physically isolate the alleged pathogen (where the word isolate means, separate it from all other contaminants/constituents). For more information see, Do Viruses Physically Exist? at,
Allegedly infectious, but non-existent pathogens, referred to as "viruses", provide a false justification for damaging the health of human beings through the administration of so-called vaccines. They serve as a depopulation and chronic disease producing vehicle only and contribute nothing to human health. It should not be surprising that the unvaccinated are much healthier than their vaccinated counterparts. For further information, see Joy Garner's, Health versus Disorder, Disease, and Death: Unvaccinated Persons Are Incommensurably Healthier than Vaccinated at https://www.thecontrolgroup.org/gallery and https://akajshannon.substack.com/p/health-versus-disorder-disease-and?utm_source=publication-search.
How can they find a new virus if they haven't found the first one? Just because they see someting on a microscope doesn't mean anything about providence nor ability to infect anything. How can they show transmissability if they can't prove transmission of anything else?
Wow, this is the first I am hearing of it. I can't endure this again. I can't. People are STILL masked in Chicago! Lost count of how many I saw when I went out to the Post Office this morning. They can't even claim it's for the cold, since it's about 50 right now.
LMAO at the woo-who clown show. If any of these things are real deadly viruses, all of these clowns would be in extreme peril. I am shocked it is not named CoV-3 which has been mentioned in the Journal of Clinical Microbiology way back in 2007 along with CoV-1 and CoV-2 (13 years ahead of CoV-2, in fact).
Now you know this is all FAKE. Ignore the man behind the mask and in the hazmat suit...he is a leftover from the movie "Outbreak".
Correct. They claim to have 1.66M "virus's" and yet there is no pandemics. Just the fake and staged ones. How can they find a new virus if they haven't found the first one? Just because they see someting on a microscope doesn't mean anything about providence nor ability to infect anything. How can they show transmissability if they can't prove transmission of anything else?
Here we go again poised to be deluged with endless lies.
The SARS-CoV-2 virus was never proven to (1) exist and (2) be infectious. I say "exist" because today there is no biological "virus" to be found. Is it just a software code?
In fact, viruses themselves are doubted to exist. They are just the latest bogeyman.
I agree that SARS-CoV-2 was never proven to physically exist through the use of proper scientific methodology. In fact, no alleged virus has ever been proven to physically exist because the accepted method for doing so does not actually physically isolate the alleged pathogen (where the word isolate means, separate it from all other contaminants/constituents). For more information see, Do Viruses Physically Exist? at,
https://akajshannon.substack.com/p/do-viruses-physically-exist?utm_source=publication-search. Much more could be said but for the sake of brevity, that is the root/fundamental, underlying problem.
Allegedly infectious, but non-existent pathogens, referred to as "viruses", provide a false justification for damaging the health of human beings through the administration of so-called vaccines. They serve as a depopulation and chronic disease producing vehicle only and contribute nothing to human health. It should not be surprising that the unvaccinated are much healthier than their vaccinated counterparts. For further information, see Joy Garner's, Health versus Disorder, Disease, and Death: Unvaccinated Persons Are Incommensurably Healthier than Vaccinated at https://www.thecontrolgroup.org/gallery and https://akajshannon.substack.com/p/health-versus-disorder-disease-and?utm_source=publication-search.
How can they find a new virus if they haven't found the first one? Just because they see someting on a microscope doesn't mean anything about providence nor ability to infect anything. How can they show transmissability if they can't prove transmission of anything else?
Wow, this is the first I am hearing of it. I can't endure this again. I can't. People are STILL masked in Chicago! Lost count of how many I saw when I went out to the Post Office this morning. They can't even claim it's for the cold, since it's about 50 right now.
My favorite parts of Covid:
The Frenzy of Fear
Has shown us one thing.
It takes the mind to fail first …
And the body will soon follow.
This is a Tough Life Lesson
For the Vaccinated.
( Don’t expect their minds to recover - in your lifetime )
Whatever. Who cares. Bring it on! We dare you. We know exactly what needs snuffed out.
More info here