The lack of provenance of these documents is already causing controversy. They are not useful until there is further data. ~ Ginger Breggin

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History over the past 4 years has borne out that the lab-leak is the most valid scenario. Whether this was a lucky guess or not remains to be seen but all signs (including the majority of intelligence agencies) all concur - it came from a lab

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I'm sure John Kerry is over joyed to see yet more evidence of 'misinformation'.

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Why would they deceive us??

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My tinfoil hat doesn’t look so crazy now…

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Yet another Conspiracy Theory proven accurate! we seem to get the majority of our crazy theories totally accurate!

So much for Disinformation and Misinformation. Why don't they just come right out and state that TRUTH IS BANNED, if governments and their Masters in the 'Elite's' New World Order say so!

On the topic of the UK NHS injecting kids without parental consent, it sound like the recent FDA ruling that Big Pharma has been let loose with freedom to jab and corruptly experiment on any child who is in any way part of the 'care system'. The minimum qualification is that they must at least be receiving FREE SCHOOL MEALS which makes them potential Lab Rats! Story from our Vax Hero 'S L' - last week.

And, no doubt, those experimenting with children will be doing so with ZERO CULPABILITY because those are the insane rules Big Pharma have negotiated. Evil people on a corrupted planet.

Unjabbed Mick (UK) Together we're be ready for the next Scamdemic and deadly injections they're preparing.

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It started at UNC Bioweapons Lab.


WASHINGTON, Aug. 19 (Xinhua) -- Results of scientific research and the related patent registration information have shown that Ralph Baric could be called as the first person who synthesized a coronavirus.


Baric, a 67-year-old professor of epidemiology and microbiology and immunology at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (UNC-Chapel Hill), has been exploring in the field of coronaviruses for more than 30 years and has his own lab.

He successfully created "an infectious clone of the urbani strain of the SARS coronavirus" by July 2003 at the U.S. "Army's top bio-level three labs in Maryland," according to an article published by UNC-Chapel Hill in 2003.

Baric's team had synthetically reconstructed the bat variant of the SARS coronavirus (CoV) that caused the SARS epidemic in 2003, according to a report published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS) in 2008.

Meanwhile, his team owns multiple patents concerning synthesized viruses, according to the related U.S. websites.

Baric co-owns a patent "Methods for Producing Recombinant Coronavirus", with Patent Number 7279327, according to justia.com. Enditem

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