How can you fail to credit Scott Presler for the push to register voters on PA? He even moved there to swing the state Republican.

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Not American but I watch and immerse myself in US politics like I am. I love seeing data confirming the swing from that cackling moron and her communist running mate to DJT and the MAGA movement. If America loses this election and re-elects the despicably evil, corrupt and criminal Democrats for another 4 years, America won't survive as 'she is' and the world will see tyranny spread across it like a veracious, toxic cancer.

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Some of us are trying to get Trump more votes in California but I have to admit I am still mad about “Warp Speed” - hiring Fraudchi, Brix and Alex Azar - he hired the deep state and pushed the poison. He also bows to his knees when Israel is concerned…damn shame.

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Mr Hart - thank you for taking this up; am in GA how do we find this kind of data in our own SOS datatbase? Can certainly do yandex search for terms you note but assume it may be hidden and take more skills than that. Can you please share any tips?

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