We've all learned since the latest deadly disaster, called Covid Vax, that vaccinations cause most human illnesses and adverse reactions - many are permanent. Some mRNA jabs are killing thousands!

Before 'Vaccines' became a frequent medical tool to supposedly deal with many illnesses, Autism was extremely rare. I can's be sure of the numbers but I think Autism now occurs in around 17 in every 100 jabbed kids. In the 50's & 60's when I was growing up, a 'vax' was used for around 5 or 6 illnesses. We never met or knew of a kid with Autism! Perhaps, 1 in 10,000?

Then Big Pharma saw the massive opportunity to make unbelievable fortunes and now you can get a jab to stop you farting. Only kidding! If this was true - you can bet it will be a DEADLY mRNA jab.

autism is just one of thousands of health issues caused by injections called vaccines. The list of Vax-related health issues grows by the day. Death by Vax is deliberately hidden from public knowledge.

I just emailed this to a friend who has lost three friends recently;

"Without wishing to dwell on our suspicions of Big Pharma corruption - particularly the overstated Scamdemic (Whitty has just admitted as much), I'll just add that various new illnesses and ailments have crept into our everyday language since Covid Vax magically appeared within a few months of the disease. Very suspicious, I think you'll agree?? In our world, Coronavirus was man-modified in laboratories, for deliberate release upon the world (in order to justify the enormous Profits made from useless DEADLY injections).

Fauci's Gain of Function Bio-weapon technology, is widely recognised as where Covid came from.

Since Covid & the useless but potentially DEADLY injections (called vaccines) appeared, we now frequently hear references to sudden ailments which can be fatal. 'Turbo-cancers' are a new post-Vax phenomenon, as are increasing post-vax 'blood clots' and post-vax neurological complications are now frequently spoken of.

Questioning 'Excess Deaths' is why Andrew Bridgen got sacked from Parliament - He wanted a Government Enquiry into 'Excess Deaths'. He was 'silenced'.

Because Big Pharma enjoy ZERO Culpability (LIABILITY) for vax and other medicine-related deaths, they cannot be held responsible. They cannot be sued. they have NO CULPABILITY! They cannot be questioned when they pretend their crap is "SAFE and EFFECTIVE".

Can anybody give me a rational explanation or reason why the pharmaceutical industry enjoys ZERO LIABILITY?

We hope you both have a great week-end.

Unjabbed Mick (UK). (We're unjabbed and will live longer as a consequence).

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The vaxxes caused my eosinophils to raise. My labwork before and after each showed the elevation and it never returned

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This was so predictable.

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The post mentions pandemic policies... And I'd guess that masking kids as part of that, played a role

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