Wow! My late husband, Sean Gervasi was an economist, but he never finsihed his book because he worked for liberation movements in Africa, and died in Belgrade in 1996 trying to prevent what happened in Yugoslavia ( read: https://www.globalresearch.ca/why-is-nato-in-yugoslavia/21008)

But he studied economics at Oxford and Cambridge and Cormell. His theory about the economy was basically back to the primacy of commodities. The number of commodities produced under capitalism experienced periodic "depressions" because capital produced too many of them and because of the low wages of workers and the low prices farmers were paid for the commodities they produced, there came to an end for one wave of commodity production after another. ( vis: US "panics" of 1807, 1837, 1857, 1873,1893, 1913-14, 1930-40... and only the creation of the Military Industrial Complex has been promoting and profiting capital until now. . He predicted, in the 1960s-1970s that the monster wave of world commodity production would suffer the same ending, but in such a spectacular way it could not be re-started again. And this was before people had to borrow such large sums to buy houses, cars, and college educations. From this , there can be no revivication of capitalism. Add now to this the ending of US hegemony and the creation of BRICS, which is growing in number, an anti-imperialist necessity for people all over the world. Nations need to reclaim their natural resources and China and Russia are backing them up. And the future of US...and all other predatory nations...is bleak. What you have demonstrated here is the beginning of the end. I think the bourgeoisie knows it. Elections in the US will change nothing. The economy is about to have the Greatest Depression.

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I certainly agree with the assertion that elections will change nothing. They’re just theatre, there to give a thin veneer of legitimacy to the deep state, and have been hollow and meaningless for decades.

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We don't have capitalism in the US or the West or even globally. We have some Frankensteinian aberration of capitalism and government including its military. I read a definition of capitalism recently that went like this:

"Capitalism is a system in which a seller and a buyer come together and agree on a price, and then the seller and buyer exchange product or service for the agreed upon price. If the government is involved, it is NOT capitalism!"

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Read Capital.

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I don't understand your comment.

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The long one? It's about the upcoming depression, and how it has historical roots. The short one is...Karl Marx wrote a very long books, actually it has 3 volumes...But if you can get through Chapter 1 of 'Das Kapital "( in whatever lanuage you speak and read and write) you maybe can see how these things ( commoditiers) run our lives under capitalism, yet we make all things of value and the capitalists don't.

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And when was the last time you agreed on a price the capitalists set? That quote is the kind of nonsense you find in Google or economics books in the West -that makes people crazy and self-doubting. Labor Creates All Value( V) , and the capitalists take the profits, which Marx called, :Surplus value. "(S) .

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First, they are not capitalists per the definition, because we do not have capitalism. We have some aberration of capitalism that could be called corporate capitalism or monopoly capitalism or government capitalism. Second, every time you buy something, you agree on the price or you wouldn't buy it! If you don't agree on the price, you discuss with the seller and if they are not willing to change the price, then you don't buy.

Third, we're getting hung up on semantics. Marx correctly pointed out how capital uses its power to control government and control the workers. Which again creates a distortion of the basic principal of economics, forget the word "capitalism" and just say basic economics: Goods and service being exchanged per agreement on a price.

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This is why I totally agree with the Repulibcan plan to shut down all the 3 letter agencies at the Federal level. They are all corrupt or incompetent or both! We know FDA, CDC, and NIH are just marketing arms for Pharma. BLS has turned out to be a marketing arm for Biden and the Democrats (or maybe they are just too stupid to do their jobs). Every agency is corrupt, and controlled by the very industry it's supposed to be regulating. Shut them all down!

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Is this the same job data they will revise in October and again in November? It has always been fudged and manipulated with semi-complex nonsense that is pretty much meaningless. Unemployment only matters to a person who needs a job.

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“Some say that history or pizza itself”

I’ve never said that, but I know people who do, all the time.

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Scenario two has a better match for where the elections fall…

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